inil@ I *I. liolipi "The licall-h Services Iriproverient Act of 1970" Se@,C:ion 1 Oi-,'.,nibus Title ix., Title IX of tlic'PIIS Act is amended to read: "Section 901. Purpose -ional purpose depends The Con-ress declares' that fulfillment of our naL- on promoting and assurin- the highest level of health attainable for 7 every person, in an enviroiinicnt i-7li-Ach c oil tiD'Li t e spositively to health-- ful family and individual living; that attairik-,ent of this goal depends on an effective partnership amoiia those who provide health and medical 11 levels and the public; that care and services, cover,-iiiept at a Federal --ssist@nce'r,-,ust be directed to siappor- cooperative efforts air@c-d at the organization -and development of iT--provcd systems A'or'the delivery of health care and services of hi-h quality for every person; -ies o' th'se involved in these coopera- that the leadership and cap-,cil 0 'tive efforts must be strengthened; and that support of coxiriunity health services should be. continued and strengtllencd;'ano' that these ends should be accomplished through the support and encouragement of ..evolvin,, innovative patte@ns and for-oi@- of providing preventive, diagnostic, therapeutic, and rehabilitative services. 2 Sect-ioii 902. Atitlio i z@i i.oii 'o @i t !.on r Al ri The Secretary is hereby autl,,orizcd to grants and provide Other assistii-Lce to public or p@iv,--Le ac-enci.e@-, institute ns 6nd organizations -ed to for the support of cooperative pl, r la organizing and developing health care sysL:@i-,s, incl.u(liri-, planninc, for the and facilities noccssir thc@'oto; for consultation minpox.,,c@i.-, services r y -anc6 (ilicludin- the interchange of personnel); for and technical a!;sisl@ rcTi and development, trainin-, and dc-7ioiistration8, includin- derlon- resea 4D strations of patient care, xqi-iicli are directly related to tfie purposes of this title; to pro-:io+u-c effective conibinatio L n or coordination of public r Lvery of health services at and private i-.qcthods and syste,-iis f-o the' clel-' regional State, and local levels including the integration of regional -id cot medical programs al i..,@?:el,lensivc- lic@al th planning act I'vities authorized under this title(ard including the- encoura-emcnt of co-@pm@on geographic boundari( There are hereby authorized to be appropriated'for the fisc'al years ending L .fine 30, 1971, and each o' the tv@o succeeding fiscal years such sums as may i)e necessary for (a) Sec. 906% (b) Sec. 907 and (c) for carry'in- out tli c remaining purposes of this title. S ums -appropriated under this secL--i-on for any.fiscal year shall remain available for making such ?,rants until tied end of the fiscal year follow;-n- the fiscal year from iiliicli the. appropri@i'L-ion is riiad'e. IJP to one pcrccn,@- of such stairs as are appropriated may be used by the Secretary for evaluation (either directly or by grants or -Ltra^ coi -Ls). -in-. -.ion iricl Section 903. Nati(,ii.-il Acl%,isoi.