Budget Information

Budget Documents, Strategic Plans and Performance Reports
FY 2010 NASA Budget
› Budget Statement from Acting Administrator Christopher Scolese
› President's NASA Budget Highlights (88 Kb PDF)
› Office of Management and Budget FY 2010 Overview

Fiscal Year 2010 Budget Teleconferences--Thursday, May 6, and Friday, May 7
The associate administrators of the mission directorates each will hold a teleconference to discuss the budget's impact on their specific area.

The teleconference schedule is (all times Eastern):

Thursday, May 7
4 p.m. -- Exploration Systems
5 p.m. -- Science
6 p.m. -- Space Operations

Friday, May 8
9 a.m. -- Aeronautics

Visit www.nasa.gov/newsaudio to listen.

NASA Information on the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009
› Read More

FY 2009 Budget Request
›  Full Document (5.9 Mb PDF)
›  Summary (710 Kb PDF)

February 4, 2008 Briefings
›  Deputy Administrator's Remarks (24 Kb PDF)
›  Presentation Charts (4.87 Mb PDF)
›  Press Briefing Transcript (32 Kb PDF)

2006 Strategic Plan
›  Full Resolution (1.5 Mb) | ›  Low Resolution (670 Kb)

Performance Plans
› FY 2009 Performance Plan (303 KB PDF)

Performance and Accountability Report
›  FY 2008 Performance and Accountability Report (6.61 MB PDF)
›  View Previous Years' Performance and Accountability Reports

Government Accountability Office High-Risk Improvement Plans
› NASA Plan for Improvement for Contract Management (Final, January 2008) (964 KB PDF)
› October 2008 Scorecard Status, Contract Management (68 Kb PDF)
› Corrective Action Plan Summary (September 2008) (96 KB PDF)

Inspector General Audits and Investigative Reports
› Office of Inspector General
› Active Audits
› Audit Reports
› OIG Hotline

Previous Years' Budgets
› FY 2009 | › FY 2008 | ›  FY 2007 | ›  FY 2006 | ›  FY 2005 | ›  FY 2004 | ›  FY 2003 and Earlier