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United States Senator Debbie Stabenow of Michigan

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Senator Debbie Stabenow

Welcome to my online office. I hope this site is helpful to you in learning about my Senate activities and services. You can use the bar to the left to navigate through this web site. You can contact one of my offices directly, either in Michigan or in Washington DC, if you need any further information or help.

- Debbie Stabenow


Stabenow Reaction to Chrysler Announcement
Senator Stabenow made the following statement regarding the President’s announcement concerning Chrysler.

“Like families and workers across Michigan, I am disheartened by today’s news. It’s outrageous that after workers, management, and a majority of bondholders came to the table and negotiated in good faith, a small number of hedge funds and creditors refused to compromise and now Chrysler is forced to declare Chapter 11 bankruptcy". Read more...

Stabenow: Senate and House Budget Agreement a Win for Michigan Families
Senator Stabenow announced that the Senate and House Budget Agreement passed and includes a number of Senator Stabenow’s priorities that will help create good-paying jobs here at home. Read more...

Stabenow: Create green jobs to celebrate this Earth Day
This Earth Day, Senator Stabenow continues her fight to enact new polices that protect the environment and create good-paying jobs. By crafting a workable, balanced energy policy we can revitalize America's manufacturing sector and strengthening our middle class.
Read Senator Stabenow’s special Earth Day column
Read Senator Stabenow’s statement on preserving our environment

Senator Stabenow Kills Amendment That Would Have Hurt Auto Industry
Senator Stabenow led the fight in the Senate against an amendment that would have crippled the American auto industry's restructuring plan. After Senator Stabenow spoke, 66 Senators voted against the amendment.

Stabenow Urges Accountability for Wall Street

At an oversight hearing of the Senate Finance Committee, Senator Stabenow asked why financial institutions participating in the TARP program - which provides federal funds for troubled companies - have not been asked to submit to the same requirements as the auto companies participating in TARP. "Not only have these institutions not come under the same scrutiny, but they have not provided the information to prove that after this crisis is over these companies will be more viable and able to survive future downturns. What should be done to ensure that at the end of this program, we will have a 'revitalized financial industry'?"

Senate Budget invests in America's future
U.S. Senator Debbie Stabenow (D-MI), a member of the Senate Budget Committee, today announced that the Committee has passed the Fiscal Year 2010 Budget Resolution, which includes a number of Senator Stabenow’s priorities that will help create good-paying jobs here at home. Several of these priorities include: expanding on her Green Collar Jobs Initiative to create a Clean Energy Fund; investing in manufacturing and advanced technology; reforming health care; protecting our Great Lakes, and investing in our children’s education. Read more...

Senate Passes Economic Recovery Bill
You can read more about the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act by clicking here. You can get more details about how the bill will help rebuild our American middle class by cutting taxes for middle class families and creating up to 4 million jobs. Read Senator Stabenow's press release detailing major victories for Michigan, information about what is included in the bill, and links the full text of the legislation.

Senator Stabenow Introduces Bill to Lower Prescription Drug Costs

After fighting for nearly a decade, Senator Stabenow has once again introduced legislation that allows for the safe importation of affordable prescription drugs for Michigan families. Above: Senator Stabenow joins Michigan consumers back in June 2002 on bus trip to Canada to buy low-cost prescriptions drugs. Read more..

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You can help support our Michigan men and women who are currently serving oversees in the Armed Forces:
          - Michigan National Guard Family Page
          - USO Cares
          - America Supports You


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