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Energy Summit Live Blog

Energy Summit Live Blog

Join the House Republican Conference as we live blog the American Energy Solutions Group Energy Summit.

LA Times: Untangling Our Taxes

On Tax Day, the most beguiling promise an American president can make to the millions of people rushing to complete...

Rep. Mike Pence Discusses Tax Day and Tea Parties on Msnbc’s Hardball

To view the video, click here. Excerpts from the transcript: "Candidly, now I know how the old settlers back in the West...

Pence Statement on Tax Day

WASHINGTON, DC - U.S. Congressman Mike Pence, Chairman of the House Republican Conference, made the following statement today regarding Tax...

USA Today: Housing Agencies Faulted in Audits to Get $300m of Stimulus

WASHINGTON - The federal government will soon send more than $300 million in stimulus funds to 61 housing agencies that...

Newspapers Across the Nation Take Aim the Democrats’ Irresponsible Budget That Spends, Borrows and Taxes Too Much

The Washington Post, Editorial: “Budget Gimmicks (Cont'd) … The House and Senate pile on the chicanery to mask the growing...

Question and Answer: Medicare and the Republican Budget

"The real problem with our long-term deficit actually has to do with our entitlement obligations...The big problem is Medicare, which...

Pence Reacts to the Latest National Unemployment Statistics

Washington, DC - Today, U.S. Congressman Mike Pence, Chairman of the House Republican Conference, made the following statement in response...

House GOP Focuses on Latinos

House Republican leaders are circulating a "best practice" document designed to help rank-and-file GOP Members raise their profile with Latino...

Democrats’ Budget Hypocrisy

That was thenFor years, House Democrats criticized the Bush White House for proposing a five-year budget:Then-Ranking Member John Spratt, February...

Democrats’ Budget Hypocrisy

That was then...Democrats criticized a budget that “excluded” a permanent fix for the Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT)… House Budget Chairman...

Congressman Pence Discusses the Republican Budget on FOXNEWS' America's Newsroom

Alisyn Camerota: Well, Molly just mentioned Republicans are giving a second opinion on the budget, introducing their own spending...

Pence Calls Democrat Budget "Most Fiscally Irresponsible in History"

WASHINGTON, DC - U.S. Congressman Mike Pence, Chairman of the House Republican Conference, gave the following speech from the floor...


Statement of Ranking Member David Dreier on the Passing of Jack Kemp
Rep. Barton takes on the BCS: Congressman tackles issue that rouses sports fans
Capito on NPR's 'Morning Edition'
 McCotter Slams Chrysler Bankruptcy on Dateline Washington with Greg Corombos
LaTourette says Chrysler’s Twinsburg plant, jobs should be safe
Rehberg Statement on Pelosi Budget Vote
Tiahrt Rejects 'Thought' Crimes Bill
Mack Statement on Passage of Democrats' Budget
Hate crimes bill creates federal thought police
Gingrey Comments on President Obama’s First 100 Days
Gerlach Opposes Budget that Taxes, Spends and Borrows Too Much
Hensarling: Budget a Turning Point in American History
Brown-Waite Recommends Caution Amid Swine Flu Concerns