-Y Cotiiicil on Llie. Or@,,, -z@it of -liezil-tli SC-rvicos -,iiy ipl)oint, i-@itlio,,tt: rc.Z;zird to the civil service The Secretary i "ati.oial Advi@-or),-CoLz-,cil on t,,ic Orizniz,-ttioll and Delivery of laws', a b Ilea.Itli Services. The Coulicil sliil.l. consist of 25 members', incltl,-Iing, the Cliai@,iali and 21i iuo,-,iber-s not otherwise in the full-time employ of the lJni-L-ed States, who are leaders in the fields o' the' flindaiicnt-. sciences, the medical sciences,, the organization, (-Ielivery and financing of health cars,, -ii ty affairs. At least three consuirLer a.Li-airg, or public and co-,iritti of the Tric-.-,ibers, shall be practicing physicians; at least three shall be outs taricl in@ 'in tli e study, diagnosis, or treatment of disease; at least three shall be state or local health officials; at least three shall be experts in the financiii- of health care; and at least eight shall be me,-n'De-rs who a7re active in consu,--er or public and couipun-'-ty affairs.. The L-ary may appont additional liaison iiier-,ib er,@ as I-le determines to be app-,-,or)r-i-ate ess. (b) (no 'chan-e) s on p 223, Sec. '905(b) of compilation 91st C o,,S.: c) A'ppoin-Led r,, c i,- -b e r so f. the Council, while attending mee-tincs or c on- fer@-,Lces thereof or otherwise sclrvin- on business of the Council, shall be enti-l'ed to receive couDensaLion and other reimbu sement for' e>:pcnses at L r rates f;-@ed by regulation of the Secretary. (d) The Council shall advise and the Secretary in the preparation of regulations L'or, an-,' as to policy matters -irising with respect to the ad- @iinis t:r,-, L;- on of programs undel- this title. The Council shall consider and ma',cC' -recommendations to the Secretary on the approval of applications for grants a-,i@ I other assistance under Section 906, Section 907 (b) a,-id (c), and Section 90@.. An i) Li,)@ 1. ],\C.I)or t St.ct.ion 904. c fOlIO'.Iil)'-' tllC-. C I 0 C, Of the I)rCVio 1.1 On -or b(,-f o J 1-itli "'Ehe Coui-tc il -If tc, consul. i i;,,-L '.7 yeir, the So-crc ti),yi r 0 sliil I suonii.t t o' Lli oPresident irid tlicii tg the Congress a.rel rt of IL tli e activities uiiclcr ti I i.-, tif--]-c togcili-l rxiit:li (1) a,, c!valuaLioii of the effectiveness 'of these activities in c a)-,j:ll ing out-- the puri)o@@cs of this.title, (2) a statement of the relationship bctx,7cen Federal financing anct fii-Lancin- fro-@-,i other sources of tile' activities under- t.-A@eli pursuant to this title, i n c I u d P,,-, effort.-, by the grantees to develop alternate sources of financin@ after an initial period of respect to Lli support, 11 d consolidation of programs, or other riL)d i -ric at i o,-is of tli s title. Section 905. c Lil-atiolis The-Secretiry, -,-tfter consultation xr i tli. the Council, shall prc- scribe regulations covering the te-n-ns and c o@ditibns for appyov-'@n-I applications for giants under this title and yray prescribe methods for the coordination of prorra,,ric- assistefl under this title or other titles of this act or other acts of Congress. Section 906. Re-,ioncil. '(a) Grants for Plannin@ -Tcnda@ioi of -the National Advisory !The Secretary, upon