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United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change

Bonn Climate Change Talks - March 2009

The Bonn Climate Change Talks
The Bonn Climate Change Talks

Seventh session of the AWG-KP and fifth session of the AWG-LCA
29 March-08 April 2009
Bonn, Germany
The Seventh session of the AWG-KP and fifth session of the AWG-LCA, held at the Maritim in Bonn, concluded on Wednesday 8 April.
Agendas and more information on the meetings

Press conference video statement

UNFCCC Executive Secretary Yvo de Boer briefing the press on the final day of the Bonn Talks
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Briefing journalists on the final day of the Bonn Talks, Yvo de Boer reported that solid progress had been made. He said the meeting had given important guidance on what a Copenhagen agreement must contain, and a first round of discussions had been held on what legal form an agreed outcome might take.

With regard to emission targets for industrialized countries, he cautioned that the numbers discussed so far fell well short of the range recommended by the IPCC, and stressed the need for these countries to show greater ambition. He pointed out that developing countries were willing to undertake mitigation actions if the promised financial and technical support were delivered, while some already had climate change strategies in place.

Progress was made on technology transfer, and agreement reached on the need to boost funding for adaptation. Mr. de Boer said more clarity was still needed on industrialized country commitments to produce the scale of finance required for both mitigation and adaptation. He added that real negotiations based on negotiating texts would take place at the next meeting in June.

Negotiations in 2009 leading to Copenhagen
Visit Host Country Website
2009 is a crucial year in the international effort to address climate change, culminating in the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen, 7-18 December. In 2007, Parties agreed to shape an ambitious and effective international response to climate change, to be agreed at Copenhagen.

The Ad Hoc Working Group on Further Commitments for Annex I Parties under the Kyoto Protocol (AWG-KP) and the Ad Hoc Working Group on Long-term Cooperative Action under the Convention (AWG-LCA) will operate in full negotiating mode in 2009 to advance work towards meeting their respective mandates. Important ongoing work under the Convention will also be taken forward in 2009 by SBI and SBSTA.

The first round of negotiations this year took place in Bonn, 29 March-8 April. Four further sessions will be held prior to Copenhagen: 1-12 June in Bonn; 10-14 August in Bonn (informal meeting); 28 September-9 October in Bangkok and 2-6 November (location to be confirmed.)

COP 15 - Quick Information for Parties, observers and press

Danish host country website

CSD Informal ministerial meeting on climate change at CSD 17th session to be held by Minister Maciej Nowicki, COP14 President
14 May 2009
New York, USA
The Polish Minister of Environment, Minister Nowicki, in his capacity as UNFCCC COP 14 President, is organizing informal ministerial consultations at UN Headquarters in New York during the high-level segment of the 17th session of the Commission for Sustainable Development. more
Yvo de Boer Informal Ministerial Meeting: Bali Brunch 2009
26 April 2009
Washington, USA
At an informal gathering of Ministers of Finance and Development in Washington, Yvo de Boer stressed the importance of an equitable governance structure for finances under a Copenhagen agreed outcome. He said that such a governance structure needs to respond to the needs of developing countries.
pdf-icon Speech (211 kB)
Notification Provisional agenda for the United Nations Climate Change Talks, Bonn, 1 to 12 June 2009
22 April 2009
Bonn, Germany
pdf-icon Provisional agenda (56 kB)
UNFCCC Newsletter - Spanish version Lanzamiento del Boletín electrónico de la CMNUCC en Español - Spanish edition of UNFCCC E-Newsletter launched
Nos complace comunicar el lanzamiento de la primera edición en español del Boletín electrónico de la CMNUCC. El objetivo de éste es mantener a los lectores bien informados acerca del proceso internacional en la esfera del frente climático mientras intentamos llegar a un acuerdo internacional ambicioso y eficaz en Copenhague, en diciembre de 2009.
Si desea suscribirse, haga clic aquí.
Previous News and Events
JISC 15 JISC 15 - Joint Implementation Supervisory Committee, Fifteenth meeting
21-22 April 2009
Bonn, Germany
The report and resulting documents for JISC 15 are now available online.
ImageView On-demand webcast  
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06 May 2009 16:57

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06 May 2009 16:46

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