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Congressman Jackson held a Town Hall on Health Insurance Reform in Chicago at the Sheldon Heights Church of Christ.

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Congressman meets with Constituents of the 2nd Congressional District representing the National Letter Carriers Association on the Capitol Steps.

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Congressman Jackson talks with students at Beacon Hill Middle School in Chicago Heights

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Congressman Jackson takes questions from constituents at a town hall meeting held at Rainbow Beach on the "State of our…

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Congressman Jackson is shown saying the Pledge of Allegiance at the Abraham Lincoln Bicentennial event at the U.S. Capitol. Congressman…

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Credit Cardholders' Bill of Rights Act of 2009 
May 20, 2009
Congressman Jackson outside the House Floor before he votes for the Credit Cardholders' Bill of Rights Act of 2009- HR 627
The Voting Rights Act 
May 16, 2006

Guests: David Bositis, Senior Political Analyst, Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies; George Washington University Law Professor Spencer Overton, author, Stealing Democracy: The New Politics of Voter Suppression. Date recorded: May 16, 2006

Fighting Breast Cancer in Illinois 
May 2, 2006

Guests: Rosemarie Rogers, Y-ME Illinois Volunteer; Dorothy Warren, Y-ME Illinois Hotline Counselor; Ruth Brody, Executive Director of Y-ME Illinois. Date recorded: May 2, 2006

IL Primary Health Care Assoc. 
March 28, 2006

Guests: Kim Mitroka, Chair of the Illinois Primary Health Care Association (IPHCA) Board, CEO of the Christopher Rural Health Planning Corporation in Christopher, Illinois; Philippe Largent, IPHCA's Vice-president for Governmental Affairs. Date recorded: March 28, 2006

Fit and Fabulous! 
December 6, 2005

Guest: Darryl Haley, Ironman Triathlete, fitness trainer, former member of the New England Patriots, owner/operator of Villa Bella Vista Inn and Fitness Spa in Virginia. Date recorded: December 6, 2005

Should health care reform legislation include a federal government-run insurance coverage option?