the reco@L Council established by Section 3 (hereafter referred to in this title as the "Cou,.Icillr'% is authorized to Face grants to public or nonprofit I privat(' uii.v-crs i Li e,-) m c,- -I 1. Scliool&, rc,-circli 1: i- t: LI L: i O@-I F, , <) tii or pliblic Or 1-10,'Pro'it private a@ciic ics and inc;ti.tutioii-., oilcl is t tlipi-,i- ill plariii-ilig the dcvclo"),llc,-It 'binatioi-i!3 thereof , to as of regional m c cl j. c1 -i ii'- stind er this sectioi-t niay be (2) C, r mad conly upon appl ic PL u tiieref or. al)l)ro by @he @ec'jcet@iry. Any. s@cli application miy be approved 01.11-Y if it contains or is supported by -t Fcder,@il funds paid pLir--Liaiit r 0 a s olll) 1 C.. assurances tli- -to any such grar@t will be used only for the purposes for which paid ancl-in iccord@ince- x-7i th Llie'appli-cil)lc -is of this title and Lli c-@ regulations ther(,- PrOV3.SI.Ol under; --urar tli t], capplicant x.?il 1 provde- (B) reasonable as- cc@ L for such f iscal 'control. --.-id 'Lund ICCOLtntirc,, procedures as are required by -@lic,- Secretary to assure prol)cr dis- 'bursement of and accoun,L- i;ig for such Federal funds; reaso-,i--ble' assurances tha@ the applicant -,.fill m c --I- cs t,, h -I s p or' iTi such forrri and conlainin- sucli inforiii,,.tion re 'the (-ccret,-try'niay froii,, t'-;-Mo to t ii-@ic" reasonably requires and wi. 1.1 I-,cci) -UCI, records. and -t f f ord such tlicrr-.Lo S-ul-(! tllc! c ct- S e, find necessity to I ness and verification o.Ll such reports; (D) @a' satisfactory sl-iox.,,in@, that 'the il)l)licant h zi des --IL advisory green-), to 'advise the -ppliciiit (.-i,-id the institu- oi-is and the a-cncics pHrl:icip,-,t;n- iii tile resul@irg re- I)rc),rai-.) fOrIlLlliting and carrying oi-,t gional M-dic, I)IILIL 'For tli'r-- OI)C@, r i cri 0 f SUCI) reg 1-01),t]. al -try llel].Llk agencies, represc@rit.,-iLivc-s of societies, VolujilL 0 tli 0): orgnnizat:Soiir,, institutions and concerned with octivitie.-. of ,:lie -to be carried on under the pro-@.-aiii,. and representatives Ok' the Public and of official heal Lli and lic@)ltli plawiin- '(E) Evidoncc ti-, a,- the api-,I-icati.oi-L has b@en rcferroc,' to tli c -iniiinc,' a,c-nci(-,s (if there St, e and a@eawidc, Health l@l., -in arca@,?i'e lioz,,Itla planning a,,el-icy) for revicl,? and Co.,Tl- is m enL- on the consistency of t'e application. i-7 T t' Llic plan- --.nin,,, of- Ei.ese a@eric,Loc;. L> i o' Regional, 'ledical 'DroL-7 -s for Establis' iiient: in(] 6pe' (b) G3:,§nL r-tio. o 'is euLli ri The Secretary., !up n 'r c c o,-.-@o, c-.-,i d q, - i o iof tli' o L c Council 2 o mak@ grants, in c 1 u d grants i n' 1.@ind, -to public or noi@.)rc).r-it priv@- universities, medical schools, rc-iscl,rcli -Litutio.,is, and c)-@ticr public -td institutions art-' combir,,it:io,,is or nonprofit private ac7encies ai I and operation ol regional med@ t'i,--rc@of, to assist in the s , a n.-' equip,.-rc-,.