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Agency for Healthcare Research Quality

Appendix: 2002. Statistics on Stays in U.S. Hospitals, Principal Diagnosis

Number of Discharges, Mean Length of Stay, Mean Charges, Percent Admitted from the ED, and Percent Died in the Hospitalx


Infectious and Parasitic Diseases
Neoplasms (cancer, carcinoma-in-situ, benign tumors)
Endocrine, nutritional, and metabolic diseases and immunity disorders
Diseases of the blood and blood-forming organs
Mental disorders
Diseases of the nervous system and sense organs
Diseases of the circulatory system
Diseases of the respiratory system
Diseases of the digestive system
Diseases of the genitourinary system
Complications of pregnancy, childbirth, and the puerperium
Diseases of the skin and subcutaneous tissue
Diseases of the musculoskeletal system and connective tissue
Congenital anomalies
Certain conditions originating in the perinatal period (around the time of birth)
Injury and poisoning
Symptoms, signs, and ill-defined conditions and factors influencing health status

Infectious and Parasitic Diseases

Clinical Classifications Software (CSS)
Diagnosis Category and Number
Number of Discharges Mean Length of Stay Mean Charges Percent Admitted from the ED Percent Died in the Hospital
1. Tuberculosis (TB) 10,118 16.8 $46,700 61.8% 5.1%
2. Septicemia (blood infection) 349,544 8.5 $32,300 74.3% 17.6%
3. Bacterial infection 8,711 7.4 $26,200 53.3% 3.5%
4. Mycoses (fungal and yeast infection) 18,968 9.7 $39,400 57.9% 8.8%
5. AIDS/HIV infection 72,968 9.2 $34,800 75.0% 8.4%
6. Hepatitis 24,502 5.3 $20,600 67.2% 3.8%
7. Viral infection 89,941 3.4 $10,500 60.2% 0.6%
8. Other infections 17,367 5.4 $19,300 58.9% 1.9%
9. Sexually transmitted disease (venereal disease) 4,906 5.5 $16,800 59.3% *
10. Immunizations and screening for infections 1,249 5.7 $12,300 40.0% *

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Neoplasms (cancer, carcinoma-in-situ, benign tumors)

Clinical Classifications Software (CSS)
Diagnosis Category and Number
Number of Discharges Mean Length of Stay Mean Charges Percent Admitted from the ED Percent Died in the Hospital
11. Cancer of head and neck 30,337 7.6 $33,300 19.9% 4.8%
12. Cancer of esophagus 12,490 10.1 $42,500 35.4% 11.7%
13. Cancer of stomach 24,113 10.7 $45,700 36.8% 10.0%
14. Cancer of colon 117,056 9.2 $35,900 26.2% 5.0%
15. Cancer of rectum and anus 47,175 8.7 $34,800 17.8% 3.7%
16. Cancer of liver and bile duct in liver 15,654 7.2 $32,200 45.2% 16.3%
17. Cancer of pancreas 32,201 9.3 $34,900 40.3% 13.2%
18. Cancer of other gastrointestinal organs and peritoneum (lining of abdominal cavity) 19,132 10.1 $43,400 33.3% 7.3%
19. Cancer of bronchial tubes and lung 150,632 7.8 $31,500 40.5% 14.6%
20. Other respiratory and intrathoracic (chest) cancers 2,601 8.3 $37,200 30.5% 7.4%
21. Cancer of bone and connective tissue (ligaments and tendons) 13,865 7.1 $33,400 14.5% 3.1%
22. Melanoma of skin (highly malignant skin cancer) 5,238 3.2 $16,000 7.3% 2.6%
23. Skin cancer other than melanoma 6,632 4.6 $19,600 10.6% 1.6%
24. Breast cancer 109,309 2.5 $15,100 5.3% 1.6%
25. Cancer of uterus 39,676 4.3 $19,600 6.0% 1.4%
26. Cancer of cervix 29,564 3.6 $16,600 10.3% 1.4%
27. Cancer of ovary 25,721 7.2 $32,600 19.7% 5.9%
28. Other female genital cancer 7,861 4.7 $20,600 10.4% 1.2%
29. Prostate cancer 98,794 3.4 $17,900 7.1% 1.3%
30. Cancer of testicles 1,882 5.6 $27,800 25.9% *
31. Other male genital cancer 889 4.5 $20,400 15.6% *
32. Bladder cancer 43,616 5.6 $24,500 17.6% 2.9%
33. Kidney cancer 39,450 6.1 $28,100 13.0% 2.8%
34. Other urinary cancer 3,033 6.6 $29,400 12.0% *
35. Brain cancer and other nervous system cancer 34,048 7.3 $37,700 35.4% 4.9%
36. Thyroid cancer 25,530 2.2 $13,000 2.2% 0.6%
37. Hodgkin's disease 5,575 9.4 $45,100 33.1% 6.8%
38. Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma 45,828 10.0 $45,000 38.4% 11.5%
39. Leukemia (cancer of blood) 42,170 14.1 $74,600 37.5% 16.1%
40. Multiple myeloma (cancer of bone marrow) 17,126 10.1 $40,400 38.7% 11.8%
41. Other and unspecified cancer 9,488 7.3 $35,800 23.4% 5.8%
42. Metastasis (spread of cancer or secondary cancer) 256,872 7.4 $27,900 44.8% 11.2%
43. Cancer without specification of site 5,940 7.6 $25,200 48.7% 24.2%
44. Tumors of unspecified nature or uncertain behavior 47,289 5.9 $25,400 34.9% 3.1%
45. Chemotherapy and radiation therapy 166,320 5.0 $24,100 * 1.1%
46. Benign tumor of the uterus 263,852 2.6 $13,000 * 0.0%
47. Other and unspecified benign tumor 174,274 4.4 $21,900 14.5% 0.5%

