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Congressman Carson joins President Obama on Air Force One

Congressman Carson was invited to join President Obama as he flew to Elkhart, Indiana for his first town hall meeting on the state of our economy.  On Air Force One, Congressman Carson had an opportunity to discuss the Indianapolis economy with the President.

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Congressman Carson hosts green energy forum.

Congressman Carson hosts a forum to discuss green energy with Seventh District residents.

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Congressman Carson at Fiesta Indianapolis

Congressman Carson discusses education with Seventh District residents at the annual Fiesta Indianapolis.

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Congressman Carson announces Amtrak funding.

Congressman Carson joined Vice President Biden to announce funding from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act for the Amtrak facility in Beech Grove.

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Congressman Carson visits WWII cemetery.

Congressman Carson visited the North Africa Memorial Cemetery, where over 2,800 United States military personnel who were killed in WWII are laid to rest.

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Carson's Statement Regarding Two Indianapolis Based Service Members Killed in Iraq Shootings
May 12, 2009
Washington, D.C. – Today, Congressman André Carson issued the following statement on the death of five U.S. soldiers killed in a shooting yesterday at Camp Victory in Iraq. It was announced today that two of the soldiers involved were from the Indianapolis-based U.S. Army Reserve’s 55th Medical Company.
“I was deeply saddened today to learn that two of the five brave American soldiers killed in the horrific tragedy that took place yesterday in Iraq were from the Indianapolis-based U.S. Army Reserve’s 55th Medical Company.
“My heartfelt condolences and prayers go out to the family and friends of the five heroes who lost their lives while serving this great nation. The loss of any of our courageous men or women who wear the uniform sends a shockwave of grief felt by an entire community, state and nation; and the troubling circumstances of yesterday certainly make this tremendous loss all the more heartbreaking and tragic.
“I share President Obama’s call to swiftly understand the events that led to this terrible incident, and I pledge to join the president in doing all we can to further protect our soldiers, both home and abroad.”          
Carson Supports Mortgage Reform Legislation
May 7, 2009
Washington, D.C. – Today, Congressman Carson issued the following statement after the House voted to pass H.R. 1728, the Mortgage Reform and Anti-Predatory Lending Act of 2009.  This important legislation, which Congressman Carson helped co-author, aims to keep Americans in their homes by cracking down on predatory and abusive lending practices, holding creditors responsible for the loans they originate, and protecting tenants who rent homes that go into foreclosure.
Congressman Carson successfully introduced an amendment to this legislation that will fund the distribution of information about foreclosure rescue scams through targeted mailings to those living in areas with high densities of foreclosures.
“Last year, Marion County’s housing crisis deepened to such an extent that it was one of just 34 counties in the United States that accounted for more than half of our nation’s foreclosures.  As mortgage foreclosure rates climb to their highest levels in nearly three decades, we are beginning to better understand the deceptive and abusive practices used by lenders to lure potential homebuyers into unmanageable and unreasonable loans. 
“For too long, irresponsible lenders have taken advantage of Americans who only hope to fulfill the dream of homeownership.  This afternoon, I was proud to join my House colleagues in voting to pass the Mortgage Reform and Anti-Predatory Lending Act.  This bill protects millions of prospective homeowners by finally obligating mortgage lenders to follow a common sense lending standard—that borrowers are only sold loans they can repay.
“In a recent town hall meeting in Indianapolis, I heard from at-risk homeowners who had become inundated with misleading advertisements and door-to-door solicitations from dishonest foreclosure rescue schemes.  To ensure that these and other at-risk homeowners receive straightforward information, I was able to introduce an amendment that will distribute warnings about these fraudulent schemes and information about federal counseling services.
“I believe the consumer protections and educational outreach laid out in this bill provide critical protections to millions of American homeowners.  Once passed by the Senate and signed into law, I look forward to working with residents and community leaders to put this bill into action, lifting up our neighborhoods, stabilizing our housing market and preventing families from seeing the dream of homeownership slip away.”
Carson: Seniors, Veterans to Get Boost with $250 Payment Hitting Mailboxes this Month

May 6, 2009


Indianapolis - Beginning this week, the U.S. Treasury will begin mailing $250 economic recovery checks to Social Security and Supplemental Security Income beneficiaries in Indiana, Congressman André Carson announced today.


The one-time payments are part of the landmark American Recovery and Reinvestment Act passed by Congress in February and signed into law by President Barack Obama.

