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Information Papers on FY09 Incentives
Learn about the most current changes in incentives that became effective on March 1, 2009 for Army National Guard Soldiers.


Effect of Mobilization on Education Benefits
Summary matrix of education benefits listed by categories; i.e. benefits for spouses, AGRs, traditional members, dependents, etc. This brochure also helps identify who you should contact and/or work with to seek these benefits. More...

MGIB-SR Benefit Period Extended
ARNG soldiers who first became eligible for the G.I. Bill - Selected Reserve (MGIB-SR) on 1 October 1992 or later, now have 14 years to use their MGIB-SR benefit!

HEROES Bill Signed Into Law
President Bush signed into law effective Dec 2003 the Higher Education Relief Opportunities for Students Act (HEROES) which provides student-loan relief to U.S. troops on active duty. The new measure excuses military personnel from some of their student loan obligations while on active duty. In addition, it suggests colleges and universities to refund tuition and fees paid for courses not completed due to military call-ups, and will make it easier for students returning from military service to re-enroll for classes. More...









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