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Digital Spatial Data Sets for Florida
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Data Set Name Description Files
Everglades Depth Estimation Network (EDEN) Digital Ground Elevation Model Ground elevation data for the greater Everglades and the digital ground elevation models (DEM) derived from them form the foundation for all EDEN water depth and associated ecological/hydrologic modeling.

This DEM was produced using the version HAED_v01 of the HAED, all available aerial height finder (AHF) data points posted to the SOFIA website as of October 2007.

Please note: The grid used to break up the EDEN area into equal-sized rectangles ("cells") is at a 400m by 400m resolution. While previous releases of the EDEN DEM were produced at a resolution of 60m by 60m to facillitate satellite-based research, this DEM was produced at 400m by 400m resolution and positioned to match the spatial referencing of the EDEN grid.
Everglades Depth Estimation Network (EDEN) Water Surfaces Spatially continuous interpolation of water surface across the greater Everglades is generated for daily median values of the water level gages for the EDEN network beginning January 1, 2000. Surfaces are recorded as elevation in centimeters relative to North American Vertical Datum of 1988 (NAVD 88). NetCDF
High Accuracy Elevation Data High accuracy elevation data files are available in the same 7.5- by 7.5-minute coverages as USGS quadrangles. The elevation data is collected on a 400 by 400 meter grid. Data
Bathymetry of Florida Bay, 1890 Trackline data from Open File Report 00-347 Data (raw trackline data - not yet in GIS format)
Bathymetry of Florida Bay, 1990, OFR 00-347 Trackline data from Open File Report 00-347 Data (raw trackline data - not yet in GIS format)
Florida Bay Benchmark Sites, 1990, OFR 00-347 Benchmark data includes thirteen new temporary ground-control points or benchmarks (surveyed to within 1 cm to 2 cm accuracy) established throughout Florida Bay, for use as reference receiver sites. Data (raw data - not yet in GIS format)
Soils Maps for Collier County The data sets consist of two files, an ARC/INFO shape file with associated files and an ARC/INFO export file, of a composite of soil maps for Collier County, Florida issued by the Soil Conservation Service in March, 1954. The data is at 1:40,000 scale. Data
Soils Maps for Miami-Dade County The data sets consist of two files, an ARC/INFO shape file with associated files and an export file, of a composite of soil maps for Miami-Dade County, Florida issued by the Soil Conservation Service in April, 1958. The data is at 1:40,000 scale. Data
1948 Soils Map A vector digitized version of 1948 Soils Map Data
Historical Aerial Photography for the Greater Everglades of South Florida: The 1940, 1:40,000 Photoset The historic aerial photographs of the Everglades show conditions of land cover change at intervals throughout the 20th century. As each photograph in the set was cataloged in the archives database, information about its identity, content and condition were recorded along with general data, when available, about the camera and flight. Mosaics of the scanned imagery were also scanned, when available, or constructed if necessary. These mosaics were georeferenced and used to develop shapefiles of flight lines and to calculate approximate center points of the photographs (xy coordinates). The center point coordinates were added as attributes to the archive database. A database query provided a table that was converted to a shapefile of center point coordinates and photograph attributes Data
Impact of Anthropogenic Development on Coastal Ground-Water Hydrology in Southeastern Florida, 1900-2000 Zip files contain all of the ARC/INFO data layers used to create all of the illustrations within Circular 1275, "Impact of Anthropogenic Development on Coastal Ground-Water Hydrology in Southeastern Florida, 1900-2000." All files are ARC/INFO 1:1000,000 scale coverages. Contents include Ag-Landuse/Agricultural Landuse, Base Coverages for Study Area, Canals, Potentiometric, Saltwater-Intrusion, and Wateruse. Data
Metadata (see individual zip data files)
ATLSS Vegetation Succession Model Data from the Across Trophic Level System Simulation (ATLSS) Vegetation Succession Model (VSMod), Data
Elevation Contours of Lake Okeechobee - 2001 Elevation contour maps (including raw data) of Lake Okeechobee. Data (raw data - not yet in GIS format)
Salinity Maps for Florida Bay Surface salinity maps for Florida Bay. Data (raw data files - not yet in GIS format)
