Georgia DroughtWatch

Picture of a boat ramp closed because drought has lowered the level of a lake. Photo by Alan Hope

Lowest Streamflows in More Than 60 Years for Some Georgia Rivers as Drought Worsens

River Monitoring Stations with Extreme Low Flow in August 2007

Map of Georgia showing August drought conditions at USGS monitoring sites.

August saw new record low daily streamflows at 13 stations with 20 or more years of record in Georgia. This was the lowest daily streamflow in 110 years at Oconee River at Dublin; 69 years at Conasauga River at Tilton in northwest Georgia; 67 years at Coosawattee River near Ellijay; and 56 years at Coosa River near Rome. In addition to these record low-flows, many streams across Georgia dropped below extreme low flow thresholds. River levels were below the minimum week-long flow expected to occur only once every 10 years at 58 monitoring stations with 20 or more years of record.

Read the press release. Read the press release

Comparison of 2007 Streamflows to Historic Median and Minimum Daily Mean Streamflows

These hydrographs illustrate minimum, median, and 2007 daily mean streamflow for selected stations. The minimum streamflow hydrograph represents the minumum value observed for that date for the entire period of record. The median streamflow hydrograph represents the median (middle value) of all the daily mean streamflows for that date for the entire period of record. The red line on each hydrograph represents the daily mean streamflow for 2007 through August 29th.

Map of Georgia showing hydrographs  comparing streamflows at six water-monitoring sites.

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Page Last Modified: Friday, 31-Aug-2007 14:15:01 EDT