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Quick Service Guide 705f

Special Standards

Destination Entry Discounts (DBMC/DADC/DSCF/DDU)

April 6, 2009
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Physical Standards (453.1.0)

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Standard Mail, Parcel Select, Bound Printed Matter, and Periodicals may be eligible for further discounts if the mail is entered closer to its destination.

After mail is verified and postage is paid at the facility where the mailer holds the permit, the mail can be taken to three places to receive a destination entry discount: a destination bulk mail center (DBMC) (or destination area distribution center (DADC) for Periodicals), a destination sectional center facility (DSCF), or a destination delivery unit (DDU). The discount received depends on where the mail is entered.

Prices and Fees

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Discount varies by destination and class of mail, subject to payment of applicable mailing fees.

All mail must meet the eligibility, volume, and preparation standards for the class of mail and price claimed.

Standard Mail (see 246 for letters, 346 for flats, or 446 for parcels):

Minimum volume: 200 or more addressed pieces (or 50 pounds) per mailing. Regular and Nonprofit Standard Mail meeting the basic standards in 243.2.0, 343.2.0, or 443.2.0 may qualify for DBMC, DSCF, or DDU discounts.

  • DBMC price applies to mail deposited at the correct DBMC (or destination auxiliary service facility (ASF)) addressed for delivery within that facility's service area and prepared subject to the standards for the price claimed.
  • DSCF price applies to mail deposited at the correct DSCF (L002, Column C, and L006, Column C). The mail must be addressed for delivery within that facility's service area and placed in a tray, sack, or pallet (as permitted by the price claimed) that is correctly labeled to that DSCF or postal facility within its service area. The DSCF price also applies to mail deposited at a DDU under 246.4.0 for letters, 346.4.0 for flats, or 446.4.0 for parcels.
  • DDU price applies to carrier route mail that is entered at the facility (post office, station, branch, etc.) where the carrier cases mail for the carrier route (city route, rural route, highway contract route, general delivery unit, or post office box section) serving the address on the mailpiece. Pieces for which a DDU discount is claimed must also be eligible for and claimed at one of the Enhanced Carrier Route prices or Nonprofit Enhanced Carrier Route prices.

Parcel Select Destination Entry (456.2.0):

  • DBMC: entered at the destination BMC/ASF for delivery within the DBMC/ASF service area and part of a mailing of 50 or more Parcel Select pieces.
  • DSCF: entered at the designated facility for delivery within the DSCF area, sorted by 5-digit scheme or 5-digit ZIP Code destinations, and part of a mailing of 50 or more Parcel Select pieces. Nonmachinable parcels sorted to 3-digit ZIP Code areas subject to $0.82 surcharge (456.2.2.3)
  • DDU: entered at the designated destination delivery unit for delivery within the DDU area and part of a mailing of 50 or more Parcel Select pieces.

Bound Printed Matter (363 for flats or 463 for parcels):

  • DBMC price applies to mail deposited at the correct DBMC (or destination auxiliary service facility (ASF)) addressed for delivery within that facility's service area and prepared subject to the standards for the price claimed.
  • DSCF price applies to mail deposited at the correct DSCF. The mail must be addressed for delivery within that facility's service area.
  • DDU price applies to mail entered at the designated destination delivery unit for delivery within the DDU area. Price not available for flat-size pieces weighing 1 pound or less unless sorted to carrier route.

Periodicals (707.29.0):

  • DBMC price applies to mail entered at the DBMCs or DASFs listed in Exhibit 346.3.1, or at a USPS-designated facility. For DBMC entry, pieces must be prepared in bundles or in sacks on SCF, ADC, 3-digit, or 5-digit pallets, and addressed for delivery to one of the 3-digit ZIP Codes served by that BMC.
  • DADC price applies to addressed pieces (not eligible for In-County prices) addressed for delivery in the same DADC service area, deposited at the DADC or designated facility.
  • DSCF price applies to:
  • Letter-size and nonletter-size pieces (not eligible for In-County prices), when deposited at an SCF or a designated facility (L005) and addressed for delivery within the service area of the facility, including when part of a 3-digit scheme combination in L008.
  • Nonletter-size piece only, when deposited at a DDU (707.28.4.1) and prepared as follows:
  • 1. In 5-digit bundles placed in a merged 5-digit scheme or merged 5-digit sack.
  • 2. In 5-digit bundles placed on a merged 5-digit scheme, merged 5-digit, or 5-digit scheme pallet.
  • DDU price applies only to copies of publications entered at the facility where the carrier cases mail for the carrier route (city carrier route, rural route, highway contract route, general delivery unit, or post office box section) serving the address on the mailpiece. Pieces for which a DDU discount is claimed must also be eligible for and claimed at a Carrier Route price.

Levels of Destination Entry

This graphic describes the Levels of Destination Entry as described in the text.

This graphic describes the Levels of Destination Entry as described in the text.

This graphic describes the Levels of Destination Entry as described in the text.

Destination Bulk Mail Center
There are 21 DBMCs in the U.S. For this discount, you may choose to enter your mail at a destination bulk mail center. The 21 bulk mail centers in the United States handle mail for large areas. An auxiliary service facility (ASF) sometimes acts as a DBMC. To qualify for DBMC prices, your mailpieces must be addressed for delivery within the service area for that particular DBMC or ASF.
Available for:
  • Standard Mail
  • Periodicals
  • Bound Printed Matter
  • Parcel Select
Destination Sectional Center Facility
There are 350 DSCFs in the U.S. You can receive a greater discount by entering your mail at a destination sectional center facility. To qualify for DSCF prices, your mailpieces must be addressed for delivery within the service area for that particular DSCF.
Available for:
  • Standard Mail
  • Periodicals
  • Bound Printed Matter
  • Parcel Select
Destination Delivery Unit (local post office)
There are more than 33,000 DDUs in the U.S. You can receive an even greater discount by taking your mail to a destination delivery unit. Eligible pieces must be addressed for delivery within the service area for that particular DDU.
Available for:
  • Standard Mail (Parcels and Carrier Route only)
  • Periodicals (In-County pieces and Carrier Route only)
  • Bound Printed Matter
  • Parcel Select


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