
Wet Recovery

Coping with Water Damage


AIC Disaster Response and Recovery - The American Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works has information on wet recovery of family heirlooms, salvaging water-damaged textiles, and saving photographs after a flood.

NCPTT PDF An Evaluation of Supercritical Drying and PEG/Freeze Drying of Waterlogged Archaeological Wood (PDF, 9.1MB).

NCPTT PDF Comparing Mass Drying and Sterilization Protocols for Water-Damaged Books (PDF, 132KB).

Harper's Ferry Center Wet Recovery - Provides tips and procedures for recovering wet cultural resources such as books, photographs, textiles, natural history items, and health and safety hazards.

  • Conserve O Grams - Information on the protection and recovery of damaged books, papers, photographs, textiles, and other cultural objects.

NCPTT PDF Simple Book Repair Manual - Dartmouth developed this resource with a PTT Grant from NCPTT. It is available online and as a PDF (4.8MB).


PPT Hurricane in Mississippi: Assessment of Damage to library, archival, and museum collections (PPT, 22MB) by Gary Frost of the University of Iowa.


Coping with Water Damage from the Heritage Emergency National Task Force.

How to Dry Wet Books - This series of 15 videos by bibliophyle Jennifer Kimball covers how to dry and care for wet books.

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