
6 Ways NCPTT has helped Louisiana after Hurricane Katrina and Hurricane Rita

  1. Within days of Katrina, NCPTT was helping FEMA with its damage survey.
    At FEMA's request, the Center took the lead to produce a Rapid Building and
    Site Condition Assessment tool and database that FEMA could use to evaluate
    flood-damaged historic buildings in New Orleans and surrounding parishes.
    Rapid Cemetery Condition Assessment and Detailed Building and Site Condition
    Assessment forms and databases followed.
  2. NCPTT Staff Members Go into the Field to Assist Preservation Recovery
    Efforts. With limited cultural resource staff on hand and staggering losses
    of historic properties to contend with, FEMA requested that the Center
    detail staff directly to the Joint Field Office in Baton Rouge. Historic
    Architect Andy Ferrell, NCPTT's Chief of Architecture & Engineering
    Programs, spent 30 days assisting FEMA with evaluations of historic
    structures the city had deemed unsafe for entry. He also surveyed
    Pontchartrain Park, a mid-century African American community, for
    eligibility for the National Register. Physical scientist Dr. Mary Striegel,
    NCPTT's Chief of Materials Research, followed Ferrell's detail with a 30-day
    assignment assisting FEMA with condition assessment of damaged collections
    and technical assistance in collections recovery. During her detail, she
    served on a strike force to recover and salvage about 1,750 objects from the
    Ft. Jackson Museum in Plaquemines Parish. Sean Clifford, NCPTT's webmaster,
    is currently assigned on an intermittent basis to assist FEMA with a project
    to gather all of their data together in a usable form and map it.
  3. NCPTT created a Clearinghouse for technical information on disaster
    recovery. Only days after the first storm hit, NCPTT began gathering
    technical reports and guidance on repair and restoration of historic
    resources damaged by flood, mold, and fire. This was posted on the Center's
    website in a new section that became a major source of information in the
    region. Updated almost daily in the early weeks, the site was featured on
    the NPS Katrina site, promoted in public service announcements throughout
    the affected area. NCPTT's site quickly became a "one-stop-shop" for
    historic resource and disaster zone maps, technical advice, assessment
    tools, and other helpful links. NPS also used it to post its regular updates
    on the condition of historic sites in the impact zone. In her testimony
    before Congress on the response to Katrina, NPS Associate Director Matthews
    said, "The NCPTT web site is a primary national information resource."
    NCPTT's website is located at, then
    "Hurricane Preservation Technical Assistance."
  4. NCPTT helped create Team Tarp (Operation Roof Aid) in New Orleans.
    Following Hurricane Katrina, NCPTT nurtured the development of several
    temporary roofing initiatives in New Orleans. NCPTT intern and evacuee,
    Alice-Anne Krishnan saw an immediate need to protect thousands of roofs on
    historic homes in New Orleans ineligible for FEMA's Blue Roof program, which
    excludes slate, tile, asbestos, metal, or flat roofs. Supported by NCPTT,
    Krishnan began to reach out to national nonprofits, government agencies and
    local preservation leaders to brainstorm solutions. These conversations
    spurred the creation of Tarps New Orleans, a pilot project directed by
    Krishnan that in collaboration with Americorps and volunteer contractors has
    tarped over 80 historic homes to date.
  5. NCPTT sponsors Wet Recovery Workshops. NCPTT continues to address the
    recovery effort by partnering with the American Institute for Conservation
    (AIC) to provide three one-day workshops to provide technical skills
    training in recovery of collections damaged by water. Titled After the
    Storm: Recovery of Wet Collections, these workshops were held in March 2006
    at the National D-Day Museum in New Orleans, the Rural Life Museum in Baton
    Rouge, and at NCPTT headquarters in Natchitoches. More than 60 curators,
    collections managers, and volunteers from around the state attended to learn
    from conservation experts from the American Institute for Conservation of
    Historic and Artistic Works (AIC), NCPTT, and the National Archives.
  6. NCPTT Provides Assistance to FEMA and Communities. The Center continues
    to provide technical assistance to FEMA as needed as the recovery continues.
    Dr. David Morgan, Chief of NCPTT's Archeology & Collections program, has
    assisted with Section 106 and tribal consultation issues and the Center has
    offered to help FEMA staff in Lake Charles assemble the expertise it needs
    to accomplish its cultural resource plan. Center staff have also written and
    spoken about the plight of Louisiana's resources, and are scheduled to
    present papers on the recovery efforts at several national professional
    conferences this year. The Center believes it is important to keep the
    impact of the two hurricanes before the eyes of the rest of the country, and
    to explore ways to improve governmental responses to large-scale disasters.

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