David T. Soong

Ph.D. in Water Resources Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL 61801, 1986

M.S. in Water Resources Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL 61801, 1980

B.S. in Hydraulic Engineering, Feng-Chia College, Taiwan, 1975


For more than 15 years in practice he has focused his research on river environment with emphasis on effects from natural and man-made changes. His specialized areas include hydraulic and hydrologic analyses, flow and sediment routing, erosion and sedimentation, environmental impact assessment and restoration issues.



·        Soong. 2000. Independent Technical Review on one technical report for the Navigation Feasibility Study. Funded by: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers - Rock Island

·        Soong. 2000. Modeling the Lower Illinois River System for Flood Protection Management. Funded by: Illinois Department of Natural Resources, Division of Water Resources

·        Soong and Yen. 1999-2000. Joint Workshop on Sediment Transport and Sediment Induced Disasters. Funded by: National Science Foundation

·        Soong and Roadcap. 1998-2000. Management Strategies for Riparian Wells in Illinois. Funded by: Illinois Groundwater Consortium, Southern Illinois State University

·        Soong. 1999. Independent Technical Review on two technical reports for the Navigation Feasibility Study. Funded by: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers - Rock Island

·        Soong 1998-2000. Evaluating the Flood Mitigation Effects of Forested Riparian Filter Strips, a Method to Estimate the Flow Resistance for Channel Reaches on the Embarras River near Villa Grove. Funded by: Illinois Department of Natural Resources, Conservation 2000 Program

·        Soong and Borah. 1996-1997. Water Resources Evaluation for the City of Springfield - Lake Water Quality Evaluation Component. Funded by: the City of Springfield, IL

·        Ray, Soong, Borah, and Roadcap. 1995-1997. Flood Induced Loading of Agricultural Chemicals to Public Water Supply Wells in Selected Reaches of the Illinois River. Funded by: the Illinois Groundwater Consortium, Southern Illinois State University - Carbondale

·        Bhowmik and Soong. 1995-1997. Bank Erosion Study of the Illinois and Mississippi River System. Funded by: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Rock Island District

·        Soong, 1994. Impacts of the 1993 Flood on the Water and Sediment Quality of the Illinois and Mississippi River. Funded by: the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency

·        Soong, 1994-1995. Hydraulic and Sediment Investigation for Panther Slough, Sangnois Conservation Area. Funded by: the Illinois Department of Conservation

·        Soong, Xia, and Yen. 1993-1995. Determining Manning's roughness coefficients under changing river stages -- with a case study for the Illinois River. Funded by: the Water Resources Center at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

·        Bhowmik and Soong. 1989-1997. Physical effects of barge traffic on the Upper Mississippi River System—Data Collection and Analysis. Funded by: the Environmental Management Technical Center, U.S.G.S.






Journal Articles

Soong, T.W. 2000. Workshop Report: The First Sino-U.S. Joint Workshop on Sediment Transport and Sediment Induced Disasters, March 15-17, 1999; Beijing, China. Journal of the International Water Resources Association, 25(1):162-165.

Soong, T.W. and W.H. Ettinger. 2000. After the 1993 Flood: A Water and Surficial Sediment Quality Scenario on the Illinois and Upper Mississippi Rivers. Journal of the American Water Resources Association: 36(1): 105-121.

Soong, T.W. 1999. Fine Sediments of the Upper Mississippi and Illinois Rivers and Their Associated Disaster Consequences. International Journal of the Sediment Research. Special Issue on Sediment Transport and Disaster. Proceedings of the Sino-US Workshop on Sediment Transport and Disasters, 15-17 March 1999, Beijing, China. 14(2):171-178.

Borah, D.K., H.V. Knapp, R.K. Raman, S.D. Lin, and T.W.D. Soong. 1999. HEC-5Q Model Applied to a Lake System for Water Quality Evaluations. Water International, International Water Resources Association, 24(3):240-247.

