Secretary Clinton: Travel to The Hague for International Conference on Afghanistan and to Europe

March 31, 2009 to April 4, 2009

At the invitation of Dutch Foreign Minister Maxime Verhagen, Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton traveled to the Netherlands to attend the “International Conference on Afghanistan: A Comprehensive Strategy in a Regional Context” in The Hague on March 31. Building on the achievements of the conferences held in Bonn, in London, and most recently in Paris last year, The Hague Ministerial should reaffirm the solid and long-term commitment of the international community to supporting the Government of Afghanistan in shaping a better future for Afghanistan and its people.

Special Representative to Afghanistan and Pakistan Richard Holbrooke accompanied Secretary Clinton. The ministerial discussion was co-chaired by the Special Representative of the UN Secretary General for Afghanistan Kai Eide, Afghan Foreign – Afghan Minister for Foreign Affairs Spanta, and Foreign Minister Verhagen. While in the Netherlands, Secretary Clinton also had a bilateral meeting with Foreign Minister Verhagen to discuss issues of mutual interest.

On April 1, the Secretary joined President Obama as he traveled in Europe.

- 03/31/09 Interview With Andrea Mitchell of NBC
- 03/31/09 Interview With Jill Dougherty of CNN
- 03/31/09 Interview With Lara Logan of CBS
- 03/31/09 Press Availability Following International Conference on Afghanistan
- 03/31/09 Remarks at The International Conference on Afghanistan
- 03/31/09 Remarks With Dutch Foreign Minister Maxime Verhagen

Related Information
International Conference on Afghanistan: A Comprehensive Strategy in a Regional Context
Official Site of the London G20 Summit 2009