“These payments will quickly infuse another $13 billion into our economy, and at the same time, provide much needed relief to seniors, disabled veterans and SSI recipients who are struggling to make ends meet,” said Congressman Carson.


More than 100,000 residents in the Seventh District stand to benefit from the one-time payments, which will inject more than $26.7 million into the Indianapolis economy.


Payments to Social Security and SSI recipients will be distributed in batches beginning this week and will continue being mailed out over the next several weeks. The payments will arrive in the form of an extra Social Security check or automatic deposit depending on how individuals typically receive their benefits.


In addition to the economic recovery payments being made to Social Security and SSI recipients, the Recovery Act also provides payments to disabled veterans and Railroad Retirement recipients.  The $250 payments to Railroad Retirement recipients are scheduled to go out in late May and the payments to disabled veterans will be mailed in June. In total, more than 50 million Americans will get the one-time payment.


Congressman Carson noted that eligible individuals don’t have to apply or do anything to receive the payment. “If you are a recipient under one of these programs, you’ll automatically receive the $250 payment.”


If someone regularly receives benefits from two or more programs – such as Social Security and Railroad Retirement, or disabled veterans’ benefits and SSI – he or she will receive one $250 payment.


Individuals who qualify for the economic recovery payments and have not received their $250 check by the end of June should call Congressman Carson’s office for assistance at (317) 283-6516.

For more information, please visit



Carson Statement Celebrating Cinco de Mayo
May 5, 2009
Washington, D.C. – Today, Congressman André Carson issued the following statement in celebration of Cinco de Mayo, a day marking the historic triumph of the Mexican people over the French Army in the battle of Puebla in 1862.
“Each May 5th, we celebrate the significant contributions of countless Mexicans and Mexican-Americans who have strengthened our economy and enriched our culture.  These contributions persist today, as our city’s growing Latino community continues to work towards the enhancement of our neighborhoods and the improvement of our schools, businesses and local government.  I am proud to represent these hardworking Hoosiers in the U.S. House of Representatives.
“Hispanics share with other Americans the common goals of freedom, opportunity, and a chance to build a better life. Today, we say thank you to the Hispanic community for their role in making our economy stronger and our culture more vibrant; and I pledge to always keep the dreams and contributions of Hispanics in mind while serving the Seventh District of Indiana.”
House Passes Credit Cardholders Bill of Rights
April 30, 2009
Washington, D.C. – Today, Congressman André Carson released the following statement after he joined a majority of his House colleagues in supporting H.R. 627, the Credit Cardholders Bill of Rights, legislation intended to protect consumers from excessive usage fees, unexpected interest rate hikes, and other deceptive practices:   
“Most working families manage their finances responsibly, paying their bills on time and incur manageable debt only when it is absolutely necessary.  Therefore, it is completely unacceptable that these responsible consumers fall into financial hardship and insurmountable debt because of the capricious practices of credit card companies.
“H.R. 627 will prevent rate increases to credit card consumers who are less than 30 days late on their payments and require consumers to receive 45 days notice for all rate increases and contract changes.  Furthermore, this consumer-friendly bill ends penalties for consumers who pay their statements on time.
“In this difficult economic climate, as the costs of health care, transportation and other basic needs skyrocket, millions of responsible Americans now rely on credit cards to help them augment their living expenses.  This legislation will protect these Americans by seeking to ensure that possession of a credit card is no longer automatically tantamount with indefinite confinement to long-term and uncontrollable financial debt.”        
Floor Statement on DTV Extension Legislation - February 4, 2009

Mr. Speaker, I rise in strong support of this legislation and extending the DTV deadline.

As a father, I try and limit how much television my daughter watches.  However, that does not mean I want to completely deny her access to this informative medium. 

But that’s exactly what the minority would have us do here today.  They would have us deny television access to millions of Americans.  Americans who rely on TV not only for their entertainment but for their safety.

Mr. Speaker, two major winter storms have passed through my district in the last two weeks.  And thousands of people stayed off the icy roads during these storms because of the winter advisory alerts that went out on our local TV affiliates in Indianapolis.  By having access to these alerts, thousands of my constituents were able to remain safe.

So I would implore the minority not to politicize this issue.  This is a serious issue that demands we act swiftly and responsibly.  I encourage my colleagues to support this legislation and I yield back the balance of my time.
Floor Statement on SCHIP - January 14, 2009

Madam Speaker, I rise today on behalf of the thousands of uninsured children in Indianapolis, Indiana.

