Congressman David Dreier
Representing California's 26th Congressional District
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Dreier Votes To Protect Families From Predatory Lending
Congressman David Dreier voted yesterday to establish important mortgage lending standards that will help prevent predatory lending. Dreier supported H.R. 1728, the Mortgage Reform and Anti-Predatory Lending Act, which was approved by a vote of 300 - 114.

Dreier and Kerry Call For a U.S.-Georgia Free Trade Agreement
House Rules Committee Ranking Member David Dreier and Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman John Kerry (D-MA) introduced companion resolutions today urging the expansion of the trade relationship between the United States and the Republic of Georgia.  H. Res. 414 and S. Res. 136 express the sense of the House and Senate, respectively, that the U.S. should initiate negotiations to enter into a free trade agreement with Georgia.

Dreier Announces Congressional Art Contest Winners
Congressman David Dreier announced the winners of his Congressional Art Contest at a reception held at the Historic Walker House in San Dimas this past weekend.  The contest is part of a national art competition for high school students conducted by Members of the U.S. House of Representatives.

Statement of Ranking Member David Dreier on the Passing of Jack Kemp
"Jack Kemp encouraged me to run for Congress and encouraged me from the very beginning. The Jack F. Kemp prescription for economic growth was modeled after John F. Kennedy,  and is just what we need today. His life and his passing should inspire us to build on his vision and record of success. My thoughts and prayers are with Joanne and the entire Kemp family at this difficult time."

Dreier Promotes Financial Literacy, Savings Recovery
Congressman David Dreier expressed support today for a resolution calling for greater financial literacy education of all Americans in the wake of current economic challenges. He also called for passage of the Savings Recovery Act, which will help working families recoup recent losses and once again build up the savings and retirement accounts that are designed to provide for the future. Dreier voted for H.Res. 357, a resolution supporting the goals and ideals of Financial Literacy Month, which passed 419-3. He is also an original co-sponsor of H.R. 2021, the Savings Recovery Act.

Dreier Seeks to Strengthen Technology Resources for Trucking Industry
Congressman David Dreier has signed onto legislation that will incentivize the use of enhanced safety technology in the trucking industry and contacted two critical federal agencies asking for increased study of GPS navigation technology for trucks and better collection and dissemination of safety information to drivers. Dreier is an original co-sponsor of H.R. 2024, the Commercial Motor Vehicle Advanced Safety Technology Tax Act of 2009.

House Prepares to Welcome New Reagan Statue
Congressman David Dreier expressed his strong support today for a resolution that will allow the state of California to bring a statue of the 40th President of the United States, Ronald Reagan, to the U.S. Capitol. The resolution was unanimously approved by the House today. The statue is expected to arrive in the Capitol on June 3, 2009. Dreier said the challenges currently facing the American people are reminiscent of those that faced our country when President Reagan was elected in 1980.

Dreier Comments on Unemployment Numbers, Upcoming Job Fair
Congressman David Dreier commented today on the latest unemployment numbers and his upcoming job fair to help job seekers find opportunities in the challenging job market. The Road to Employment Job Fair will be held on Wednesday, April 8, 2009, from 9 a.m. – 1 p.m. at the Goldy Lewis Community Center, 11200 Baseline Road in Rancho Cucamonga.

Dreier Votes for Responsible Budget Alternative
Congressman David Dreier, Rules Committee Ranking Republican, voted last night for a responsible budget alternative that would help get our economy back on track by preventing tax increases on small businesses and working families and reining in out-of-control government spending. Dreier voted for the Republican alternative to the Democratic budget, which would raise taxes on families and job creators and allow the federal debt to double in five years and triple in ten. The alternative failed on a vote of 137-293, while the Democratic budget resolution was approved. 233-196.

Dreier Comments on La Cañada Flintridge Tragedy
Congressman David Dreier commented today on the La Cañada Flintridge tragedy in a letter to Mayor Laura Olhasso and pledged his support to the community and its efforts to prevent such a tragedy from occurring again.

