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Ergonomics in the Workplace
Improper work practices may cause serious and long-term disabilities for your employees. Review safe work practices with a focus on basic ergonomics. Develop ergonomic recognition and identification skills necessary to successfully implement an injury prevention strategy.

Hiring the Best Employees
More often than not, hiring decisions have a direct effect on an organization's success. Ensure the validity and effectiveness of your interviews by learning specific techniques to help you intelligently assess prospective staff.

Personal Financial Planning Career Night
With the recent economic distress, it is now more important than ever to keep your skills up-to-date so you can compete in today's tough market. Join us for this free event and explore financial planning career opportunities. Bring your resume to share with successful financial planning firms and advisers.

Solar Energy Systems: Design and Code Overview
Cut through the technical jargon and media buzzwords and get a straightforward introduction to solar energy systems. Explore the latest technologies, systems design requirements, implementation and electrical code requirements.