Congressman Russ Carnahan

Congress Must Act Now to Stimulate American Economy

Congressman Russ Carnahan voted in favor of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act to create and save 3 to 4 million jobs over the next two years, get the economy moving again, and transform it for the long-term.

After the 2.6 million job loss just in the last year of President Bush’s watch, the need for action is urgent.

“Missouri is facing the highest unemployment rate in 25 years with 7.3% without jobs,” said Congressman Carnahan.

If action is not taken, each month 500,000 Americans will lose their jobs,” said Carnahan.
“Our nation cannot afford to lose jobs at this current rate without taking bold immediate action.”

In Missouri alone the American Recovery and Reinvestment plan will save or create 71,030 jobs, which will decrease the unemployment rate by 2.2 percent.

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Congressman Russ Carnahan