/* FILE ARCHIVED ON 16:49:33 May 6, 2009 AND RETRIEVED FROM THE AN OPENWAYBACK INSTANCE ON 23:38:55 Jul 27, 2024. JAVASCRIPT APPENDED BY OPENWAYBACK, COPYRIGHT INTERNET ARCHIVE. ALL OTHER CONTENT MAY ALSO BE PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT (17 U.S.C. SECTION 108(a)(3)). */ if(ops_scriptLoaded){ alert("survey.js file is already included in the page. Please remove the other references to survey.js file."); } // global variable. gets value true when this script is loaded. var ops_scriptLoaded = true; var ops_alreadySubmited = false; /** * Check if current page has already been submitted. * Do not allow respondent to clik on the same buttons multiple times, this result in double submittions * and might result in PK violation problem if database connection is slow. * * (used for surveys only, not polls!) */ function allowSubmit(){ if (ops_alreadySubmited){ ////alert(document.surveyForm.doubleSubmitMessage.value); return false; } ops_alreadySubmited = true; return true; } /** * Submit survey form (used for surveys only, not polls!) */ function submitForm(){ if(allowSubmit()){ document.surveyForm.submit(); } } // Open popup with poll results var origContent; var pollId; function openPollResultPopup(resultUrl){ //////alert( "In openPollResultPopup" ) ; firstindex=resultUrl.indexOf('opinio/ps?s=')+'opinio/ps?s='.length; endindex=resultUrl.indexOf('&report='); pollId=resultUrl.substring(firstindex,endindex); //////alert(resultUrl+ ":"+pollId); if (document.all){ origContent=document.all['pollDiv'+pollId].innerHTML; }else if (document.getElementById) { origContent=document.getElementById('pollDiv'+pollId).innerHTML; } //////alert(origContent); getPollResults(resultUrl); //////alert( "Leaving openPollResultPopup" ) ; //return window.open(resultUrl, 'pollResultPopup', 'toolbar=0,location=0,directories=0,status=0,menubar=0,scrollbars=1,copyhistory=0,resizable=1,width=350,height=340,top=400,left=400'); } //Text required, numeric required function textRequiredChk(field) { with (field){ if (value == null || value == "") { return false; } return true; } } //Text min length function textMinChk(field, min) { //If the field is empty - return if(!textRequiredChk(field)){ return true; } if ( field.value.length < min ){ return false; } return true; } //Text max length function textMaxChk(field, max) { //If the field is empty - return if(!textRequiredChk(field)){ return true; } if ( max !='' && field.value.length > max ){ return false; } return true; } //Text email function textEmailChk(field) { //If the field is empty - return if(!textRequiredChk(field)){ return true; } if ( field.value.length < 5 || field.value.indexOf("@") < 1 || field.value.indexOf(".") < 1) { return false; } return true; } //Text date function textDateChk(field, pattern) { if(!textRequiredChk(field)){ return true; } with (field) { var ok = buildDate(field.value, pattern); if (!ok) { return false; } } return true; } //Text regular expression ( + contains) //For more infor about regExp: https://webarchive.library.unt.edu/eot2008/20090506164933/http://www.webreference.com/js/column5/index.html function textRegExpChk(field, pattern) { //If the field is empty - return if(!textRequiredChk(field)){ return true; } var regexp = new RegExp(pattern); var ok = regexp.test(field.value); if(!ok){ return false; } return true; } // Rating required function radioRequiredChk(fieldName) { var optionSelected = -1; for (i = 0; i < fieldName.length; i++) { if (fieldName[i].checked) { optionSelected = fieldName[i].value; } } if (optionSelected < 0) { return false; } return true; } //Dropdown required function dropdownRequiredChk(entered) { with (entered) { if (value == "") { return false; } return true; } } //Dropdown min choice function dropdownMinChk(entered, minSelected) { var selectedCounter = 0; var length = entered.length; for(i = 0; i < length; i++) { opt = entered.options[i]; if(i == 0 && (opt.value == "") ){ }else if (opt.selected){ selectedCounter++; } } if (selectedCounter < minSelected){ return false; } return true; } //Dropdown max choice function dropdownMaxChk(entered, maxSelected) { var selectedCounter = 0; var length = entered.length; for(i = 0; i < length; i++) { opt = entered.options[i]; if(i == 0 && (opt.value == "") ){ }else if (opt.selected){ selectedCounter++; } } if (selectedCounter > maxSelected){ return false; } return true; } //Numeric required function numericChk(entered, datatype) { //If the field is empty - return if(!textRequiredChk(entered)){ return true; } with (entered) { var checkvalue = parseFloat(value); if (datatype.charAt(0)=="i"){ checkvalue = parseInt(value); if (isNaN(checkvalue)){ return false; } } if(value != checkvalue){ return false; } } return true; } //Numeric minimum value function numericMinChk(entered, datatype, minValue) { //If the field is empty - return if(!textRequiredChk(entered)){ return true; } with (entered) { checkvalue = parseFloat(value); min = parseFloat(minValue); if (datatype.charAt(0)=="i"){ checkvalue = parseInt(value); if (isNaN(checkvalue)){ return true; } } if(value != checkvalue){ return true; } if (checkvalue < min) { return false; } } return true; } //Numeric maximum value function numericMaxChk(entered, datatype, maxValue) { //If the field is empty - return if(!textRequiredChk(entered)){ return true; } with (entered) { checkvalue = parseFloat(value); max = parseFloat(maxValue); if (datatype.charAt(0)=="i"){ checkvalue = parseInt(value); if (isNaN(checkvalue)){ return true; } } if(value != checkvalue){ return true; } if (checkvalue > max) { return false; } } return true; } //Multiple choice required function multChoiceRequiredChk(fieldName) { var optionSelected = -1; for (i = 0; i < fieldName.length; i++) { if (fieldName[i].checked){ optionSelected = fieldName[i].value; } } if (optionSelected == -1) { return false; } return true; } //Multiple choice minimum selections function multChoiceMinChk(form, questionNo, optionCount, minSelected) { var selectedCounter = 0; for (i = 0; i < form.length; i++) { if (form.elements[i].type == "checkbox") { for (j = 0; j <= optionCount; j++) { if (form.elements[i].name == ("q" + questionNo + "multiple_" + j)) { if (form.elements[i].checked == true) selectedCounter++ } } } } if (selectedCounter < minSelected){ return false; } return true; } //Multiple choice maximum selections function multChoiceMaxChk(form, questionNo, optionCount, maxSelected) { var selectedCounter = 0; for (i = 0; i < form.length; i++) { if (form.elements[i].type == "checkbox") { for (j = 0; j <= optionCount; j++) { if (form.elements[i].name == ("q" + questionNo + "multiple_" + j)) { if (form.elements[i].checked == true) selectedCounter++; } } } } if (selectedCounter > maxSelected){ return false; } return true; } function matrixGroupRequiredChk(form, fieldName, fra, to, reqSel){ var log = ""; var searchPos = 0; var name_; var selectedCounter = 0; for (p = fra; p <= to; p++) { name_ = fieldName + "_" + p; for (i = searchPos; i < form.length; i++) { if (form.elements[i].name == name_){ searchPos = i; if(form.elements[i].checked == true){ //log = log + "selected " + selectedCounter++; } } } if(selectedCounter == reqSel){ return true; } } return false; } function matrixRating(form, fieldName, fromRow, toRow, colCount){ var name_; var checkedCount = 0; var i = 0; for (var p = fromRow; p <= toRow; p++) { checkedCount = 0; name_ = fieldName + "_" + p; i = getIndex(form, i, name_); if(i >= 0){ for (var col = 0; col < colCount; col++) { if(form.elements[i].checked == true){ checkedCount++; } i++; } if(checkedCount == 0){ return false; } } } return true; } function checkRankingGroup(fieldName, fromCol, fromRow, toCol, toRow, form){ var i = 0; var name_; var disabledColumns = new Array(toCol - fromCol); var disabledRows = new Array(toRow - fromRow); var rowFromCol; var checkName; for(p = fromRow; p <= toRow; p++) { rowFromCol = fromCol; i = findFirstRowCell(form, fieldName + rowFromCol, p, i); while(i < 0 && rowFromCol < toCol){ rowFromCol++; i++; i = findFirstRowCell(form, fieldName + rowFromCol, p, i); } if(i >= 0){ for(col = rowFromCol; col <= toCol; col++) { var element = form.elements[i]; checkName = fieldName + col + "_" + p; if(checkName == element.name){ element.disabled = false; if(element.type == "checkbox" && element.checked == true){ disabledColumns[col] = true; disabledRows[p] = true; } i++; } } } } i = 0; for(p = fromRow; p <= toRow; p++) { rowFromCol = fromCol; i = findFirstRowCell(form, fieldName + rowFromCol, p, i); while(i < 0 && rowFromCol < toCol){ rowFromCol++; i++; i = findFirstRowCell(form, fieldName + rowFromCol, p, i); } if(i >= 0){ for(col = rowFromCol; col <= toCol; col++) { checkName = fieldName + col + "_" + p; var element = form.elements[i]; if(element.name == checkName){ if(disabledColumns[col] == true){ if(!(element.type == "checkbox" && element.checked == true)){ element.disabled = true; } } if(disabledRows[p] == true){ if(!(element.type == "checkbox" && element.checked == true)){ element.disabled = true; } } i++; } } } } } function findFirstRowCell(form, startName, colPos, from){ var cellName = startName + "_" + colPos; var i = getIndex(form, from, cellName); return i; } function matrixGroupMinChk(form, fieldName, fromCol, toCol, fromRow, toRow, minSelected) { var name_; var checkedCount = 0; var i = 0; for(p = fromRow; p <= toRow; p++) { name_ = fieldName + fromCol + "_" + p; i = getIndex(form, i, name_); if(i >= 0){ for(col = fromCol; col <= toCol; col++) { var element = form.elements[i]; if(element.type == "checkbox" && element.checked == true){ checkedCount++; } i++; } } } if(checkedCount < minSelected){ return false; } return true; } function matrixGroupMaxChk(form, fieldName, fromCol, toCol, fromRow, toRow, maxSelected) { var name_; var checkedCount = 0; var i = 0; for(p = fromRow; p <= toRow; p++) { name_ = fieldName + fromCol + "_" + p; i = getIndex(form, i, name_); if(i >= 0){ for(col = fromCol; col <= toCol; col++) { var element = form.elements[i]; if(element.type == "checkbox" && element.checked == true){ checkedCount++; } i++; } } } if(checkedCount > maxSelected){ return false; } return true; } //************************************** Date validering ********************************* // https://webarchive.library.unt.edu/eot2008/20090506164933/http://javascript.internet.com/forms/validation-universal-date.html (with some changes) /* Here's the list of tokens we support: m (or M) : month number, one or two digits. mm (or MM) : month number, strictly two digits (i.e. April is 04). d (or D) : day number, one or two digits. dd (or DD) : day number, strictly two digits. y (or Y) : year, two or four digits. yy (or YY) : year, strictly two digits. yyyy (or YYYY) : year, strictly four digits. mon : abbreviated month name (April is apr, Apr, APR, etc.) Mon : abbreviated month name, mixed-case (i.e. April is Apr only). MON : abbreviated month name, all upper-case (i.e. April is APR only). mon_strict : abbreviated month name, all lower-case (i.e. April is apr only). month : full month name (April is april, April, APRIL, etc.) Month : full month name, mixed-case (i.e. April only). MONTH: full month name, all upper-case (i.e. APRIL only). month_strict : full month name, all lower-case (i.e. april only). h (or H) : hour, one or two digits. hh (or HH) : hour, strictly two digits. min (or MIN): minutes, one or two digits. mins (or MINS) : minutes, strictly two digits. s (or S) : seconds, one or two digits. ss (or SS) : seconds, strictly two digits. ampm (or AMPM) : am/pm setting. Valid values to match this token are am, pm, AM, PM, a.m., p.m., A.M., P.M. */ // Be careful with this pattern. Longer tokens should be placed before shorter // tokens to disambiguate them. For example, parsing "mon_strict" should // result in one token "mon_strict" and not two tokens "mon" and a literal // "_strict". var delimPat = /(-|\.