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Current Air Quality Conditions & Air Quality Forecast

The current San Luis Obispo County air quality conditions and air quality forecast are now available on-line.  You can also sign up to receive the daily air quality forecast via email, page or text message.  More  

ConocoPhillips Proposed Throughput Increase Project

The APCD released the Notice of Preparation (NOP) for the environmental evaluation for ConocoPhillips proposed project to increase the throughput by 12.5% at their refinery on the Nipomo Mesa. A Public Scoping Meeting was held on Wednesday, October 22 at the South County Regional Center.

Links to PDF files: Notice of Public Scoping Meeting, Notice of Preperation of EIR

San Luis Obispo County Green Awards

Six businesses and nonprofits were honored Nov. 13 with the inaugural San Luis Obispo County Green Awards at a luncheon ceremony put on by the San Luis Obispo Chamber of Commerce. More  

Proposed Motor Vehicle Coating Rule 423 Revision

District Rule 423, Motor Vehicle and Mobile Equipment Coating Operations is proposed for revision to align the rule with statewide standards. A rule workshop was held with the industry on June 25, 2008 and comments from the rule development workshop, the California Air Resources Board and industry representatives were incorporated into this proposal. The final Proposed Rule and Staff Report are posted below with minor changes from the Draft Rule 423 posted on October 10, 2008.

Link to PDF files: Rule 423 Public Hearing Notice, Proposed Rule 423, Proposed Rule 423 Staff Report

Winery Permits

On July 23rd the Air Pollution Control Board adopted a permit fee schedule for wine operations that ferment, or store in barrels, 26,000 gallons or more of wine in any calendar year. Those facilities are now required to have a permit from the APCD. Wine operations below the 26,000 gallons per year threshold are not required to have permits. Permit applications for operations that require permits are due by October 15, 2008. Please contact Gary Willey at (805) 781-5937 or Courtney Ward at (805) 781-5912 for more information. More  

County Residents Rank Air Quality, Climate Change and Land Use Issues

Results are now available for the Countywide Public Opinion Survey that was conducted in January 2008. The Public Opinion Survey report provides detailed information on the responses from the phone and "volunteer" survey, and evaluates the data on a sub-regional and Countywide basis. More

Carl Moyer Grant Program

The San Luis Obispo County Air Pollution Control District (APCD) has issued a Request For Proposals (RFP) for the 2008/2009 Carl Moyer Grant Program to reduce ozone forming and toxic emissions from aging heavy-duty off-road, on-road vehicles and stationary agricultural engines.  $861,610 is available for eligible projects within SLO County.  State allocated Carl Moyer Grant funds and locally generated DMV registration funds (AB 923) are used in this grant program to reduce toxic diesel emissions throughout SLO County.  More

Greenhouse Gases

Learn more about what the APCD is doing regarding climate change.  More

Agricultural Engine Registration

Agricultural engines 50 horsepower and greater operating in San Luis Obispo County must be registered (or permitted) with the Air District before January 1, 2008.  This requirements is found in District rule 250 (Registration of Agricultural Diesel Engines) and is based on the State's Air Toxic control Measure for Stationary Diesel Engines.  More

Nipomo Mesa Particulate Study

Air quality monitoring on the Nipomo Mesa over the past 20 years has shown that the particulate concentrations on the Mesa are significantly higher than other areas of San Luis Obispo County.  A year long particulate monitoring study was initiated by the District from April 2004 through March 2005 to better delineate the nature and extent of the particulate problem observed on the Mesa.  More

Land Use Planning

The California Air Resources Board (CARB) has determined that emission from sources such as roadways and distribution centers and, to a lesser extent gas stations, certain dry cleaners, marine ports and airports can lead to unacceptably high health risk from diesel particulate matter and other toxic substances. The APCD has compiled and maintains a list of such sources within SLO County; this data is available in GIS format. More


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