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Congressman John Larson was joined by supporters of his Consumer Oil Price Protection Act to show momentum for legislation that would take speculators out of the unregulated oil futures markets.

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Congressman Larson brings Congressman Robert (Bobby) Scott (VA-03), Chairman of the House Judiciary Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism and Homeland Security, to Hartford for a talk about youth violence.

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Congressman Larson meets with deckhands from Sierra Leone, Africa, Fredrica Gray, Board of Trustees of Amistad America, and William Kraus, Board Member of Amistad America, as part of Amistad America’s Atlantic Freedom Tour

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Congressman Larson speaks at the 22nd Annual State Capitol Martin Luther King Jr Ceremony.

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Congressman Larson presents local resident Tom Guzzo with a signed copy of legislation that he worked tireleslly to get enacted. The legislation guarantees that all U.S. Veterans are provided with a veteran's headstone and military marker.

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Congressman Larson discusses Congress' Economic Stimulus Legislation with Windsor residents at the Bart's Drive-in.

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Congressman Larson presents a federal grant to Our Piece of the Pie, a local organization dedicated to improving the lives of young people.

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Congressman Larson receives the Legislator of the Year Award from the National Volunteer Fire Council for his work on behalf of volunteer firefighters across the country.

Rep. John Larson: Enough!
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Congressman John Larson of Connecticut, Vice Chairman of the House Democratic Caucus, delivered the Democratic Radio Address this morning. In his address, Congressman Larson discusses energy legislation the New Direction Congress will bring forward to combat rising energy and gas prices and to ensure our energy independence. Larson explains, “for eight years, two oilmen in the White House have crafted this country’s energy policy…Barack Obama summed up our sentiment on this Bush-McCain policy, in one word: enough!”



Larson on Boeing Tanker Decision
hflr06180809500062297.jpg  The GAO announced that it was overturning the Air Force's decision to award a contract for the next generation of mid-air refueling tankers to Northrup Grumman and their overseas partners.  Here Congressman Larson speak about the decision on the floor of the House of Representatives.
Congressman Larson on Gas Prices
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schip_video.jpgClick here to listen to Congressman Larson Speaks on the House Floor in Support of Healthcare for Children
Mental Health Parity
mental_health_video.jpgClick here to listen to Congressman Larson speak on the Mental Health Parity
Connecticut Post: Pratt in Competition for Contract
Connecticut Post - Pratt in competition for contract

WASHINGTON — The Pentagon will reopen bidding on a disputed Air Force contract that had likely shut out Connecticut's Pratt & Whitney from providing engines to nearly 600 aerial-tankers over the next 30 years....
Bristol Press: Fire Dept. Gets U.S. Aid to Learn Equipment

Bristol Press: Fire Dept. gets U.S. aid to learn equipment

BRISTOL - The Bristol Fire Department has won a $24,320 grant from the Department of Homeland Security's Assistance to Firefighters Program...
Hartford Courant: Larson, DeLauro Vs. Oil

Hartford Courant: Larson, DeLauro Vs. Oil

By Jesse Hamilton

After a holiday recess in which most members of Congress mixed with their constituents back home, they returned with new eagerness to get something done about the spiking oil market that has driven gas prices to unprecedented heights...
The Talk Radio News Service: House Democratic Leadership holds news conference on the “New Direction Congress” and their agenda
Speaker Pelosi and House Democratic Leadership held a news conference this morning to discuss the agenda of the "new direction congress," as they call it.
Connecticut Post: House sends $290b farm bill to Senate
WASHINGTON - The House overwhelmingly approved a $290 billion farm bill Wednesday that offers more subsidies to farmers as well as a renewed commitment to food stamps and emergency food assistance programs.
Larson To Host Public Forum On State of the Economy


Date: Thursday, January 29th 2009

Time: 6:30pm-8:30pm

Location: Wilde Auditorium, Harry Jack Gray Center 

University of Hartford, 200 Bloomfield Ave, West Hartford, CT 

U.S. Congressman John B. Larson will gather the community for a thorough discussion of the state of the national economy and what the American Recovery and Reinvestment Plan can do to begin to fix it.

All are welcomed to share questions, concerns, ideas and comments with the Congressman and neighbors alike. The forum is open to the public and all are encouraged to attend. 

For more information or to RSVP, please contact Congressman Larson's District Office at 860-278-8888.

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