|\/|:| )/i; var tokPat = new RegExp("^month_strict|month|Month|MONTH|yyyy|YYYY|mins|MINS|mon_strict|ampm|AMPM|mon|Mon|MON|min|MIN|dd|DD|mm|MM|yy|YY|hh|HH|ss|SS|m|M|d|D|y|Y|h|H|s|S"); // lowerMonArr is used to map months to their numeric values. var lowerMonArr={jan:1, feb:2, mar:3, apr:4, may:5, jun:6, jul:7, aug:8, sep:9, oct:10, nov:11, dec:12}; // monPatArr contains regular expressions used for matching abbreviated months // in a date string. var monPatArr=new Array(); monPatArr['mon_strict']=new RegExp(/jan|feb|mar|apr|may|jun|jul|aug|sep|oct|nov|dec/); monPatArr['Mon']=new RegExp(/Jan|Feb|Mar|Apr|May|Jun|Jul|Aug|Sep|Oct|Nov|Dec/); monPatArr['MON']=new RegExp(/JAN|FEB|MAR|APR|MAY|JUN|JUL|AUG|SEP|OCT|NOV|DEC/); monPatArr['mon']=new RegExp("jan|feb|mar|apr|may|jun|jul|aug|sep|oct|nov|dec",'i'); // monthPatArr contains regular expressions used for matching full months // in a date string. var monthPatArr=new Array(); monthPatArr['month']=new RegExp(/^january|february|march|april|may|june|july|august|september|october|november|december/i); monthPatArr['Month']=new RegExp(/^January|February|March|April|May|June|July|August|September|October|November|December/); monthPatArr['MONTH']=new RegExp(/^JANUARY|FEBRUARY|MARCH|APRIL|MAY|JUNE|JULY|AUGUST|SEPTEMBER|OCTOBER|NOVEMBER|DECEMBER/); monthPatArr['month_strict']=new RegExp(/^january|february|march|april|may|june|july|august|september|october|november|december/); // cutoffYear is the cut-off for assigning "19" or "20" as century. Any // two-digit year >= cutoffYear will get a century of "19", and everything // else gets a century of "20". var cutoffYear=50; /* buildDate does all the real work.It takes a date string and format string, tries to match the two up, and returns a Date object (with the supplied date string value).If a date string doesn't contain all the fields that a Date object contains (for example, a date string with just the month), all unprovided fields are defaulted to those characteristics of the current date. Time fields that aren't provided default to 0.Thus, a date string like "3/30/2000" in "%mm/%dd/%yyyy" format results in a Date object for that date at midnight.formatStr is a free-form string that indicates special tokens via the % character.Here are some examples that will return a Date object: buildDate('3/30/2000','%mm/%dd/%y') // March 30, 2000 buildDate('March 30, 2000','%Mon %d, %y') // Same as above. buildDate('Here is the date: 30-3-00','Here is the date: %dd-%m-%yy') If the format string does not match the string provided, an error message (i.e. String object) is returned.Thus, to see if buildDate succeeded, the caller can use the "typeof" command on the return value.For example, here's the dateCheck function, which returns true if a given date is valid,and false otherwise (and reports an error in the false case): function dateCheck(dateStr, formatStr) { var myObj = buildDate(dateStr,formatStr); if (typeof myObj=="object") { // We got a Date object, so good. return true; } else { // We got an error string. ////alert(myObj); return false; } } */ function buildDate(dateStr,formatStr) { // parse the format string first. var tokArr=parseFormatString(formatStr); var strInd=0; var tokInd=0; var intMonth; var intDay; var intYear; var intHour; var intMin; var intSec; var ampm=""; var strOffset; // Create a date object with the current date so that if the user only // gives a month or day string, we can still return a valid