In this recession, many of my constituents can no longer afford the skyrocketing cost of health care.  Without checkups or medication for their children, they sit powerless.

So, I implore those who oppose this bill to think of the uninsured children in their congressional districts.  Should they be made to suffer from rising health care costs and an unstable job market?  And should your constituents suffer because their children hang between Medicaid and private insurance?  The answer to both of these questions should be an unwavering no.

There are few opportunities in this body where the right decision is so obvious.  Support our children by voting yes on SCHIP!

Thank you Madam Speaker and I yield back the balance of my time.
Floor Statement on HEARTH- October 2, 2008


Mr. Speaker, I come to the Floor today in support of H.R. 7221.  I also come to the Floor today to honor my late Grandmother, Congresswoman Julia Carson. 

My Grandmother was a huge proponent of increasing homeless assistance to displaced families.  Last year, she introduced the Homeless Emergency and Rapid Transition to Housing Act.  She introduced this bill for children and families in need of assistance. 

This bill sought to implement more effective strategies for preventing homelessness and increasing emergency housing assistance for families in need.

This bill before us today reflects a compromise between my grandmother’s legislation and the Senate legislation.  While I wish we could have gone farther in expanding the definition of homeless, this bill will provide critical assistance to families and children neglected by current law.

I urge support for H.R. 7221 and commend Congresswoman Waters, Congresswoman Moore, Congressman Davis, Congresswoman Biggert and their staffs for their hard work on this bill. 

Thank you Mr. Speaker and I yield back the balance of my time.

Floor Statement on September 11 Anniversary - September 11, 2008
Mr. CARSON of Indiana. Madam Speaker, I come to the floor today with a heavy heart as we remember and pay our respects to those brave Americans we lost in the September 11 terrorist attacks.
But Madam Speaker, I also come to the floor today with a feeling of resilience and determination, a resilience and determination that says we must remain vigilant in dismantling those terrorist networks intent on doing us harm; a resilience and determination that mandates that we give our intelligence agencies the resources they need to neutralize these rogue organizations that target our citizens and threaten the security of our homeland.
Having served as a police officer and a supervising watch officer with the Intelligence at the Indiana Department of Homeland Security, I know firsthand about the security threats facing our Nation. And in order to successfully combat these threats, it is going to take a sustained and concerted effort from all of us. Therefore, it is my hope that we use this anniversary, Madam Speaker, as an opportunity to remember our fallen brethren, but also to reaffirm our commitment to protecting our citizens and our homeland. Fusion Center
Floor Statement on Foreclosure Prevention Act - July 23, 2008

Mister Speaker, I rise in strong support of the Foreclosure Prevention Act.  This comprehensive reform package will help working families keep their homes and avert foreclosure.
H.R. 3221 is especially important to the people in my home state of Indiana.  Hoosiers have had to endure many hardships throughout this housing crisis.  Indiana, at one point, led the nation in foreclosures and currently ranks ninth. 
I am particularly pleased that this bill provides assistance to cities to rehabilitate vacant, foreclosed homes.  In my neighborhood alone, there are over 60 vacant and boarded homes.
As a former law enforcement officer, I know these vacancies can lead to violence and theft in our neighborhoods.  We need the resources provided in this housing measure so that our communities can be revitalized and our neighborhoods stabilized.
I want to thank Chairman Frank for his work on this bill and I yield back the balance of my time.
Congressman Carson on DTV Delay

Congressman Carson on DTV Delay - February 4, 2009

Congressman Carson on SCHIP

Congressman Carson on SCHIP - January 14, 2009

Congressman Carson on HEARTH

Congressman Carson on HEARTH- October 2, 2008

Congressman Carson on TARP

Congressman Carson on TARP - September 24, 2008

Congressman Carson on Green Jobs

Congressman Carson on Green Jobs - September 13, 2009


H1N1 "Swine" Flu Outbreak
Over the last few weeks, an outbreak of H1N1 influenza (also known as swine flu) originating in Mexico has spread to the United States and several other countries around the world. The Center for Disease Control (CDC) has reported a number of confirmed cases across the United States, including in Indiana. Fortunately, nearly all of these have been quickly and successfully treated.
At this point, information about the origin, nature and treatment of ...
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