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Tag Archive | "LSU"

Preservation + Sustainability: Perfect Together

Preservation + Sustainability: Perfect Together

Dr. George Skarmeas will speak on the topic of preservation and sustainability with case studies on Tuesday, March 10, 2009, at 5:00PM at LSU, Baton Rouge, Design Building Auditorium, Room 103.

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Ferrell Participates in Louisiana Flood Protection and Ecosystem Restoration Professional Development Program

NCPTT’s Andy Ferrell recently participated in the first Louisiana Flood Protection and Ecosystem Restoration Professional Development Program.

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Kennedy, McCarthy, Ferrell Present ‘Emerging Survey Tools’ at NTHP Conference

Kennedy, McCarthy, Ferrell Present ‘Emerging Survey Tools’ at NTHP Conference

Andy Ferrell of NCPTT, Deidre McCarthy of NPS Cultural Resources GIS and Barrett Kennedy of the LSU School of Architecture presented “Emerging Survey Tools: Not the Same Old Cultural Resource Survey” at the 2007 National Trust for Historic Preservation Conference.

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Rapid Documentation of Historic Resources

Rapid Documentation of Historic Resources

The experience in the aftermath of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita underscored the limitations in current approaches for documenting and assessing heritage resources in a postdisaster context.

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Architecture and Engineering Partners with LSU to Document Front Street in Natchitoches, Louisiana

Architecture and Engineering Partners with LSU to Document Front Street in Natchitoches, Louisiana

On May 23, NCPTT’s Architecture and Engineering program partnered with Barrett Kennedy of LSU College of Art and Design to document Front Street in Natchitoches, Louisiana, using a high-resolution digital camera. The City provided a hi-lift and a mobile traffic barrier.

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Developing Geospatial Cooperative Agreement with LSU Architecture

Developing Geospatial Cooperative Agreement with LSU Architecture

Developing this technology will enable planners and others to better assess risks to historic resources, plan effective mitigation strategies, and improve disaster response.

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Natchitoches, LA 71457

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