date. var curdate=new Date(); intMonth=curdate.getMonth()+1; intDay=curdate.getDate(); intYear=curdate.getFullYear(); // Default time to midnight, so that if given just date info, we return // a Date object for that date at midnight. intHour=0; intMin=0; intSec=0; // Walk across dateStr, matching the parsed formatStr until we find a // mismatch or succeed. while (strInd < dateStr.length && tokInd < tokArr.length) { // Start with the easy case of matching a literal. if (tokArr[tokInd].type=="literal") { if (dateStr.indexOf(tokArr[tokInd].token, strInd) == strInd) { // The current position in the string does match the format pattern. strInd+=tokArr[tokInd++].token.length; continue; } else { // ACK! There was a mismatch; return error. return false; } } // If we get here, we're matching to a symbolic token. switch (tokArr[tokInd].token) { case 'm': case 'M': case 'd': case 'D': case 'h': case 'H': case 'min': case 'MIN': case 's': case 'S': // Extract one or two characters from the date-time string and if // it's a number, save it as the month, day, hour, or minute, as // appropriate. curChar=dateStr.charAt(strInd); nextChar=dateStr.charAt(strInd+1); matchArr=dateStr.substr(strInd).match(/^\d{1,2}/); if (matchArr==null) { // First character isn't a number; there's a mismatch between // the pattern and date string, so return error. switch (tokArr[tokInd].token.toLowerCase()) { case 'd': var unit="day"; break; case 'm': var unit="month"; break; case 'h': var unit="hour"; break; case 'min': var unit="minute"; break; case 's': var unit="second"; break; } return false; } strOffset=matchArr[0].length; switch (tokArr[tokInd].token.toLowerCase()) { case 'd': intDay=parseInt(matchArr[0],10); break; case 'm': intMonth=parseInt(matchArr[0],10); break; case 'h': intHour=parseInt(matchArr[0],10); break; case 'min': intMin=parseInt(matchArr[0],10); break; case 's': intSec=parseInt(matchArr[0],10); break; } break; case 'mm': case 'MM': case 'dd': case 'DD': case 'hh': case 'HH': case 'mins': case 'MINS': case 'ss': case 'SS': // Extract two characters from the date string and if it's a // number, save it as the month, day, or hour, as appropriate. strOffset=2; matchArr=dateStr.substr(strInd).match(/^\d{2}/); if (matchArr==null) { // The two characters aren't a number; there's a mismatch // between the pattern and date string, so return an error // message. return false; } switch (tokArr[tokInd].token.toLowerCase()) { case 'dd': intDay=parseInt(matchArr[0],10);break; case 'mm': intMonth=parseInt(matchArr[0],10);break; case 'hh': intHour=parseInt(matchArr[0],10); break; case 'mins': intMin=parseInt(matchArr[0],10); break; case 'ss': intSec=parseInt(matchArr[0],10); break; } break; case 'y': case 'Y': // Extract two or four characters from the date string and if it's // a number, save it as the year.Convert two-digit years to four // digit years by assigning a century of '19' if the year is >= // cutoffYear, and '20' otherwise. if (dateStr.substr(strInd,4).search(/\d{4}/) != -1) { // Four digit year. intYear=parseInt(dateStr.substr(strInd,4),10); strOffset=4; } else { if (dateStr.substr(strInd,2).search(/\d{2}/) != -1) { // Two digit year. intYear=parseInt(dateStr.substr(strInd,2),10); if (intYear>=cutoffYear) { intYear+=1900; } else { intYear+=2000; } strOffset=2; } else { // Bad year; return error. return false; } } break; case 'yy': case 'YY': // Extract two characters from the date string and if it's a // number, save it as the year.Convert two-digit years to four // digit years by assigning a century of '19' if the year is >= // cutoffYear, and '20' otherwise. if (dateStr.substr(strInd,2).search(/\d{2}/) != -1) { // Two digit year. intYear=parseInt(dateStr.substr(strInd,2),10); if (intYear>=cutoffYear) { intYear+=1900; } else { intYear+=2000; } strOffset=2; } else { // Bad year; return