US Census Bureau


Guide to the
1997 Economic Census

Bridge Between NAICS and SIC

The Bridge report will present 1997 data cross tabulated by both old and new classification systems at the same time, identifying the lowest common denominators between the two systems.

Conceptually, the bridge tables will reflect the same combinations shown in the correspondence tables of the 1997 NAICS Manual, but with each line extended to show the number of establishments, sales or receipts, payroll and employment associated with that NAICS and SIC combination. From that, users will be able to calculate percentages for allocation strategies or other work to assemble time series before and after 1997.

This will be an essential resource for anyone attempting to link time series on the old and new basis. Because it presents the same information classified in more than one way, the Bridge report has been termed the "Rosetta Stone" of NAICS and SIC.

Because these data will be so widely used, the Bridge Between NAICS and SIC will be issued in print as well as in electronic media.

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