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DHS Privacy Office - Privacy Workshops

Government 2.0: Privacy and Best Practices

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Privacy Office is holding a public workshop on June 22-23, 2009 to bring together leading academic, private-sector, and public sector experts to discuss the privacy issues posed by government use of social media. The purpose of the workshop is to help federal agencies to engage the public through social media in a privacy-protective manner and to explore best practices that agencies can use to implement President Obama’s January 21, 2009, Transparency and Open Government Memorandum.

The workshop will consist of a series of presentations and panel discussions that include the broad range of stakeholder perspectives. Panelists will discuss such issues as the benefits of social media to expand transparency and participation in government; the privacy and related legal issues raised by government use of social media; and how government can best harness these new technologies while protecting privacy.

Workshop Details

  • Location:

Washington Court Hotel
Atrium Ballroom
525 New Jersey Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20001

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This page was last reviewed/modified on May 4, 2009.