-it-of facilities in colinec Lion there@.7itli. '2) Gr,-nLs' und(,.r this si2ction -,,ay be only tino-i -ppl.ickt;-on therc approved by the Secretary. Any much. application r-.,,cy b6',-pproved onl% if -it is rCC07;"',Io-ldcd by the ztdv).sor3, @,roLip in Section 906 (a (D) and contain or is supported by reasonable assurz,-ccs that-- PLlr,';Ll@Illt- to I' I f-, 11 CII 1,@ I -C(l@ on I y f O',. L:i I C, or I..'I I i. 11 u with tli c, apl)].i.cib']-c I-)]-C)v i s i ci, f-,o this ti@.t:lc! .,Ilcl the rc!gu- -i ri (I (ii). not fupl)l.,'iiit tl),It -hcrxlise- available for establislii-,ient or o ,) c-. r I t: i on are o -El-te ref,,ioiizil progi7,iri i-7itli rcspc@ct to L of xiliicll .,-he is rilacle; The applic@)n,L-. xii I s c ci@ o tli c, r sources of f i n a ri c i 2,: 0 r projects under this after a'periocl, of initial -i dotci@-,iiries to SupporL I,I-iicli tile-Sccrctcil-y by rcculratioi be (C) Applications fo@ @nd ol)c):aLioi o' rc,-,ional ii-@d J'o,,: sc,.i:v-Lccs ind covo@cO, @y su6h ipplications have, i,@iere -i,,)propriate,.bccn re- 'Lo the. arcai.,ide health' planning -i- ciicy, ferrcd if on ex i s s , and to the Stitc- health plannino, agency, for their review a nd c e n t as to %,7h,-ther the grL,,-,t ipplication is consistent: i-7itli tl-ic of tl-,cse @ir,oncies; .(D) The Ipl)licantf provide for Such Ei@Cll CO!iti:ol incl a:3 @1):C.. I)y LI-IC' SOC):(-'t,'@lry to if,--ure prop(2r disb@irsc.@i-,ic-iit of iiid iccoLirtt:iiif,, for sLicii Federal 'Luncl--; @-ucli cp (E) o r -Its, in sucli forin and oitiii-iini,- @ticli inforr@,ition as Llic Sccretiry may from t i r.-, o c rcasoiiib ly ro-clu ii:o,' and i-7i' I i-,oop such records a cl to time af f ord q ucli ic c o s tlic-,:oto ns %@-lic "Jocretiry iTiiy find to tli c! c or r c t ii c!,-!-, ind vc i- i f ic a E: j- oi o f such and -it,, i c ci,-.,)].oycd b,, any contract 3: or c s Any Iziborei: .-.c@cli, 0 0 Lb contractor in the -L) c r f- o i: i,, i,-i i-i c c- of work on iny c or,.s truc t i-ozi -iyj-,.icin ts i)urs uaii to an@r fraiit un@,er this sectig@q aided b,, 1), yill- 'u c paid x.@a-cs z,, t rates iiot less than those provai.lin, ci 'ty as determined by on sir.-,ilar'construction in the loc@,,l-. the Secretary of Labor in accorq3nce-witli ttic Davis- .0- U.S.C. 2@6a--2@'ua--5); and the. Bacon Act, as amended Secretary 'of Labor shall have, %4, -res,,)ect to the labor. standards Si)cc)'-'icd in this piragral)l-i, -he IL,- thority -ind functions set forth in Plan Nuii-'@- cred 14 of 1950 (15 F.r,. 3176; 5 u.s.c. 13.iz--15) and section 2 of the Act o' 1934, as oil d c, d L June 1 3.% (40 u.s.c.. 276c). (c) Definitions (1) The phrase "re-ional m; c.-d i-c,,il progrz;ii.l-,icino- ,i cooperati%rc -it priva-c institutions 'or --@enc@-es a ground of public or noiprol@ -ia,L--ion of the -Ic-Livi i S: p ann. engaged i n s o c o r,-,L) i i Pg research develop;iici-it, t-fainin-, and of ,),?,,L:icnt care,- i-.icludin- prevent;v--, dia-rkostic, ttcral)c@Lit:ic,. child rehabilitative 's of- patient c,-irL-; but oril',' if SLICII 5,YrOU')-- measures and rict!Lic.@ -rc---, composed o' any -c (A) is sl-uitcd .4n a --t or parts oi: -2 ny -oic or uiorc@ Sti,L-C!-, (x-.,,iic'n for pur- pal the Distri.c,:. of Co'LL,-,,,@ SC! of tl)is title @nclt Po the Co!:uT,,oit.