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         - A collection of older but still very relevant videos.

    A collection of older but still very relevant videos.
      Click on Icon to View Clip   Click on Icon to View Clip
    See Clip Air We Breathe in Industrial Environments, The* See Clip Ask the Right Questions*
    See Clip Ball Mill Safety (1998)* See Clip Blasters Training Program for Independent Contractors (1997)*
    See Clip Breathe and Live (1973)* See Clip Cabs and Canopies for Your Safety (1974)*
    See Clip Coal Dust Hazards and Controls (1980)* See Clip Electrical Hazards in Underground Coal Mining (1975)*
    See Clip Electrical Lock-Out Procedures (1976)* See Clip Escape From a Mine Fire
    See Clip Fire Fighting in the Mineral Industry (1970)* See Clip Haulage Safety in Low Coal Mines (1971)*
    See Clip Hazard Recognition and Avoidance in Surface Coal Mining (1980)* See Clip Hazard Recognition and Avoidance in Underground Coal Mines (1981)*
    See Clip Illumination in Underground Coal Mines (1980)* See Clip Man and His Habits (1969)*
    See Clip Managements Role in Health and Safety (1972)* See Clip Oh! My Aching Back (1965)*
    See Clip Open-Pit Mining Hazards (1967)* See Clip Orientation and Indoctrination of Safe Workmen (1966)*
    See Clip Recovery of Farmington #9 – An Interview With Danny Kuhn (2000)* See Clip Roof Bolting in Coal Mines (1973)*
    See Clip Roof Evaluations and Decisions* See Clip Safety Consciousness (1969)*
    See Clip Safety Issues in Deep Cut Mining (1995)* See Clip Safety on the Move Truck Haulage Safety (1995)*
    See Clip Safety Practices in Low Coal Mining (1971)* See Clip Scientific Look At Back Belts (1995)*
    See Clip Slope Stability of Waste Dams and Embankments (1979)* See Clip Stop Silicosis (1938)*
    See Clip Supervisor’s Responsibilities in Roof Control (1988)* See Clip The Magic of Fire (1965)*
    See Clip Transportation and Communication in Underground Coal Mines (1981)* See Clip Underground Coal Mine Blasting (1975)*
    See Clip Why Roof Control Plans (1981)* See Clip Winter Alert The Sonman Mine Disaster (1998)*

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