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Endocrine, Nutritional, and Metabolic Diseases and Immunity Disorders

Clinical Classifications Software (CSS) Diagnosis Category and Number Number of Discharges Mean Length of Stay Mean Charges Percent Admitted from the ED Percent Died in the Hospital
48. Thyroid disorders 42,724 3.0 $13,400 26.0% 0.4%
49. Diabetes mellitus without complication 22,744 3.7 $7,500 55.6% *
50. Diabetes mellitus with complications 467,550 5.5 $18,000 65.4% 1.3%
51. Other endocrine (hormone) disorders 44,229 4.9 $16,700 55.9% 1.8%
52. Nutritional deficiencies 13,647 8.4 $21,800 39.4% 6.3%
53. Disorders of lipid metabolism (primarily high cholesterol) 974 4.1 $12,500 55.1% *
54. Gout 14,350 4.3 $11,300 72.7% *
55. Fluid and electrolyte disorders (primarily dehydration and fluid overload) 592,033 4.1 $11,300 66.3% 2.9%
56. Cystic fibrosis 6,945 9.7 $38,400 20.7% 2.0%
57. Immunity disorders 1,427 8.7 $34,300 28.5% *
58. Other nutritional, endocrine, and metabolic disorders 127,842 4.5 $24,800 18.4% 1.5%

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Diseases of the Blood and Blood-forming Organs

Clinical Classifications Software (CSS) Diagnosis Category and Number Number of Discharges Mean Length of Stay Mean Charges Percent Admitted from the ED Percent Died in the Hospital
59. Iron deficiency and other anemia 173,130 4.1 $14,800 52.1% 1.6%
60. Posthemorrhagic anemia (acute anemia from bleeding) 10,775 3.8 $12,000 58.7% 2.5%
61. Sickle cell anemia 74,537 5.8 $15,800 72.6% 0.5%
62. Coagulation and bleeding disorders 49,033 4.8 $22,200 55.7% 3.6%
63. Diseases of white blood cells 50,667 5.3 $19,400 49.5% 2.0%
64. Other hematologic (blood) conditions 8,054 6.6 $28,100 54.2% 4.3%

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Mental Disorders

Clinical Classifications Software (CSS) Diagnosis Category and Number Number of Discharges Mean Length of Stay Mean Charges Percent Admitted from the ED Percent Died in the Hospital
65. Mental retardation 459 9.7 $19,600 65.0% *
66. Alcohol abuse disorders 229,631 4.3 $8,400 61.4% 0.1%
67. Drug abuse disorders 188,455 5.1 $9,300 44.3% 0.1%
68. Senility and organic mental disorders (decrease in mental function due to physical disorder) 137,023 8.7 $14,700 59.4% 1.7%
69. Affective or mood disorders (depression and bipolar disorder) 654,648 7.9 $11,500 51.4% 0.0%
70. Schizophrenia 282,884 13.0 $18,300 55.5% *
71. Psychotic disorders other than schizophrenia 73,482 8.9 $14,300 58.8% 0.2%
72. Anxiety and personality disorders 65,302 5.9 $10,300 61.9% *
73. Preadult mental disorders 14,293 12.5 $23,000 45.9% *
74. Other mental conditions 140,778 4.9 $7,900 58.8% *
75. History of mental disorder, observation for possible mental disorder 237 2.8 $4,200 60.6% *

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Diseases of the Nervous System and Sense Organs