@eiltli i.-)E.Puertc) T,,!.co, the V-L)-@--,'I.n Tslnlicls, A y x.;Iiicii the Sec,.c! 'With to bc! ipl-;ropi.-i ate in carrying out LI purl)ofes of this title; I:s of olic@ or more i.-) C'.,] i c .1 1centers, oi-le or i c- Cons:Ls ao3: clinical research and one or illol:c! hospitals amid (C) lias -iii effect cooperative ar2:ctii(,ric@n'-s anionZ?, its cciTI)C)nc.,I": .7ill be idcqLI-ItC units i Li icli the Secretc,,ry finds i for t'Lfecti\,cly c -.r ry i ii,@, out the purposes of this title. Tlic-,. term c(,.iit(ir" zi -ccliool or oLlicr S Li-,tULiOll inVOI.VC(I in POS'L-.-gf@'(ILiitc.- ni@dic,-.1 trainj-n- aiid one or rloro liosp-L'c: I@Lfil.iaLecl Llicrcx@i@Lli for -tiid derio@-i-triLioii I)Lirposc!-,. -il research cc.-Pter" ricziiis -i n o@ The term "cl. iic, c aii iiistittx,L-io,.i) ties pri,,,-,,-iry function o@@ S.cli is rcse.@cti, troirkin- of ocialists, ind clei-,,,ciistrat-ons ii-i co,-incct@i or, pro- s J. v-7des specialized, lii-Li-quility diagnostic and tre-)tiiert services for -',-npatidnts and outpatients. (4) the term "hos-,)ital" means a hosi)i-Lal. as de'Lined in Sec,L -D. G-25 (c) -o-ilit:y in N.@,iich local capability 0-j: ol@tier health L o- diagnosis and trea@-- L ci -id c-- this t"@e, Iran' @s supported d au- no--itcd by the pro-r@.-i estabi site @ Li (5) The tera "r,,o.l,)rofit" as applied to any institution o,,. a-eiicy moves as institution or a@,,o,.icy is iiid ol)orited bt, oL-,c, or i-.ore ror.- rofi-. corporations or no part of the p net earnings o i' w'a'- c7i ii-iures, or -,iay la%q.Lrully inure, to t:,c 'Donefi-t of any private-. shareholder -r ip.,.ii%,idual. (6) The term, ",coiisi:@uc-Lior,," include.,; altc.,rat,'-ovi, Li,,i-or rc,,)air (to the permitted by rc3ul-ations), remodeling and renovation of existing 10. i iicl rc@i?l@-,cc,;iic-,it of obsolete, buil.t-iii (hs delcriiinecl in iccorclaiice rcf_,tllzitioi-is) equip. icit o'L cxisti,., The term "-rilitb in kilie&" ric@ins tlia' the Secretz@.a,y I,-iay, at the eques- - ci-I)iotit or a grant Lil,@(Icr this section, niay rcOL@cc r L 01 ally rQ 'the pa@,iiierzs to such by tile fair recipient marl@ot val.ilc- of in,, equip- ricnt or supplies ftii:nishc-d to such recipient and by the cli.-IOU,-L of the pay, traveling expeiisc,,@,, and ally other cosLs in connection lqi -Lh the detail of an officer o- ciiployec to the recipient i-@Li e,,i s uch --iy be, is for the convenience ol @furnishin- or such detail, as the case m, A. at- t ar L> tie request: of such rccipie,.il @d for the purpose of c-rryin- out: -the plai or -LliO Project Nqitli respect to i,@iiich the grant under' this section is made. 'I'h nL by @,.,h;ch such pa,,-cients are so reduced s'iall e @":-,.IOLI L De available for Da@.