About this site

Web Site Makeovers!


Here we present some technical aspects of the Panama Canal Authority Web site design.

You can select an option from the "Timeline" menu andnavigate through the history of changes we've made since our entry into the Internet.

Listed here are the changes for this 2008, some visual, others functional.

  • Improved home page design
  • Improved section page design
  • Photo animations for each section
  • Persistent navigation by implementing the use of breadcrumbs
  • Standarization of table formats

Recently, we implemented a few minor, yet very functional changes. These are:

  • Dropdown menus from the horizontal global navigation menu implementing OpenCube menus
  • Preview bubbles for the Related Sites and Awards and Recognitions pages using LightBox
  • Use of tab menus for better organization and easier access to the information
  • Implementation of two new Web cameras, as well as the replacement of the Miraflores Web camera
  • and, of course, this section providing you information about our design timeline.