InfoConference 2007 : Panama Canal Expansion Program

The organizing team, formed by qualified personnel from the Panama Canal Authority and Expocomer, and closely supported by executive coordinators from ACP, Expocomer and the Industrial and Business Chamber of Panama.


Executive Coordination

  • Jorge L. Quijano – Director, Marine Department
  • Ilya de Marotta – Multidisciplinary Engineer

Working Team

  • José G. Carrasco (General Coordinator)
  • Katherine Guardia (Assistant)
  • Telly Yanis (Graphics Support)
  • Teresa Arosemena (Publications and Press Support.)
  • Antonio Salado (Graphics Support)
  • Lisette de Arrocha (Secretary and Purchasing Agent)
  • Margarita Noriega (Translator)
  • Giselle Fagette (Logistics Support)
  • Leyla Raymondo (Website)
  • Ana María Chong (Assistant)
  • Ana Ramona Castillo (Simultaneous translation)
  • Arturo Lloyd (Technical Support)

Working Team

Appearing, from left to right:
Front Row: Antonio Salado, Ana Ramona Castillo, Ana María Chong, Teresa Arosemena
Back Row: Arturo Lloyd, Telly Manis, Giselle Fagette, José G. Carrasco


  • Juan Wong (Expert Guide)
  • Boris Moreno (Guide and general support)
  • Marcos Villarreal (Logistics Assistant)
  • Francisco Miguez (Expert guide and observation sites coordinator)
  • Lesly Pineda (Guide and general support)
  • Thyrza Guerrero (Guide and general support)
  • Ariyuri Mantovani (Guide and general support)

Working Team

Appearing from left to right:
Front Row: Lesly Pineda, Lisette de Arrocha, Katherine Guardia, Thyrza Guerrero, Ariyuri Mantovani
Back Row: Juan Wong, Boris Moreno, José G. Carrasco, Marco Villarreal, Francisco Miguez




Industrial and Business Chamber of Panama

Executive Coordination

  • Mr. Diego Eleta - President
  • Mr. Oscar López  - Comisionado



Executive Coordination

  • Mr. Fernando Eleta – President
  • Madelene López - EXPOCOMER Coordinator
  • Alejandra Alvarez - Projects Coordinator