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Nonimmigrant Admissions to the United States: 2008 (PDF, 10 pages - 473 KB )
This report examines the number and characteristics of nonimmigrant admissions in fiscal year 2008.
Data on Nonimmigrant Admissions
Access data on nonimmigrant admissions by class, country, and other characteristics for fiscal year 2008
U.S. Legal Permanent Residents: 2008 (PDF, 6 pages - 369 KB )
This report provides information on the number and characteristics of persons who became legal permanent residents during fiscal year 2008.
Data on Legal Permanent Residents
Access data on immigrants who became legal permanent residents in fiscal year 2008 by class of admission, country of birth, state of residence, and other characteristics.
Naturalizations in the United States: 2008 (PDF, 4 pages - 396 KB)
This report presents information on the number and characteristics of foreign nationals who became American citizens during fiscal year 2008.
Data on Naturalizations
Access data on persons who became American citizens in fiscal year 2008 by country of birth, state of residence, and other characteristics.
Estimates of the Unauthorized Immigrant Population Residing in the United States: January 2008 (PDF, 7 pages - 267 KB)
This report provides estimates of the unauthorized immigrant population residing in the United States as of January 2008 for periods of entry and leading countries of birth and states of residence.
The Foreign-born Component of the Uninsured Population (PDF, 2 pages - 102 KB)
This report provides information on the trends in the population without health insurance coverage by nativity and citizenship status.
Characteristics of Major Metropolitan Destinations of Immigrants (PDF, 2 pages - 189 KB)
The report provides information on leading metropolitan destinations of immigrants ranked by immigrant population growth rates and selected economic and social indicators.
Estimates of the Legal Permanent Resident Population in 2007 (PDF, 4 pages – 184 KB ) This report provides estimates of the legal permanent resident population and population eligible to naturalize as of January 2007.
2007 Yearbook of Immigration Statistics
The Yearbook is a compendium of tables that provides data on foreign nationals who, during fiscal year 2007, were granted lawful permanent residence, were admitted into the United States on a temporary basis, applied for asylum or refugee status, or were naturalized. The Yearbook also presents data on immigration law enforcement actions.
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This page was last reviewed/modified on April 9, 2009.