United States Senate
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United States Senate
Virtual Reference Desk
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Senate Organization
Constitution of the United States



The Constitution prescribes that the Senate be composed of two Senators from each State (therefore, the Senate currently has 100 Members) and that a Senator must be at least thirty years of age, have been a citizen of the United States for nine years, and, when elected, be a resident of the State from which he or she is chosen. A Senator's term of office is six years and approximately one-third of the total membership of the Senate is elected every two years.


Contacting Your Senator

How to . . . Contact Your Senator

Senators' Home Pages and E-Mail Addresses

Biographies and Congressional Profiles

Look up brief biographies of Senators from 1774 to the present in the Biographical Directory of the United States Congress. You can find out other facts about Senators past and present and get an overview of the members of Congress using these links.

Biographies of Selected Senators written by the Senate Historical Office

Read the Biographical Directory of the U.S. Congress, 1774-2005 (pdf)

Membership of the 111th Congress (pdf)

Membership of the 110th Congress (pdf)

Colleges and Universities Attended by Senators of the 109th Congress (pdf)

Colleges and Universities Attended by Senators of the 108th Congress (pdf)

Senate Spouses

Internal Organization of the Senate

Constitutional Qualifications for U.S. Senators

The Term of Senator:  When Does It Begin and End? (pdf)

Senate Oath of Office

The Seniority System:  FAQ from C-SPAN

Senate Reform Commission, July 29, 1975

Appointments, Elections, and Political Parties

Appointed Senators, 1913-

Senators Who Have Changed Parties, 1890-

Party Division in the Senate, 1789-

Salary and Benefits

Terms and Salaries, June 26, 1787

Salary Storm, March 19, 1816

Senate Salaries Since 1789

Salaries of Members of Congress:  A List of Payable Rates and Effective Dates, 1789-2008  (pdf)

Legislative, Executive, and Judicial Officials: Current Salaries (pdf)

Retirement Benefits for Members of Congress  (pdf)

Bibliography on Books by Sitting Senators

Former Senators

Association of Former Members of Congress Web Page

Living Former Senators, Alphabetically

Living Former Senators, by State

Senators Who Have Died since 1971

Related Items

Interested in related materials? Take a look at these Virtual Reference Desk subjects and other links for more information.






Minorities in the Senate

Senators and Their States


Women in the Senate