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Study abroad

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US Network for Education Information (US Dept of Education)
USNEI presents basic information about education in the U.S. for students who wish to study in the U.S. and links to many sources of information for U.S. students who wish to study abroad.
Visits: 19983

Fulbright Program (US Dept of State)
The Fulbright Program aims to bring a little more knowledge, a little more reason, and a little more compassion into world affairs and thereby to increase the chance that nations will learn at last to live in peace and friendship.
Visits: 18625 - Learn Without Borders (Natl Security Education Program) introduces American undergrad and grad students to the benefits of studying outside the U.S. and describes the David L. Boren Scholarship/Fellowship program, which provides significant funding for study & research abroad.
Visits: 16685

Study Abroad Information (US Dept of State)
For U.S. students who want to learn more about studying abroad, the State Department offers some ideas and links to helpful resources from their Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs.
Visits: 8877

Travel Warnings and Consular Information Sheets (US Dept of State)
Before you head to your international destination, please check this site compiled by the U.S. State Department. The site links to current travel warnings, consular information sheets, and public announcements.
Visits: 4318

The Fulbright Commission
The Fulbright Commission was established in 1948 to promote and support educational exchange between the United Kingdom and the United States. Discover many resources for academic study in the US or the UK and the European Community (EU).
Visits: 4132

Passport Services and Information (US Dept of State)
The Department of State's Passport Services Office provides information and services to American citizens about how to obtain, replace or change a passport. Get information and forms at this web site.
Visits: 4010

Foreign Entry Requirements (US Dept of State)
A helpful listing of foreign entry requirements for U.S. citizens traveling abroad on business or pleasure, by country. Also includes embassy contact information and links to travel information for frequently visited countries.
Visits: 3111

International Travel Information (US Dept of State)
Your official information center for U.S. citizens traveling internationally or seeking passports, U.S. travel visas for foreign citizens, international adoptions, family issues, and much more. From the U.S. Department of State.
Visits: 1621

Travelers' Health (US Center for Disease Control)
Important health information for all types of travelers. Search for health information on specific destinations. Find out what you need to know before you go!
Visits: 1407

Emergencies & Crises Abroad (US Dept of State)
Find out how the State Department's Bureau of Consular Affairs can help you and other Americans caught in a disaster or a crisis abroad, plus links to a wide variety of other useful information for Americans traveling overseas.
Visits: 1364

Get Help in a Foreign Country (US Dept of State)
Stuff happens... so be ready for an emergency abroad, with information from the State Dept. Know where to call and what to do if you get sick, lose your passport, need emergency funds, or even get arrested when you're in a foreign country.
Visits: 1318

Students Abroad
The first stop on a student's trip overseas! The website offers country specific information, tips for safe travel, and other important information for living and traveling abroad.
Visits: 1053

Traveler Information (US Customs & Border Protection)
Things to know before you travel! This U.S. Customs and Border Protection web site provides an overview of the federal regulations and procedures that apply to travelers entering or exiting the United States.
Visits: 668

Traveler & Consumer Center (Transportation Security Administration)
Planning a trip? The Transportation Security Administration can help, with comprehensive information and advice on air, land and sea travel and recommended safety guidelines to ensure your protection.
Visits: 565

Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship Program (US Dept of State)   EXIT disclaimer
This scholarship provides awards for U.S. undergraduate students who are receiving federal Pell Grant funding at a 2-year or 4-year college or university to participate in study abroad programs worldwide. Sponsored by the State Dept.
Visits: 13650

NAFSA: Association of International Educators   EXIT disclaimer
NAFSA promotes the exchange of students and scholars to and from the United States through its member academic institutions. Check out NAFSA's Students page for advice and resources to help international and U.S. study abroad students.
Visits: 4603

Fellowships and Research Programs (American Councils for Intl Education)   EXIT disclaimer
Describes a variety of fellowships and research opportunities from the American Councils, a non- profit education organization specializing in eastern Europe, Russia, and Eurasia. (For U.S. and international students.)
Visits: 2797

Learning Abroad Center (University of Minnesota)   EXIT disclaimer
The Learning Abroad Center is the University of Minnesota's comprehensive resource for study, work, intern, volunteer, and travel experiences worldwide, and many of its programs are open to non-U of Minnesota students.
Visits: 1951

AIESEC International    EXIT disclaimer
AIESEC provides work and travel abroad programs in 80 member countries. Add a valuable experience to your education by experiencing -- not just studying -- another culture.
Visits: 1869

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