Dreier-Supported Veterans Bills Pass House
Congressman David Dreier expressed strong support today for three bills designed to improve and expand veterans’ benefits that passed the House with unanimous support.  The bills will provide veterans with access to job placement and health care services, as well as improved disability compensation.    H.R. 1171, The Homeless Veterans Reintegration Program Reauthorization Act of 2009, H.R. 1377, to expand veteran eligibility for reimbursement, and H.R. 1513, the Veterans’ Compensation Cost-of-Living Adjustment Act of 2009, all passed the House today by voice vote.

Deadline for Youth Volunteer Award Approaching
Congressman David Dreier announced today that the deadline for his annual Youth Volunteer Award is rapidly approaching. The award is open to all high school students residing between the ages of 14 and 18 residing in Congressman Dreier’s district. Award winners will be honored at a ceremony later this spring. The deadline for complete applications is 5 p.m. on Friday, April 3, 2009.

Dreier Announces Job Fair Participants
Congressman David Dreier announced today the full list of expected participants at his Road to Employment Job Fair 2009.  The list includes companies and government agencies ranging from retail to finance to law enforcement.  Also participating this year will be many educational and training entities for those interested in furthering their education and pursuing a new career.  The Road to Employment Job Fair will be held on Wednesday, April 8, 2009, from 9 a.m. – 1 p.m. at the Goldy Lewis Community Center, 11200 Baseline Road in Rancho Cucamonga. 

Dreier Co-Authors Responsible Homeowners Act
Congressman David Dreier, Rules Committee Ranking Republican, helped unveil today a bill that will restore our housing market, promote responsible homeownership and help get our economy growing again. Dreier is an original co-sponsor of the Responsible Homeowners Act, the House Republican bill aimed a fostering a housing recovery. His proposal to offer a tax credit to responsible home-buyers who make a substantial down payment on their purchase is the centerpiece of the legislation.

Dreier Talks to Small Business Owners About Economic Challenges
Congressman David Dreier, Rules Committee Ranking Republican, participated today in a forum discussion with small business owners from across the country about the difficulties they are facing in the current economic climate and the challenges they see looking ahead. At the Forum on Small Business and Economic Recovery today, Congressman Dreier and others heard from small business men and women about how they are working hard to keep their businesses moving forward.

Dreier, Colleagues Denounce Effort to Bill Insurance Companies for Combat Injuries
Congressman David Dreier, Rules Committee Ranking Republican, joined a group of his colleagues today in signing a letter to President Obama that expresses deep concerns over a proposal that would bill veterans’ private insurance for their combat-related injuries, rather than the Veterans’ Administration (VA). Excerpts of the letter follow:

Dreier Seeks Accountability from Treasury on AIG Bonuses
Congressman David Dreier, Rules Committee Ranking Republican, is co-sponsoring a resolution of inquiry directing the Treasury Department to provide to Congress all relevant information regarding the pre-existing contracts that led to the payment of millions of dollars in bonuses for AIG executives, just days after Treasury released tens of billions of dollars in new taxpayer aid to the company. Congressman Dreier is urging the House to consider the resolution without delay. If passed, the Treasury Department would have fourteen days to respond.

Dreier Statement on Passing of Leonore Annenberg
"Lee Annenberg was an extraordinary person who lived every day with elegance, generosity and a dedication to improving the quality of life of her fellow man. Her death is a profound loss to all of us who were fortunate enough to know her. No two people have been more personally committed to education, public service and philanthropy than Lee and Walter Annenberg."


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Border Tunnel Prevention Act

In the press
Our View: Don't scrap SCAAP funds
March 6- San Gabriel Valley Tribune
Dreier legislation draws support
February 5- San Gabriel Valley Tribune/ Pasadena Star News
Tax incentives one way to boost sales
January 22- Inland Valley Daily Bulletin
Three bills would help get economy back on track
January 10- The Sun
Help for Main Street
December 16- Daily Breeze
Pave the way with practical solutions
December 13- Inland Valley Daily Bulletin
RADIO/T.V. Interviews
Congressman Dreier's floor statement honoring the life of Jack Kemp
May 6 , 2009
Congressman Dreier appeared on Fox News' "On the Record" to discuss the National Council for a New America.
May 4, 2009
Coverage of Congressman Dreier's Road to Employment Job Fair on KABC
April 8, 2009
Congressman Dreier's floor speech in supportof the success of the Mars Exploration Rover Missions
March 11, 2009
Congressman Dreier discusses the economy on Hardball
March 6, 2009
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