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Preliminary Highlights SIC Historic Timeseries Composition of NAICS Industry Categories Instruction Manual/Reporting Information
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SIC Based Historic Statistics:

1958 - March, 2001
Note: Current month numbers are subject to revision!
(441 KB)
New Orders
(308 KB)
Unfilled Orders
(302 KB)
(760 KB)
Inventory to Shipments
(98 KB)
Unfilled Order to Shipments
(58 KB)
(772 KB)
New Orders
(533 KB)
Unfilled Orders
(499 KB)
(1,299 KB)
Inventory to Shipments
(187 KB)
Unfilled Order to Shipments
(115 KB)




The M3 series identification code is a 6-digit field. The structure of the code within the field is as follows:

Position Codes
Position 1     U- Unadjusted (Seasonally)

                  A- Seasonally Adjusted

Position 2-4     M3 Series (* see footnote)

This field contains aggregate level data series, 2-digit SIC major group series and M3 industry categories.

Aggregate series:
MTM     Total Manufacturing

MXT     Manufacturing Excluding Transportation

MTU     All Manufacturing with Unfilled Orders

MXD     Manufacturing Excluding Defense

DXD     Durable Excluding Defense

MDM     Durable Goods Total

MDU     Durable Goods with Unfilled Orders

MNM     Nondurable Goods Total

MNU     Nondurable Goods with Unfilled Orders

AUE     Automotive Equipment

HGA     Home Goods and Apparel

COS     Consumer Staples

MAE     Machinery and Equipment

BUS     Business Supplies

CMS     Construction Supplies

DEP     Defense Products

OMP     Other Materials, Supplies and Intermediate Products

TCG     Total Capital Goods

NDE     Nondefense Capital Goods

NXA     Nondefense Capital Goods Excluding Aircraft and Parts

DEF     Defense Capital Goods

DXC     Durables Excluding Capital Goods

DXA     Durables Excluding Aircraft and Parts

N4X     Nondefense Aircraft, Missiles, Space Vehicles and Parts

N5X     Nondefense Shipbuilding, Tank Components, and Ordnance

D4X     Defense Aircraft, Missiles, Space Vehicles and Parts

D5X     Defense Shipbuilding, Tanks, and Ordnance

SX4     Aircraft, Missiles, Space Vehicles and Parts

SX5     Shipbuilding, Tanks, Tank Components, and Ordnance

TPD     Producers' Durable Equipment

HDG     Household Durable Goods

ATP     Advanced Technology Product Industries(not published)

ITI     Information Technology Industries

HCP     Health Care Products

MX1     All Other Durable

MX2     All Other Nondurable

Major Group series:

Durable Goods Industries
24M     Lumber and Wood Products

25M     Furniture and Fixtures

32M     Stone, Clay, and Glass Products

33M     Primary Metals Industries

34M     Fabricated Metal Products

35M     Industrial Machinery and Equipment

36M     Electronic and Other Electrical Equipment

37M     Transportation Equipment

38M     Instruments and Related Products

39M     Other Durable Goods

Nondurable Goods Industries
20M     Food and Kindred Products

21M     Tobacco Products

22M     Textile Mill Products

23M     Apparel and Other Finished Textile Products

26M     Paper and Allied Products

27M     Printing, Publishing, and Allied Industries

28M     Chemicals and Allied Products

29M     Petroleum and Coal Products

30M     Rubber and Miscellaneous Plastics Products

31M     Leather and Leather Products

M3 Industry Categories:

Lumber and Wood Products

24A     Wood Containers, Pallets, and Skids

24B     Wood Buildings and Mobile Homes

24C     All Other Wood Products

Furniture and Fixtures

25A     Household Furniture

25B     All Other Furniture

Stone, Clay, and Glass Products

32A     Glass Containers

32B     Kitchen Articles and Pottery

32C     Other Stone, Clay, and Glass Products

Primary Metals Industries

33A     Blast Furnaces, Steel Mills

33B     Iron and Steel Foundries

33C     Nonferrous Metals

Fabricated Metal Products

34A     Metal Cans and Shipping Containers

34B     Cutlery and Handtools

34C     Building Materials and Wire Products

34D     Ordnance and Accessories, except for the Department of Defense

34E     Ordnance and Accessories, for the Department of Defense

34X     Ordnance and Accessories

34F     Other Fabricated Metal Products

Industrial Machinery and Equipment

SX1     Engines and Turbines

35A     Steam Engines and Turbines

35B     Internal Combustion Engines

35C     Farm and Garden Machinery

35D     Construction, Mining, Material Handling Equipment

35E     Metalworking Machinery

35F     Special Industry Machinery

35G     General Industrial Machinery

35H     Computer and Office Equipment

35I     Refrigeration, Heating, and Service Industry Machinery

35J     Industrial Machinery, N.E.C.

