
Ford Administration Transition Interviews

These interviews discuss the organization of White House staff during the Gerald R. Ford administration.  They also discuss the transition from the Richard M. Nixon administration to the Ford administration and the transition from the Ford administration to the Jimmy Carter administration.

(All documents are in PDF format )

Courtesy of Ford Presidential Library and Museum, http://www.fordlibrary.gov/Robert T. Hartmann (1917 - 2008)
Counselor to the President; Director, White House Editorial and Speechwriting Staff; Liaison between the executive office and Republican Party organizations, Ford Administration (1974-1977).

Courtesy of Ford Presidential Library and Museum, http://www.fordlibrary.gov/Margita White (1937 - 2002)
Assistant to Herbert G. Klein, Director of the White House Office of Communications, 1969-1973; Assistant Director for Public Information, United States Information Agency, 1973-1975, Nixon Administration. Director of the Office of Communications and Assistant Press Secretary to President Ford, 1975; Commissioner, Federal Communications Commission, 1976; Ford Administration.

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