Ray, C., Soong, T.W., Borah, D.K., and G.S. Roadcap. 1998. Flood Induced Loading of Agricultural Chemicals to Public Water Supply Wells in Selected Reaches of the Illinois River. American Water Work Association. July:90-100.

Bhowmik, N.G., Xia, R., Mazumder, B.J., and T.W. Soong. 1995. Distribution of Turbulent Velocity Fluctuations in a Natural Channel. Journal of Hydraulic Research. Vol. 33, 1995, No.5

Bhowmik, N.G., Xia, R.J., Mazumder, B.S., and T.W. Soong. 1995. Return Flow in Rivers Due to Navigation Traffic. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, Vol. 121, No. 12, Dec, 1993. ASCE:914-918.

Soong, T.W. and Y. Zhao. 1994. The Flood and Sediment Characteristics of the Lower Yellow River in China. Water International. Vol.19, No.3, September:129-137.

Mazumder, B.S., Bhowmik, N.G., and T.W. Soong. 1993. Turbulence in Rivers due to Navigation Traffic. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, Vol. 119, No. 5, May, 1993. ASCE:581-597.


Book Chapters

Murtha, J.P. and T.W. Soong. 1988. Earthquakes and Hydrodynamic Pressures on Structures. Invited paper, Computer Methods and Water Resources: Computer Aided Engineering in Water Resources. Edited by D. Ouazar and C.A. Brebbia, Springer-Verlag, Berlin:365-387.



Wang, Z.Y, Soong, T.W. and Yen, B.C. 1999. Sediment Transport and Disasters. International Journal of Sediment Research. 14(2). The First Sino-U.S. Joint Workshop on Sediment Transport and Sediment Induced Disasters, March 15-17, 1999; Beijing, China.


State Research Reports

Akanbi, A., Lian, Y.Q., and Soong, T.W., 1999. An Analysis on Managed Flood Storage Options for Selected Levees along the Lower Illinois River for Enhancing Flood Protections. Report No. 4: Flood Storage Reservoirs and Flooding on the Lower Illinois River. Illinois State Water Survey, Contract Report CR645:86p.

Bhowmik N.G., Soong, T.W., Xia, R.J., and M. Bera. 1998. Physical Effects of Barge-Tows on the Upper Mississippi River system. Level 1 Analyses of Existing Data Collected by the Illinois State Water Survey. Environmental Management Technical Center, U.S. Geological Survey.

Bhowmik, N.G., Soong, T.W., and T. Nakato. 1997. Bank Erosion Field Survey Report on the Upper Mississippi River and Illinois Waterway”. Interim Report for the Upper Mississippi River - Illinois Waterway System Navigation Study. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers - St. Paul, Rock Island, and St. Louis Districts. November 1997.

Soong .T.W. and M.P. DePue. 1996. Variation of Manning’s Roughness Coefficient with Channel Stage. UIUC-WRC-96-221, Water Resources Center, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

Bhowmik, N.G., Soong, T.W., Reichelt, W.F., and N.M.L. Seddik. 1992. Waves Generated by Recreational Traffic on the Upper Mississippi River System. Illinois State Water Survey Research Report No. 117. Also was published by the Long Term Resource Monitoring Program as a Special Report, No. 92-S003. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Environmental Management Technical Center. Onalaska, Wisconsin. 68p

Bhowmik, N.G., T.W. Soong, Seo, I.W., and W.C. Bogner. 1991. Velocity Distribution at Two Sites Within the Southern Basin of Lake Michigan. Report of Investigation 115, Illinois State Water Survey, ISWS/RI-115, Urbana, IL, 39 p.

Bhowmik, N.G., T.W. Soong, Seo, I.W., and W.C. Bogner. 1991. Velocity Distribution at Two Sites Within the Southern Basin of Lake Michigan. Illinois-Indiana Sea Grant Program Report No. IL-IN-SG-R-91-4, Urbana, IL, 52 p.

