Report of Investigations 9380

Fire Detection for Conveyor Belt Entries


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This U.S. Bureau of Mines report details the results of a series of large-scale experiments where small coal fires were used to ignite the conveyor belt at air velocities ranging from 0.76 to 6.1 M/s. In the tests, electrical strip heaters imbedded within a pile of coal were used to heat the coal to a point of flaming ignition. The flaming coal subsequently ignited the conveyor belt located approximately 5 to 10 cm above the coal pile. During the tests, temperature, CO, and smoke levels were continuously measured in order to determine both alarm time and level as the fire intensity progressed through the stages of smoldering coal, flaming coal, and flaming coal plus flaming belt. Analysis of the data leads to certain conditions of air velocity and sensor alarm levels that are required for early detection of conveyor belt entry fires. Two nomographs are presented, which define sensor alarm levels and sensor spacings as a function of belt entry cross-sectional area and belt entry air velocity.

Author(s):Litton-CD, Lazzara-CP, Perzak-FJ
Reference:U.S. Dept. of the Interior, Bureau of Mines, Report of Investigations 9380, 1991; 1-21

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Page last updated: September 17, 2008
Content Source: National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) Mining Division