error return false; } break; case 'yyyy': case 'YYYY': // Extract four characters from the date string and if it's a // number, save it as the year. if (dateStr.substr(strInd,4).search(/\d{4}/) != -1) { // Four digit year. intYear=parseInt(dateStr.substr(strInd,4),10); strOffset=4; } else { // Bad year; return error. return false; } break; case 'mon': case 'Mon': case 'MON': case 'mon_strict': // Extract three characters from dateStr and parse them as // lower-case, mixed-case, or upper-case abbreviated months, // as appropriate. monPat=monPatArr[tokArr[tokInd].token]; if (dateStr.substr(strInd,3).search(monPat) != -1) { intMonth=lowerMonArr[dateStr.substr(strInd,3).toLowerCase()]; } else { // Bad month, return error. return false; } strOffset=3; break; case 'month': case 'Month': case 'MONTH': case 'month_strict': // Extract a full month name at strInd from dateStr if possible. monPat=monthPatArr[tokArr[tokInd].token]; matchArray=dateStr.substr(strInd).match(monPat); if (matchArray==null) { // Bad month, return error. return false; } // It's a good month. intMonth=lowerMonArr[matchArray[0].substr(0,3).toLowerCase()]; strOffset=matchArray[0].length; break; case 'ampm': case 'AMPM': matchArr=dateStr.substr(strInd).match(/^(am|pm|AM|PM|a\.m\.|p\.m\.|A\.M\.|P\.M\.)/); if (matchArr==null) { // There's no am/pm in the string.Return error msg. return false; } // Store am/pm value for later (as just am or pm, to make things // easier later). if (matchArr[0].substr(0,1).toLowerCase() == "a") { // This is am. ampm = "am"; } else { ampm = "pm"; } strOffset = matchArr[0].length; break; default: break; } strInd += strOffset; tokInd++; } if (tokInd != tokArr.length || strInd != dateStr.length) { /* We got through the whole date string or format string, but there's more data in the other, so there's a mismatch. */ return false; } // Make sure all components are in the right ranges. if (intMonth < 1 || intMonth > 12) { return false; } if (intDay < 1 || intDay > 31) { return false; } // Make sure user doesn't put 31 for a month that only has 30 days if ((intMonth == 4 || intMonth == 6 || intMonth == 9 || intMonth == 11) && intDay == 31) { return false; } // Check for February date validity (including leap years) if (intMonth == 2) { // figure out if "year" is a leap year; don't forget that // century years are only leap years if divisible by 400 var isleap=(intYear%4==0 && (intYear%100!=0 || intYear%400==0)); if (intDay > 29 || (intDay == 29 && !isleap)) { return false; } } // Check that if am/pm is not provided, hours are between 0 and 23. if (ampm == "") { if (intHour < 0 || intHour > 23) { return false; } } else { // non-military time, so make sure it's between 1 and 12. if (intHour < 1|| intHour > 12) { return false; } } // If user specified amor pm, convert intHour to military. if (ampm=="am" && intHour==12) { intHour=0; } if (ampm=="pm" && intHour < 12) { intHour += 12; } if (intMin < 0 || intMin > 59) { return false; } if (intSec < 0 || intSec > 59) { return false; } return true; } // FormatToken is a datatype we use for storing extracted tokens from the // format string. function FormatToken (token, type) { this.token=token; this.type=type; } function parseFormatString (formatStr) { var tokArr=new Array; var tokInd=0; var strInd=0; var foundTok=0; while (strInd < formatStr.length) { var charAtpos = formatStr.charAt(strInd); if( charAtpos.match(delimPat) ){ tokArr[tokInd++] = new FormatToken(charAtpos, "literal"); strInd += 1; }else if ((matchArray=formatStr.substr(strInd).match(tokPat)) != null) { strInd += matchArray[0].length; tokArr[tokInd++] = new FormatToken(matchArray[0], "symbolic"); } } return tokArr; } function getIndex(what, from, which) { for (var i = from; i < what.elements.length; i++){ if (what.elements[i] != null && what.elements[i].name == which){ return