Clinical Classifications Software (CSS) Diagnosis Category and Number Number of Discharges Mean Length of Stay Mean Charges Percent Admitted from the ED Percent Died in the Hospital
76. Meningitis 50,359 4.9 $18,200 75.6% 1.9%
77. Encephalitis 9,533 9.7 $39,300 61.7% 5.0%
78. Polio and other brain or spinal infections 7,421 13.0 $63,200 55.5% 5.5%
79. Parkinson's disease 20,694 6.0 $17,000 58.7% 2.4%
80. Multiple sclerosis 20,905 5.1 $14,100 49.9% 0.4%
81. Other hereditary and degenerative nervous system conditions 37,375 6.0 $22,500 45.7% 2.6%
82. Paralysis 8,872 6.6 $21,700 43.9% 0.7%
83. Epilepsy, convulsions 246,859 3.8 $14,400 71.1% 0.9%
84. Headache, including migraine 73,828 2.8 $8,900 65.0% *
85. Coma, stupor, and brain damage 24,966 6.2 $22,100 75.1% 12.0%
86. Cataract 1,302 * $8,900 5.2% *
87. Retinal detachments, defects, vascular occlusion, and retinopathy (diseases of retina—back of eye) * 2.3 $13,500 14.8% *
88. Glaucoma * * $11,600 28.4% *
89. Blindness and vision problems 3,681 2.8 $9,900 71.4% *
90. Infections or inflammation of eye 16,941 4.0 $11,500 47.1% *
91. Other eye disorders 9,519 2.9 $11,800 37.7% *
92. Otitis media (middle ear infection) and related conditions 15,432 2.8 $9,400 39.4% *
93. Dizziness or vertigo (spinning sensation) 77,737 2.5 $9,000 79.4% *
94. Other ear and sense organ disorders 9,594 3.1 $17,800 41.1% *
95. Other nervous system disorders 127,385 5.0 $19,800 55.8% 1.3%

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Diseases of the Circulatory System

Clinical Classifications Software (CSS) Diagnosis Category and Number Number of Discharges Mean Length of Stay Mean Charges Percent Admitted from the ED Percent Died in the Hospital
96. Heart valve disorders 92,334 8.8 $70,900 21.3% 3.9%
97. Pericarditis, endocarditis, myocarditis, cardiomyopathy (disorders of heart muscle and surrounding tissue) 75,795 7.1 $34,100 59.4% 5.4%
98. Hypertension (high blood pressure) 69,577 3.0 $10,100 71.7% *
99. High blood pressure with complications 237,380 5.5 $22,400 66.3% 2.7%
100. Heart attack (acute myocardial infarction) 764,133 5.4 $36,700 65.4% 7.8%
101. Hardening of the heart arteries (coronary atherosclerosis) 1,292,533 3.6 $29,800 43.8% 0.7%
102. Chest pain 884,996 1.9 $9,400 81.6% 0.1%
103. Pulmonary heart disease (heart disease due to lung disorders) 117,301 6.7 $23,400 68.9% 5.2%
104. Other and ill-defined heart disease 4,881 4.4 $27,600 52.2% 3.6%
105. Disturbance of electrical activity of heart (conduction disorders) 74,152 3.3 $31,500 44.0% 1.4%
106. Cardiac dysrhythmias (irregular heart beat) 712,821 3.6 $20,200 60.8% 1.2%
107. Cardiac arrest and ventricular fibrillation (uncoordinated contraction of heart) 16,950 4.8 $41,100 71.4% 53.6%
108. Congestive heart failure 1,057,673 5.6 $20,600 72.7% 4.4%
109. Acute cerebrovascular disease (stroke) 564,129 6.4 $24,600 79.0% 10.6%
110. Stenosis of precerebral arteries (blockage of arteries leading to brain) 158,704 2.7 $18,000 12.5% 0.4%
111. Other cerebrovascular disease (other blockage of blood supply to brain) 22,268 4.9 $23,400 54.6% 1.4%
112. Transient cerebral ischemia (a temporary interruption of blood supply to the brain, mini-stroke) 211,092 3.2 $11,800 82.0% 0.2%
113. Late effects of stroke 20,630 9.8 $19,500 49.2% 5.0%
114. Peripheral and visceral atherosclerosis (hardening of arteries outside heart) 168,971 6.0 $29,700 32.8% 5.4%
115. Aneurysm (ballooning or rupture of an artery) 78,627 7.6 $55,300 26.9% 10.9%
116. Arterial embolism or thrombosis (blood clots) 37,693 6.9 $35,400 38.3% 5.6%
117. Other circulatory (blood vessel) disease 119,874 4.4 $17,100 61.3% 2.4%
118. Phlebitis, thrombophlebitis and thromboembolism (inflammation and blood clots in the veins) 166,603 5.3 $14,300 48.6% 1.1%
119. Varicose veins in lower extremity (leg) 5,973 5.9 $15,100 34.0% *
120. Hemorrhoids 31,678 3.1 $10,900 59.2% 0.4%
121. Other diseases of veins and lymph system 22,755 6.3 $19,200 43.9% 1.6%

x Weighted national estimates from HCUP Nationwide Inpatient Sample (NIS), 2002, based on data collected by individual States and provided to AHRQ by the States. Total number of weighted discharges in the U.S. based on HCUP NIS = 37,804,021. Statistics based on estimates with a relative standard error (standard error/weighted estimate) greater than 0.30 or with standard error = 0 are not reliable. These statistics are suppressed and are designated with an asterisk (*).

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