U.S. Census Bureau

MAF/TIGER Enhancements Program Objective Two: MAF/TIGER Redesign

Objective Two of the MAF/TIGER Enhancements Program provides for the modernization of the MAF/TIGER system, including the redesign of the databases and replacement of the application software. The existing Master Address File (MAF) and Topologically Integrated Geographic Encoding and Referencing (TIGER) systems were developed during the 1980s and are "home-grown" databases that utilize applications software that was developed almost entirely "in-house", without the benefit of commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) software. The replacement system will utilize COTS software to the maximum extent possible, including use of a commercial relational database management system, as well as COTS applications for mapping, interactive update, and so forth. The modernization effort will utilize object-oriented design techniques and allow for web-based interfaces and concurrent user access. The new system will merge the existing separate MAF and TIGER databases into a single integrated database. The project will adhere to Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI) level 2.

Spatial Data Storage and Topology Issues

Objective Two Issue Paper - October 2004 [PDF] [HTML]

Objective Two Overview - September 2004 [PDF] [HTML]

For information on the TIGER/Line Files, please email:geo.tiger@census.gov .

For information on Census Geography, please email:geo.geography@census.gov.

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