Remediation Technologies Screening Matrix, Version 4.0  
Appendix E.7 Remediation Technologies Screening Matrix and Reference Guide (Version I, July 1993)
Table of Contents


This reference (EPA/542/B-94/013) is the product of a cooperative effort between the member agencies of the U.S. Department of Defense Environmental Technology Transfer Committee (ETTC) and the U.S. Environmental Protection (EPA) Federal Remediation Technologies Roundtable (FRTR). Roy F. Weston, Inc. (WESTON®) prepared the text under Army Contract DCA31-91-D-0079. The Army contract project officer was Edward Engbert of the U.S. Army Environmental Center, Environmental Technology Division. This document provides information to help site RPMs narrow the field of remediation alternatives and identify potentially applicable technologies for more detailed assessment prior to remedy selection.

Fifty-five technologies, including in situ and ex situ biological, thermal, and physical/chemical processes, are included. In addition to treatment technologies, processes designed to be used primarily for containment, waste separation, and enhanced recovery have been included to provide a broad range of remedial options.

The technologies presented in the matrix are evaluated in relation to 13 factors that address specific cost, performance, and technical, developmental, and institutional issues. These screening factors were chosen to assist RPMs in identifying applicable technologies for media and contaminants of concern at their sites.

This document was developed with extensive input from technical experts, including professionals representing all segments of the remediation community, site remediation technology researchers, technology developers, and technology users from federal agencies, state governments, universities, and the private sector.

Five appendices provide additional information. Appendix A provides information on EPA's Vendor Information System for Innovative Treatment Technologies (VISITT), which can aid RPMs in acessing up-to-date information on innovative technologies and the companies that offer them. Appendix B contains information on the DOE Technology Catalogue, which has extensive information on technologies used for characterization, monitoring, and remediation. Additionally, appendix B contains information on the Superfund Innovative Technology Evaluation (SITE) Program, Technology Profiles, which provides information on completed SITE Demonstration Projects. Appendix C lists federal data bases and additional information sources, which provide information on those systems maintaining data on remedial technologies. It may be used by project managers as a pointer to repositories of technical information, or as a source of contacts that may be useful to future system design. In Appendix D, tables D-1, D-2, D-3, and D-4 show how waste chacteristics and operating conditions affect treatment cost and performance. The selected parameters for matrix characteristics and technology operation were developed based on information in scientific literature and from technical judgment. Appendix E lists a description of U.S. Government reports documenting innovative and conventional site remediation technologies that are incorporated into the second edition of the Remediation Technologies Screening Matrix and Reference Guide.

"Remediation Technologies Screening Matrix and Reference Guide (Second Edition)" (EPA/542/B-94/013) is downloadable from EPA CLU-IN home page:

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