-,.ient of such costs (including the costs of such equip i;ient and sup@lics) by tile a d) Facilities. The Scc@, -y e 'Lablis'ii, aid @t iL on a curr6-@it basi s: r s lisl- or lists o-c facili-@2Les--iii the United States equipped and staffed to provide advanced methods and techniques in the pro- vention, dia nosis,, tr' and rehabilitation of d sease, includin- trends in cqu4-pmcnt, staff, and service -and the distribution and p,:oport;-nil's of various types of such facilitii in the U-,iited Stat'cls, togeL@-hc-r i-7itli (here add i-.,itcrial in braciets at top of p.224 of compilation) (e) RecorCis and Audit (here icld Sect@Lol'I 909, p.224 c&.7, -7litioil i,7itli no exc c,,,,) that title (a) and (b) should be cli-,ip,-od to (1) and '2) "I'd Co'@ttrz@c ts Pr oj cc 'o Services S @t"j; co for Ciiiii-c@,i- Fiel@ Pui-id s -ii)p--oi)riat:ccl under this t-@-le sha 11 al,,o be avail-able 'for gr aii'@,q'f;o any piilI-J.c or .ionp-rofill- p2:-z-va,-e ai,,cncy or institution for -es needed by, or servi- 1.@Iii C,-i l@ -ILI 'L b C O.L substantial use to, any tiqo or riore region, (11 -opriatcd under tl,,is title sit -l 1 also 'oe available Funds @,ippt- (2) 'f or tlie c one uc t contracts %,7i ic or pti of cocpcr--- Yor va;--c a-encies Studies tive clinical and el and. demonstrations Section 907. elieliF, -Z a c c@" SAct) cc t;-@ oi-L (DeleteS -pt iiter here Scotio,.i, 314(a), c--zcc 314 (1) be "Sur@.,co,.-i General." at-icl "Secretary" -uc,,sl-ituf-c' -therefore 3.- delete Section 314 (a) (2) (1) 4.' ariciid ')Il@ (a) (2' (B) t o r c!,- clsf o I. I 0-07F4 ti OV4de for bl-'-, of a State Pr -L ttie e-sta health plann4n:, 'c! rel)resor,-t:al-ivr-@s o@S courtc)-.L .1 hich sl-,,ill iici i:,u tate and local pLbli6, voiunt@iry, and lion-pro'it and or-ar,.iz,@iL-ic,,-is c:once,-iiccl x.;i-'Lli health and the the serv-Lco@;, inciti(.iint, representatives of- t'i-- Regioia--l iNfed4-cal P3-o,,-am(.s) -a-,-id of consumers of hc@ilt'n 'bcr services. A r,,a o r:,cri -1 ip of such cou.-io-1 s@i-- r@ ty o@ the -11 co@,isist of represe-,.ta"vc!s of c or-Lsu-,iors of health services, L-mludi.n- represc-,,-i-l-ativ,2s Of -the 'poor and n7.inorill-y c,,rou,os appropra.ate nui.,bers, as eic!tcrirlinod by by tlic- SC!C!r----- t,-,ry Collows: Change the nui-berii- a.-d as 314 (a' (2) s hall be Section 907(c (1) 314 (a) (2) (A) -,I-, r o Li I-,' should not be chan-ed. Since (r) is el i-Fii-natc-d (i) ,ncl (K) should be (I) and (i) 3 1. (3) l-@ (a) -Sc-,ctioi-i 907 (2) 7i 1,07 (a) (li) -cct C. a i 3 for o@iN.!i-dc 11 Sc--cjci.on 907(b). P,.o@ ti le--ni i-,.oi:izc-cl L. o mL a'r Z e -c c-2:znts public or a.@ -nci (-,s or o rg @,ni- z;-i -s @o@- area- Lor lap to 75 of. co ts o3': pro@c-ci- W'Lde hc-,.iljt--h P'Lani-iirg,' inc'IuCi-Lnc., planning for 'L. I a -0 r.,E@n- poijor,, services, anC. facilities rece,-Isavy L-lierojL-o. Sa cli be -1-o a S e, e 1-i-al@l@ @13 3. a,@ -in g granzs may no- L. L acic-,i-icy, auL@-';Iior-Lzc-(a un@e)- S,-i c o,-.. 907 (a) c, j-: s C C- c y the Socre@L--ary o -tpr wi-th tile approval: b' f 'ai E -C,@; by the Sta-L-L, agenc-,r '-Lo -rol- areas no.-. served by an ide.-Plann-a'-nci,--ageaicy; (2). Grants be nadc- o,,aly u,@0.11 approval. by the S-2crej,--Etrv o -if -7 an ai-)plicatio,.-.-' therefore th' C-1 d a s&iL@is@ac-'orv shoT, 4. (A) Th e S c-i JL-- agency a-ciyi-ni or s o-.