Electronic and Other Electrical Equipment

SX2     Electrical Transmission and Distribution Equipment and Industrial Apparatus

36A     Electrical Transmission and Distribution Equipment

36B     Electrical Industrial Apparatus

36C     Household Appliances

36D     Electric Lighting and Wiring Equipment

36E     Household Audio and Video Equipment

36F     Communication Equipment, except for the Department of Defense

36G     Communication Equipment, for the Department of Defense

36X     Communication Equipment

36H     Electronic Components and Accessories

36I     Miscellaneous Electrical Equipment and Supplies

Transportation Equipment

SX3     Motor Vehicles and Parts

37C     Complete Aircraft, Missiles, and Space Vehicles, except for the Department of Defense

37D     Complete Aircraft, Missiles, and Space Vehicles, for the Department of Defense

37X     Complete Aircraft, Missiles, and Space Vehicles

37E     Aircraft, Missile, and Space Vehicle Engines and Parts, except for the Department of Defense

37F     Aircraft, Missile, and Space Vehicle Engines and Parts, for the Department of Defense

37Y     Aircraft, Missile, and Space Vehicle Engines and Parts

37G     Ships and Tank Components, except for the Department of Defense

37H     Ships, Tanks, and Tank Components, for the Department of Defense

37Z     Ships, Tanks, and Tank Components

37I     Railroad Equipment

37J     Other Transportation Equipment

Instruments and Related Products

38A     Search and Navigation Equipment, except for the Department of Defense

38B     Search and Navigation Equipment, for the Department of Defense

38X     Search and Navigation Equipment

38C     Measuring and Controlling Devices

38D     Medical Instruments and Supplies

38E     Ophthalmic Goods, Watches, and Clocks

38F     Photographic Goods

Miscellaneous Manufacturing Industries

39A     Miscellaneous Personal Goods

39B     Miscellaneous Manufactures

Food and Kindred Products

20A     Meat Products

20B     Dairy Products

20C     Fats and Oils

20D     Beverages

20E     All Other Food and Kindred Products

Tobacco Products

21A     Tobacco Products

Textile Mill Products

22A     Broadwoven Fabrics and Other Textiles

22B     Knitting Mills

22C     Carpets and Rugs

Apparel and Other Finished Textile Products

23A     Apparel and Other Finished Textile Products

Paper and Allied Products

26A     Pulp, Paper, and Paperboard Mill Products

26B     Paperboard Containers and Boxes

26C     Miscellaneous Converted Paper Products

Printing, Publishing, and Allied Industries

27A     Newspapers, Periodicals, and Books

27B     Other Printing and Publishing

Chemicals and Allied Products

28A     Industrial Chemicals

28B     Paints and Related Products

28C     Drugs, Soaps, and Toiletries

28D     Agricultural Chemicals

Petroleum and Coal Products

29A     Asphalt Paving and Roofing Materials

29B     Other Petroleum Refining Products

Rubber and Miscellaneous Plastics Products

30A     Tires and Tubes

30B     Rubber and Plastics Footwear, Hose, Belting, Gaskets, and Other Rubber Products, N.E.C.

30C     Miscellaneous Plastics Products, N.E.C.

Leather and Leather Products

31A     Leather Tanning and Finishing, and Footwear Cut Stock

31B     Other Leather Products

* Some of the data series listed are not published and can not be provided.

Position 5-6 Indicates the Data Item

VS     Value of Shipments

NO     New Orders

UO     Unfilled Orders

TI     Total Inventories

MI     Materials and Supplies Inventories

WI     Work in Process Inventories

FI     Finished Goods Inventories

IS     Inventories to Shipments Ratios

US     Unfilled Orders to Shipments Ratios


Column 1     ID code (See technical documentation section "M3 Series Identification Code" for each breakdown.)

Column 2     Year of Data Series

Column 3     January Data

Column 4     February Data

Column 5     March Data

Column 6     April Data

Column 7     May Data

Column 8     June Data

Column 9     July Data

Column 10     August Data

Column 11     September Data

Column 12     October Data

Column 13     November Data

Column 14     December Data

NOTE: Data are expressed in millions of dollars except when an "IS" or "US" appears. In these cases, data contain two decimals. Where data do not exist for all years, the appropriate fields will be blank. Data are right justified.

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Last revised: May 14, 2004