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US Census Bureau News Release


Census Bureau Projects U.S. Population of 305.5 Million on New Year's Day

      As our nation prepares to ring in the new year, the U.S. Census Bureau today projected the Jan. 1, 2009, total U.S. population will be 305,529,237 — up 2,743,429, or 0.9 percent, from New Year’s Day 2008.

      In January 2009, one birth is expected to occur every eight seconds in the United States and one death every 12 seconds.

      Meanwhile, net international migration is expected to add one person every 36 seconds to the U.S. population in January 2009, resulting in an increase in the total U.S. population of one person every 14 seconds.

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Source: U.S. Census Bureau | Public Information Office |  Last Revised: April 17, 2009