NIOSH Mining Training Exercise

Escape from a Mine Fire

June 1989

See also: NIOSH mining products
Type: Invisible Ink Exercise
Audience: Underground coal miners
Length: 14 questions
Skills Reviewed: Mine fire escape strategies and procedures, Use of emergency breathing apparatus, Information gathering, and communication

You are the foreman on a 3 entry longwall development panel 2,500 feet from the mains, and 15,000 feet from the portal. Suddenly a cloud of smoke comes up the belt entry. As you warn and assemble the crew the smoke becomes thick. A call from the surface orders the immediate evacuation of the section. The location of the fire is unknown. You lead the miners out the intake air entry only to encounter heavy smoke after a few crosscuts. You direct the miners to don their SCSRs and continue on. One miner cannot keep up and delays the escape of the others. Soon the smoke becomes so thick that visibility is only a few inches. The portal is still over two miles away. You must help your crew escape from the mine before their SCSRs are depleted, but you also do not want to leave the one miner behind.

Materials needed:
Instructor Copy
Problem Booklet 1 for each trainee. May be downloaded separately or duplicated from the Instructor´s Copy.
Answer Sheet 1 for each group of 3 or 4 working the exercise. Purchased from MSHA (, You may also duplicate them locally if you or a local print shop have the ability to print invisible ink.
PENIB Developing Pens 1 for each answer sheet. Order from SICPA, Customer Service, 8000 Research Way, Springfield, VA 22153, Phone 1-888-SICPAUS or 1-888-742-7287, pen # "PENIB", a broad tipped developing pen.
Optional Overhead projector and overheads of the Master Answer Sheet and Scoring Key found in the Instructor's Copy.
Page last updated: September 17, 2008
Page last reviewed: May 30, 2008
Content Source: National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) Mining Division