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Senate Rule 35 Requirements 

Senators, officers, and Senate employees who plan to accept reimbursed travel must seek review of proposed travel from the Select Committee on Ethics at least 30 days in advance by submitting a sponsor-completed “Private Sponsor Travel Certification Form,” and a copy of the sponsor’s invitation. Once approved by the Ethics Committee, the traveler must prepare the authorization portion of the Advance Travel Authorization and Disclosure Form. Within thirty (30) days after the travel is completed; the employee must prepare the reimbursement portion of the form, and file it, along with the Sponsor Certification Form with the Office of Public Records. Expenses reimbursed for an accompanying spouse or dependent child must be included in the disclosure.

Section 546 of HLOGA requires the Secretary to establish a Web site containing the travel documents filed under Senate Rule 35. The information must be maintained for a period not longer than four years after receiving the information.


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The Public Disclosure index provides information about filing and researching lobby records.


Lobbying Disclosure

Office of Public Records
232 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20510-7116
(202) 224-0758

Amended Law

The Lobbying Disclosure Act compilation provides amended language from public laws 104-65, 105-166, and 110-81. It is current through October 1, 2007.

Thresholds teaser

Current Thresholds