Bhowmik, N., Demissie, M., Soong, T.W., Klock, A., Black, N.R., Gross, D.L., Sipe, T.L., and P.G. Risser. 1984. Conceptual Models of Erosion and Sedimentation in Illinois. Illinois Scientific Surveys Joint Report 1, Vol. 1 and 2.


Cooperative Reports

Soong, T.W. and Yen, B.C. 2000. Post Workshop Summary, The Sino-US Joint Workshop on Sediment Transport and Sediment Induced Disasters; March 15-17, 1999, Beijing, China. Illinois State Water Survey Informational/Educational Material 2000-01:67p.

Soong, T.W., Ray, C., Roadcap, G., and D. Borah. 1998. Flood Induced Loading of Agricultural Chemicals to Public Water Supply Wells in Selected Reaches of the Illinois River. Final Report, Illinois Groundwater Consortium, Southern Illinois University.

Ray, C., Soong, T.W., Borah, D., and G. Roadcap. 1996. Flood Induced Loading of Agricultural Chemicals to Public Water Supply Wells in Selected Reaches of the Illinois River. Phase I Report, Illinois Groundwater Consortium, Southern Illinois University.

Soong, T.W. 1996. Impacts of the 1993 Flood on the Illinois and Mississippi River. Contract Report 594. Illinois State Water Survey, Department of Natural Resources. Champaign, IL, 61820. Report to the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency. 102p.

Soong, T.W. and R.J. Xia. 1996. Hydraulic and Sediment Investigation for Panther Slough, Sangnois Conservation Area. . Contract Report 596. Illinois State Water Survey, Department of Natural Resources. Report to the Illinois Department of Natural Resources - Division of Engineering. 65p.

Bhowmik, N.G. editor. The 1993 Flood on the Mississippi River in Illinois. Illinois State Water Survey Miscellaneous Publication 151, Champaign, IL: 165p.

Soong, T.W. 1992. Sedimentation and flood prevention measures along the Lower Yellow River in China. A summary report to the National Science Foundation: 38p.

Demissie, M., Soong, T.W., Allgire, R., Keefer, L., and P.B. Makowski. 1990. Cache River Basin: Hydrology, Hydraulics, and Sediment Transport, Volume 1: Background, Data Collection, and Analysis. Illinois State Water Survey Contract Report 486: 238p.

Demissie, M., Soong, T.W., and R. Camacho. 1990. Cache River Basin: Hydrology, Hydraulics, and Sediment Transport, Volume 2: Mathematical Modeling. Illinois State Water Survey Contract Report 485: 101p.

Bhowmik, N.G., Soong, T.W., and W.C. Bogner. 1989. Impacts of Barge Traffic on Waves and Suspended Sediments: Ohio River at River Mile 581. Illinois State Water Survey Contract Report 470: 97p.

Demissie, M., Soong, T.W., and N.G. Bhowmik. 1988. Hydraulic Investigation for the Construction of Artificial Islands in Peoria Lake. Illinois State Water Survey Contract Report 447. ILENR/RE-WR-88/15: 72p.

Bogner, W.C., Soong, T.W., and N.G. Bhowmik. 1988. Physical Impacts of Navigation: Ohio River Field Data Collection. Illinois State Water Survey Contract Report 443. Also U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Environmental Management Technical Center, La Crosse, WI.: 32p.

Demissie, M., Makowski, P.B., Soong, T.W., and N.G. Bhowmik. 1987. Cache River Basin Project Progress Report. Illinois State Water Survey Contract Report 422.

Demissie, M., Soong, T.W., W. Fitzpatrick, N. Bhowmik, and W.H.C. Maxwell. 1986. Secondary Circulation in Natural Rivers. University of Illinois Water Resources Research Report 200. UILU-WRC-86-200, Volume 1 and 2.

Demissie, M., Soong, T.W., Bhowmik, N., Maxwell, W.H.C., and W. Fitzpatrick, 1984. Secondary Circulation in Natural Rivers. Progress Report submitted to the Water Resources Center at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, Illinois.