BUYUSA.GOV -- U.S. Commercial Service

India Local time: 07:08 AM

Business Information Center (BIC)

Business Information Center

Seven BICs co-located at U.S. Commercial Service India offices contain a variety of reference resources, including directories, business guides, trade journals, periodicals, company and product catalogs, and videotapes.  BIC's also offer access to various U.S. Department of Commerce databases that provide profiles on, and facilitate contact with U.S. firms, chambers of commerce, and associations.  

Utilizing our network of 107 offices accross the United States, our BICs can quickly help post your business needs online and help you locate U.S. suppliers of products and services

The objective of the Business Information Centers are to provide the most efficient means for obtaining and delivering high quality market information and contacts to Indian importers of U.S. products and services.

Program Manager: For more information, contact Jagdish Raj.