Florida Bay Bottom Types The maps show the bottom types for Florida Bay that resulted from site surveys and boat transects (summer 1996-January 1997) compared with aerial photographs (December 1994-January 1995) and SPOT satellite imagery (1987). Data
South Florida Satellite Image Maps These maps are composite images of spectral bands 3 (630-690 nanometers, red), 4 (775-900 nanometers,near-infrared), and 5 (1,550-1750 nanometers, middle-infrared) and the new panchromatic band (520-900, green to near-infrared) acquired by the Landsat 7 enhanced thematic mapper (ETM) sensor on February 05, 2000. Data: Northern Section, Southern Section
Metadata: Northern Section, Southern Section
Vegetation Map for Southern Inland and Coastal Systems (SICS) Area Twenty land-cover classes, derived from 1997 Landsat Thematic Mapper imagery, were subsequently combined into seven vegetation classes and one water class using field information on vegetative composition and structure as well as extensive ground-truth observations in order to develop the vegetative map. The seven vegetation classes are: sawgrass, sawgrass/bunchgrass, sawgrass/rush, rush/other, evergreen, mangrove/Buttonwood, and mangrove/water. Data
Data Layers Created from USGS Reports: Biscayne Surficial
Data Set Name Description Files
Hydrogeologic unit depth information sites in Broward County and northern Dade County, 1992 From WRIR 92-4061, figure 3.4.3-1 Data and metadata
Approximate Western and Northern Limit of the Biscayne Aquifer in Broward County From WRIR 87-4034, figure 37 Data and metadata
Generalized Configuration of the Base of the Biscayne Aquifer in Broward County From WRIR 87-4034, figure 37 Data and metadata
Generalized Configuration of the Base of the Surficial Aquifer System in Broward County From WRIR 87-4034, figure 35 Data and metadata
Generalized Configuration of the Base of the Gray Limestone Aquifer in Broward County From WRIR 87-4034, figure 36 Data and metadata
Generalized Configuration of the Top of the Gray Limestone Aquifer in Broward County From WRIR 87-4034, figure 36 Data and metadata
Approximate Eastern Limit of the Gray Limestone Aquifer in Broward County From WRIR 87-4034, figure 36 Data and metadata
Test wells used in the study Surface-Geophysical Characterization of Ground-Water Systems of the Caloosahatchee River Basin, Southern Florida, 2001 From WRIR 01-4084, figure 1 Data and metadata
Altitude of the base of the surficial aquifer system in eastern Palm Beach, Martin, and St. Lucie counties, Florida, 1980 From WRIR 99-4214 Data and metadata
Approximate Western Limit of the Biscayne Aquifer in Dade County From WRIR 90-4108, figure 16 Data and metadata
Configuration of the Base of the Biscayne Aquifer in Dade County From WRIR 90-4108, figure 16 Data and metadata
Configuration of the Base of the Gray Limestone Aquifer in Dade County From WRIR 90-4108, figure 15 Data and metadata
Configuration of the Base of the Surficial Aquifer System in Dade County From WRIR 90-4108, figure 13 Data and metadata
Configuration of the Top of the Gray Limestone Aquifer in Dade County From WRIR 90-4108, figure 14 Data and metadata
Approximate Eastern Limit of the Gray Limestone Aquifer in Dade County From WRIR 90-4108, figure 14 Data and metadata
Altitude of the top of the upper confining unit of the gray limestone aquifer, southern Florida, 1998 From WRIR 99-4213, figure 21 Data and metadata
Altitude of the base of the gray limestone aquifer, southern Florida, 1998 From WRIR 99-4213, figure 15 Data and metadata
Altitude of the top of the gray limestone aquifer, southern Florida 1998 From WRIR 99-4213, figure 14 Data and metadata
Extent of gray limestone aquifer (interpreted to be unconfined), southwestern Florida, 1998 From WRIR 99-4213, figure 29 Data and metadata
Postulated Fault in the Gray Limestone Aquifer, Collier county, Florida From WRIR 99-4213, figure 15 Data and metadata
Limit of the Upper Confining Unit of the Gray Limestone Aquifer, Southwestern Florida, 1998 From WRIR 99-4213, figure 21 Data and metadata
Thickness of the upper confining unit of the gray limestone aquifer, southern Florida, 1998 From WRIR 99-4213, figure 22 Data and metadata
Thickness of the Gray Limestone Aquifer, Southern Florida, 1998 From WRIR 99-4213 figure 16 Data and metadata
Traces of hydrogeologic section A-A', A-A'', B-B'' and C-C' in the study area, 1998, southern Florida From WRIR 99-4213, figure 9 Data and metadata
Limit of Gray Limestone Aquifer, Southeastern Florida, 1998 From WRIR 99-4213 Data and metadata

Additional metadata records can be found on the SOFIA Metadata page. Additional data sets are available on the SOFIA Data Exchange site.