Maritime Services

Line Symbol Effective
Description Tariff
2190.0000   1/10/01


      The following rates, that apply to small vessels include training service and inspection charges as well as the issuance of the operation permits and the licenses required by the regulations for small vessels of up to 65 feet in length.  
      Operator’s license for non-commercial vessels : The non-commercial vessels’ operators shall obtain a ACP operation’s license, which shall be renewed every five (5) years. To get this license, the operator shall approve a written examination administered by Board of Local Inspectors (MRXI). If the operator fails the written examination, he shall then take a basic orientation and training course to operate in Canal’s waters, administered by the Maritime Training and Development Section (HRTM), before retaking the written examination. The following rates apply:  
      Written test and license issuance , minimum participation of four operators. Rate per operator --- $ 15.00

Basic orientation course and training, eight hours. Requires a minimum participation of eight operators.

Rate per operator …
$ 115.00
      Operator’s license for commercial vessel : Commercial vessel operators shall obtain a PCA operation permit, which shall be renewed every five (5) years. To obtain the operation permit, the operator shall chose one of the three options listed below:  

Option A, for operators with a high-degree of expertise and knowledge on Canal navigation. It includes a practical evaluation, written examination, and permit issuance. Rate per operator…

$ 500.00
  HRTM 05/26/03

Annual tariff with a minimum of two simultaneous, practical evaluations and the commitment by the applying company that permits will be renewed annually during the following four years. These permits will be valid for each operator only while working for the applying company…

$ 125.00

Option B, for operators with an intermediate-level of expertise and knowledge on Canal navigation. Rate includes practical evaluation, advanced course, written examination, and permit issuance. Rate per operator…

$ 1,000.00

Option C, for operators with limited expertise and knowledge on Canal navigation. Includes complete course, practical evaluation, written examination, and permit issuance. Rate per operator ....

$ 1,500.00
      To operate, commercial vessels shall be registered at the ACP on an annual basis. For the registry process: (1) the owner of the vessel shall certify that the vessel is insured against third party damages; (2) the vessel shall pass a physical inspection by Marine Safety Branch (ESSM); and (3) the routes to be used by the vessel shall be submitted to the Transit Operations Division (MRT for its approval. The following rates shall apply:  
      Physical Inspection of vessels up to 25 feet in length, annual fee… $ 300.00
      Physical inspection of vessels of more than 25 feet in length, and up to 65 feet in length, annual fee… $ 500.00
      Route Approval, annual fee --- $ 150.00
      Monitoring Operations, annual fee --- $ 1,000.00
2190.2000 MRR 2/Dec/03

Rental of the Atlas training vessel:

The vessel has a maximum capacity of 144 passengers and may be rented for sightseeing and corporate tours.

Prices include only the use of the vessel and its crew for specific routes
2190.2010     Price per trip (six hours, without lockage)............. $ 3,250.00
2190.2020     Price per trip (six hours, with lockage).................. $ 4,200.00
2190.2030     Additional hour or fraction .................................... $ 500.00
      The following table shows the different approved routes and their corresponding prices.  
Possible Routes Duration in Hours Prices
Diablo – Mooring – Diablo
Diablo – Taboga – Diablo
Diablo – Otoque – Diablo
Diablo – Boná – Diablo
Diablo – Contadora - Diablo
Diablo – Lago Miraflores – Diablo
Diablo – Gamboa – Diablo
Diablo – Gaillard Cut – Diablo
Diablo – Gamboa
Diablo – Davis
      Note: Trip duration includes vessel preparation time, and embarkation and debarkation time.