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Congressman Paul Hodes Re-Introduces Carpooling Tax Credit Legislation

“With gas prices beginning to rise as we approach Memorial Day, this tax credit could give New Hampshire commuters more incentives for carpooling which will help commuters save on gas costs, improve our environment and reduce our dependence on foreign oil that is hurting our economy and jeopardizing our national security."


Congressman Paul Hodes Signs onto Legislation Calling for an Exit Strategy in Afghanistan

"We cannot get caught in another war without end," Congressman Paul Hodes said. "I am a strong proponent of the Powell Doctrine that says we must always have an exit strategy in hand. Learning the lessons of Vietnam and Iraq means that we must have a viable exit strategy in hand so we don’t put our troops in another long-term quagmire."


Congressman Paul Hodes Encourages Granite Staters to Report Car Warranty Phone Scam to FTC

Granite Staters have always valued their privacy," Congressman Paul Hodes said. "I have received calls in my office about these scams and I think they are deplorable. I am pleased the FTC has begun an investigation into these companies and I would encourage Granite Staters to contact the FTC if they receive one of these phone calls."
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