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REAL ID Compliance

Will states be granted additional time to comply?
Yes. All states submitting requests will receive extensions until December 31, 2009. In addition, states that meet certain benchmarks for the security of their credentials and licensing and identification processes will be able to obtain a second extension until May 10, 2011. The content of these benchmarks are included in the final rule. The benchmarks include:

  • Presentation of at least one of the required source documents
  • Verification of lawful status and Social Security numbers
  • Issuance of driver’s licenses or identification cards that contain integrated Level 1 (overt), 2 (covert) and 3 (forensic) security features
  • Photographs of all applicants even if a license or identification card is not issued
  • Reasonable efforts to ensure that applicants do not have multiple licenses or multiple identities

Federal agencies will continue to accept licenses for official purposes from those states who have been granted extensions.

When will participating states be required to be fully compliant?
States that meet the interim benchmarks of Material Compliance will have until May 10, 2011 to comply with the provisions of the REAL ID Act. Federal agencies will continue to accept licenses for official purposes from those states that have been granted extensions.

This page was last reviewed/modified on January 9, 2009.