i; } } return -1; } function reloadSurveyWindow(){ document.location.reload(); } // detect Netscape 4 function function isNetscape4(){ var browserName = navigator.appName.toLowerCase(); if (browserName.indexOf('netscape') > (-1) && parseInt(navigator.appVersion) < 5 ){ return true; } else { return false; } } function uploadFile(systemurl, formE, formName, freeTextField){ if(formE.s == null || formE.r == null){ return false; } var name = "upload_w"; var uploadUrl = systemurl + "/rupload?sId=" + formE.s.value + "&rId=" + formE.r.value + "&en=" + formE.enc.value; uploadUrl = uploadUrl + "&ticket=" + formE.ticket.value + "&fn=" + formName +"&tan=" + freeTextField + "&lang=" + formE.lang.value; var features ="toolbar=0,location=0,directories=0,status=0,menubar=0,scrollbars=1,copyhistory=1,resizable=1,width="+500+",height="+400; //////alert("uploadUrl = \n\n" + uploadUrl); window.open(uploadUrl, name, features); } /** * JSON (Added OPS_ infront to make sure there is no conflicts with JSON used in the main page) */ // Constructor -- pass a REST request URL to the constructor // function OPS_JSONscriptRequest(fullUrl) { // REST request path //////alert('Debugging fullUrl 1'+fullUrl); var i = fullUrl.indexOf('/opinio',0) ; var str = fullUrl.substr(i) ; //fullUrl = "https://webarchive.library.unt.edu/eot2008/20090506164933/"+str+"&nasaid="+Math.floor(Math.random()*11) ; //fullUrl = "https://webarchive.library.unt.edu/eot2008/20090506164933/http://localhost:8081"+str+"&nasaid="+Math.floor(Math.random()*11) ; fullUrl = "https://webarchive.library.unt.edu/eot2008/20090506164933/http://polls.nasa.gov"+str+"&nasaid="+Math.floor(Math.random()*11) ; //////alert('Debugging fullUrl 2'+fullUrl); this.fullUrl = fullUrl; // Keep IE from caching requests this.noCacheIE = '&noCacheIE=' + (new Date()).getTime(); // Get the DOM location to put the script tag this.headLoc = document.getElementsByTagName("head").item(0); // Generate a unique script tag id this.scriptId = 'JscriptId' + OPS_JSONscriptRequest.scriptCounter++; if(!this.headLoc || this.headLoc == null){ ////alert("Unable to create server request - HEAD element is not found in the document."); } } // Static script ID counter OPS_JSONscriptRequest.scriptCounter = 1; // buildScriptTag method OPS_JSONscriptRequest.prototype.buildScriptTag = function () { // Create the script tag this.scriptObj = document.createElement("script"); //////alert('before building the script tag url'+this.fullUrl); // Add script object attributes this.scriptObj.setAttribute("type", "text/javascript"); this.scriptObj.setAttribute("charset", "utf-8"); this.scriptObj.setAttribute("src", this.fullUrl + this.noCacheIE + '&scriptId=' + this.scriptId); this.scriptObj.setAttribute("id", this.scriptId); } // removeScriptTag method OPS_JSONscriptRequest.prototype.removeScriptTag = function () { // Destroy the script tag this.headLoc.removeChild(this.scriptObj); } // addScriptTag method OPS_JSONscriptRequest.prototype.addScriptTag = function () { // Create the script tag this.headLoc.appendChild(this.scriptObj); } // remove the caller script element function OPS_JSONremoveCallerScript(scriptId){ try { var callerScript = document.getElementById(scriptId); var headElement = document.getElementsByTagName("head").item(0); headElement.removeChild(callerScript); }catch(ignore){ } } //Below three functions added to display poll results function getPollResults(resultUrl){ //////alert("Test123:"+resultUrl); var req = resultUrl + '&callback=' + 'pollResultPopup'; bObj = new OPS_JSONscriptRequest(req); bObj.buildScriptTag(); bObj.addScriptTag(); //////alert("after"); } function pollResultPopup(reportResult){ ////alert( "In pollResultPopup" ) ; var str="
  Back"; reportResult_temp=reportResult.toLowerCase(); var resString=reportResult.substring(0,reportResult_temp.lastIndexOf('