@ h a State plai-i approves, -section (a) has ap,,5roved the ap'lication; under sub (B) Area%q,-6e agc-,-ncies 'h, a v c-- proviOed for I -i c- estabi-ish- moylt ari-i)-ng c of an I ca2tl-i pl ouncil, @.,,'ich hall incli-,cle of ul:)].-c,. vc)liii-i@t-arv, s pr cncies, institutions,. aiia . i\r-.-LI-c A and non-iDro@L,'Ll 0 r z-t n o i,.,; c C) i-i c C-1 i- A') of t")C, i-iij -L., o the l@c,, on z,, I i,,,, c.1 i I Pro r n nic 0 y tY -Lli scrviccis. c o n ii .,i s of li-@il oil c: @"i F; of th c iiieni@ers@ii,@ 0 f repro 2. C- Q L-J-Vcs 0 2: C C))@ i-, t',c 0 L -c v-@ of J-hc- poor ai-i(2 ,.@,ino)-ity -Lidi.-ig r c-- p, - c. c- ii @L inc grol-ips n zipp):opri! as 1.)y -5- ary'. -Iio Sccre - (C)- The a r e,-i, c3 c--, -i:Lng agency '-,as a c, p r o - -visioa-, -for ass-'Ist-'na h c I care fac-'@li.-k---,.es an on a pr(D-rairC IL o2: c z,, t @,:L c@ end-- its area to Covo. 4-c)n ture-s f o). e, i.@.n' -i an S' ate I)' Fn -is i- V.,i cli is cot Ascent @.,T-@c7i -.-iocci@ of the S and 4c. which i 1. m@ c c. equi area -Lor he@,!-L@ll care -Cacjl.lit4-os, cand- c-LnC. otil I C' -@'7 s I.n the C- c C) -n- c zi c- manner. 4-. 0 7 Gra,,-ill--s II o Tr. zi in n,,,j S @i d c-, s I (ft -nol s -iE; Dei Secrctary is also o crants or contracts C3 '-o a y public or private ic,ency, or o c r or @i n i z a - 11 'io-, or to an to covo-@ ii.3, or any pirt of tli-- cos,@@-- of. PRO-'CCLS '01: O'@ or C. -J' c L i. vlic@;il-tli oil Sec-,j.oii 907((I). Ci-,i-,i -c I',(--al.Lii "c:rvicc:,- f o, C 0 pr--nts to St:z,.Lc- health (1) @J.IIC S(@Cr6tlry is Li LI I 0 Ll t -il haze tlic, St.-Ltc!s in to 1)L:bl@i.c'l,,caitli sc@@-vicos L1.1c@- t inc r a I-i-I. n0 f personnel f ato' sliall or S c -ni local -,.!orlc. S u irL --o ai)proi)r@L cl i -be availa')-ic for to St:,if:cs @.,Ii,cli havc.. anei had appr'ovcd by the Secretar\-, i-, I a i-L for provi@-i-o@-I 0--r- pi,lol.ic health scrv2r@ces. (2) Ir, oreic,.r to i)c, s t-I'L) - 3 C., c t: oi Li St,-Lto. laii f or of (A) (2) (B) (2) (C) must show t",-Lc-, tlat: 1)1.aii the t o'L-.i 1 heart!-. pro,,rar,-@ the (D) (s a,.ne L-,s (2) CC) on p.t@', ca,-ipilition). (E) a-i j. as (2) (D) o.@ ,).46, tli the foil-o@-linE,' P-xccpt that LI-lie S.ocret@--,:y.i7l,-ty presci:@be- by or of the read4iiesE of the State a,-", cert@. J'- 4-cat@Lo-,i by t,ie Govern unc,'cr subsec!---S c,,i 'a) to review and.c-L,,)prove 'such plai (F) thro-j-@'i (K) are sa:-.e as @E) tli r o u -Li on pp.46-47, o,-P,) -.LI at: or-, S t- to A I I 0 -L C)-! 't.,)-e oi 7 r-\ ouc -'-lie o-c ties erz,l for C. Fh@-11 b-- ci r -to in -tcco (ac c, :Ccla-")C-@. NI-7@ Jcii rc-cru) -atio; on ti e b a si. 0 r- the -1) -o ID u F- Lo.Li z,@ i 1, cii I- nc-,O-C o-- e resiDr-@cL-@vc- StilL-F,. .... .... . ... . Scc (t:lie -r air cl c-, r i SI--".io. Lliroll@3'iiou,-- rc@-st o C. Li): r 31-1; d)) C) 907 l@):c)jec-L C.,): n for c-, i-- v c F, Do -v, c-, "il"ic% E, c, C.,,: c, s all-LI IC,): @c, C) I--- -13.0 C) i-i@ r i:@ i-) or O-J, tll,@ cast o@ (3@) t:c z@i n i-i c,,- -t@ o i), -Lc, JL--- o go O(J so f a]. or C) 11) c@ 0 r 0 o 3: ii.@i 'I (2) (ac-@ve- I op -i.-ii g a i-i i-i z,, I 1)c@riod nc.-,.