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The Centers for Education & Research on Therapeutics (CERTs) Model for Stakeholder Engagement Public-Private Partnership (Text Version)

Slide Presentation from the AHRQ 2008 Annual Conference

On September 10, 2008, Hugh Tilson, M.D., Dr.P.H., made this presentation at the 2008 Annual Conference. Select to access the PowerPoint® presentation (550 KB).

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The Centers for Education & Research on Therapeutics (CERTs) Model for Stakeholder Engagement Public-Private Partnership

Hugh H. Tilson, MD, DrPH
Chair, CERTs National Steering Committee
September 10, 2008

Note: The Centers for Education & Research on Therapeutics™ logo is on the bottom left side of the slide and the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) logo is on the bottom right.

Slide 2


  • Nothing in this presentation reflects the official position of the...
  • "I appoint Tilson as chair because, as near as I can determine, his conflicts of interest are so many and diverse that they cancel each other out." (John Eisenberg, 1999)

Slide 3

The CERTs Approach to Stakeholders

  • Mission/vision drive choice and strategy for stakeholder work.
  • Public-private mandate drives project stakeholder partnerships.
  • Public health mission drives national stakeholder partnerships, the paths.

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But first...

A word from our sponsors!

Slide includes cartoon image of man in a bathing suit, wearing sunglasses and a hat, and reclining in a lawn chair while sipping a drink, holding a TV remote, and watching television.

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The Centers for Education & Research on Therapeutics

The CERTs!

Slide 6

Background on the CERTs Program

  • U.S. Congress authorized in 1997.
  • Administered by AHRQ, in consultation with the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), as U18 cooperative agreements.
  • Funded through public and private sources.
  • Four centers 1999; three centers added 2000; four more centers added 2006 (through 2011).
  • 2007: Competition/award of 10 new research centers and a new Coordinating Center = 15 Centers total, including CC.

Slide 7

CERTs 2008-2011

Slide includes outlined map of United States with the following states colored yellow or peach:

  • Oregon-Kaiser Permanente Center for Health Research (KPCHR) Portland, OR (yellow).
  • Arizona-Critical Path Institute, Tucson, AZ (yellow).
  • Texas-M. D. Anderson, Houston, TX (peach).
  • Iowa-University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA (peach).
  • Illinois-University of Illinois, Chicago, IL (yellow).
  • Illinois-University of Chicago, Chicago, IL (yellow).
  • Tennessee-Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN (yellow).
  • Alabama-University of Alabama Birmingham, Birmingham, AL (yellow).
  • Ohio-Children's Hospital Medical Center, Cincinnati, OH (yellow).
  • North Carolina-Duke University, Durham, NC (yellow).
  • New Jersey-Rutger's University, Brunswick, NJ (peach).
  • Pennsylvania-University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA (yellow).
  • Massachusetts-HMO Research Network, Boston, MA (yellow).
  • New York-Cornell Medical Center, New York, NY (peach).
  • Massachusetts-Brigham and Women's Hospital, Boston, MA (yellow).

Slide 8

CERTs Mission and Vision

  • Vision: "To be a trusted national resource for people seeking to improve health through the best use of medical therapies." Hence our stakeholders are all those so seeking!
  • Mission: "To conduct research and provide education that will advance the optimal use of drugs, medical devices, and biological products." Hence our stakeholders are those who must use these agents optimally and require the fruits of the CERTs labors!

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A core value of the CERTs program is the belief that collaboration of groups with different perspectives and resources is critical if the results are to be applicable in the "real world." Hence another set of Stakeholders are those with similar missions/visions/directions.

Slide 10

CERTs Approach to Project Partnerships

  • Public Private Partnerships with these stakeholders are essential, not just for financial support, but also for the remarkable hybrid vigor of the CERTs.
  • Over a hundred organizations/institutions have collaborated and continue.
  • Their engagement is carefully measured against agreed standards of public-private-partnerships.

Slide 11

CERTs Paths to Engaged Program Partnerships

Introducing the national program for stakeholder organizational partnerships for the national Centers for Education and Research on Therapeutics, the "CERTs": the Partnerships to Advance Therapeutics, the "PATHs".

Slide 12

CERTs' Paths to Engaged Partnerships ... A Short History

  • "...It all started in 2002 when...."
  • Accountability to Congress.
  • Visibility to the Sector.
  • Invitatory meeting: "every organization with a stake in improving therapeutics."
  • Meet 'on the hill'... a statement in itself!

Slide 13

Paths to Engaged Partnerships

  • Closing the meeting ... closing the deal.
  • Spilker, Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America (PhRMA) (a close paraphrase): "This has been a very valuable meeting of a group which needs to meet regularly. I move that we request that the CERTs act as a convener and we meet annually to keep doing this."
  • Unanimous!

Slide 14

CERTs' Partnerships to Advance Therapeutics (PATHs) Partners ... WHO?

  • National Level Organizations.
  • A major focus on improving health through improved therapeutics (biologics, drugs, devices).
  • Named senior executive "most responsible" for the therapeutics initiatives in your organization."
  • "Look around you ... who is missing? .. Get them here!"

Slide 15

CERTs PATHS Stakeholders

  • Government (FDA, AHRQ, National Institutes of Health [NIH], Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services [CMS], the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC], Department of Defense [DoD], Department of Veterans' Affairs [VA]...).
  • Industry (Drugs, Bio, Devices).
  • Academia.
  • Professions.
  • Practice/Practice Organizations.
  • Consumers/Patients.

Slide 16

CERTs' PATHS Partners How?

  • Formal listed 'membership'.
  • Inventory maintained on the CERTs Web site.
  • Program descriptions of major therapeutics initiatives in a "registry."
  • Annual face-to-face meeting.
  • The sixty second introductions!

Slide 17

CERTS' PATHS Partners Why?

  • CERTs mandate to bring the public health perspective to FDA.
  • The public health vision is one of a collaborative system.
  • Public health/CERTs as convenor.
  • It takes a village.

Slide 18

CERTs' PATHS Partners So What?

  • A Network: a treasure trove of talent.
  • A Registry: for those seeking strategic alliances, consultation, alignment.
  • A face-to-face Forum: communication, coordination, collaboration.
  • A Vision: no one agent can do this alone; and there's plenty of work (and credit) to go around!

Slide 19

CERTs Stakeholder Involvement

  • Advantages:
    • Right job done the right way by the right team; Multiple Stakeholders Directly Engaged.
    • Permits synergies & economies.
  • Challenges:
    • Trust, respect, accountability, transparency & time.
    • To make partnership about More than money!

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Peter F. Drucker

  • The best way to predict the future is to Create it!
  • THE CERTs: The best way to create it is Together.

Slide 21

Stakeholders in Therapeutics


Current as of February 2009

Internet Citation:

The Centers for Education & Research on Therapeutics (CERTs) Model for Stakeholder Engagement Public-Private Partnership. Slide Presentation from the AHRQ 2008 Annual Conference (Text Version). February 2009. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Rockville, MD.


AHRQ Advancing Excellence in Health Care