@ frc)-- licaltl-i @;er\racc-.F; -od (-uch gr&.n-'L- may 1.)c, pursua)-ijL- -IL--o CIE'use (1) or (2) of ti pro 'Ojc -s involvii-icj thc@ furnis'CL- c ri s en --cnce r c. 1) c to 'p c JL- o pabl-i-c sc@rvic.-,,7 on C)@ L LI I\" i. -L sucn pr osais h.ave een area\ '-I c -Lannino ac;ency O-'- i -c -Ehe,- suc a ta p a@eicics or, I.e is no r, -Llie' a@-Ca, si-,cl-t' o'L- 'fair p-ob]-ic or no,-i-pro'Li-'L- pri\@i@-iz agoncy or Iiit:c-,rcli@iii,@ c- o i:soi (1) The Seczet,@-,--y is or 7, c-c! tlirougli i r c, C- i i ts or C)LliCtr- c)E cFfi-or@, and emii)lo,@ces ;i-i ,@7 1. to ir-.cin@c-! i.o,- -ce,].th, for i.,Iiicla t,ic! Do-parLTilc@iit cL-a(-ctcl i@T@i to Secretary L-ill cl @'i c in n--.orc-. c-f@-cci:ivo cl4 s- is a, -,ori,-ed Cliarc@c of its t'Lic field of health LI @oy lp@,!, includin- SL--t.-Os, Ind the of or ot'le@,- assisl,:,i:-ic c d 0 o :,-i i-L ic C'i 'L) Y tI c Sccrdl,-ary in ac- x...itli re@ul.nLio,.is, to -f3c, in .-he a interest or C aZ y,7 O,,, SCs o' -1,@is I-I.tlc!. t-ite (2) I,'O r t 0 P, !-rpO!3 CS O'L "S ria an s a State or p o.,4 i C U 1) V:,-.,3 2. o n o a S t: a t c or any a-c'r,,c:y o f- c- 1-i c, rof -the C) Ci -ii:,@y c t: @7 i- t i c s e 'L f: c to I par @--pl or desi-noted or established to s Dparaarapli (A) C)L Lc, I I 907.(g@ General -c -)-51, 0 co-@p ion) @,eyactly the same as o . pp. 5' 0-1 S ctio-i 908. Servic(@s R i?,-, -2 o -,- c I'l I 0, Devcl.ol),,n . t (Section @@04 of tire Piib',-j.c "Jealth Service Act is deleted.) -racts to support ..The Secretary is autLio,@i/ot!, to -,@.,al (,--ants and con!- develop-eiit, deroasl-ra'ions and trainino related o@i-)crimei cs, rc-se, an6 ilc!.,,.j-vory of health services and o@ t!L%c facilities, -,:clateci Lo stc"i" sc,:vjcc2s, inclucl-'@n,(', sucl,. things --ort S (c) as in '3) -irit o roiLii i-) i: c-,-- c rI c-, dby tli @e c' II LI 1: S-, Sc-,crc!citry, I c-, r c-- 1-c pro-ceL I)y P.-io-:e tl-,zn (-)no to ail agency or Lllis ti.tlc@ -iry one i-'cc'.cral I)C fc),,, zill -in ftii-i('is y I)a !)rcpo@l--Li@o;l O'L CLC:ll arcl -,,ny -;Llcll,;-!-C,Ilc), -,lay Zilly tccliilical- grant or con- tricL rC'CILIii.- ".',ICIIL: (@is "L)3, such re,@Lil..aL!.ons) f i-i i.,ii c yor @l@c,-icy ci,)o@; not ii:, i) c;.,; c Jr 1,9. Section 2. I:-.ond S c c ion 305 @',a) to cl-lll,,,C! tlc reference to Stir,,Cc," cel, to Secretary 2 o d S oL:ion 305 (za) by act, and (11) 'a s oll ,.v hea'I'L"Il C8rE! rO-SOLIrCOS, (G) ciiv-ro,-i- cnta'. and social health h@t zird and fapiily an(] @3 so of co ii c, L:L 3 Section 305 -Ls @i,,.cnded to 'ai assurance certain records coritiii-ii-i,, iifori-.,ition o-f a personal anci r-7vil-c,,ed L-C.-"Llre'and identifiable as to soul-c:,-, foll ci.,,s: A e, e, i c-@ Scc'--c)i-@ 305(i)) rlioli'ci read as "Ttic Secret y is autiic)-@i,!cd 'co L, ri o r t direct!-,;, or b" cr-irl or c oi Ic r L) c'@- r c, s c- a i c, Iav.-@ rciatinc, !-a t,',, c igii @ind of a I-L 'alt:-', iji j-o,-k 0 cies e c) S)'@' provides conip,-ircib.-i-c! 1-icaIL'ii claL 'a at the Fedox-al, State,, and loc;i'L 1 c v o s @rc,@ctiat..Scicz-,on (cl) be reiiui,,,b(-,;:od (c') tlirou,,]--