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Title of Fact Sheet (size) (Please note--most of these files are in PDF format) Print Quality (size) Year-No.
North American Bird Phenology Program (312 KB) enhanced version (1.58 MB) 2008-42
Expanding the North American Breeding Bird Survey into Mexico (312 KB) enhanced version (1.58 MB) 2008-42
Wind Power-Related Research Projects at USGS Patuxent Wildlife Research Center (169 KB) enhanced version (169 KB) 2007-38
Prairie Wetlands and Climate Change - Droughts and Ducks on the Prairies (431 KB) enhanced version (2.1 MB) 2006-3144
Genomics and Genetics Research at USGS Patuxent Wildlife Research Center (44 KB) enhanced version (206 KB) 2006-40
Negative Effects of Commercial Mussel Dragging on Eelgrass Beds in Maine (HTML version for web-viewing) enhanced version (13.8 MB) 2005-3054
Re-Engineering of the North American Bird Banding Program (7.3 MB) (replaces 1999-18) enhanced version (12.2 MB) 2004-37
New York - Home to Patuxent Wildlife Research Center - Syracuse  (329 KB) enhanced version  (1.9 MB) 2002-36
Virginia - USGS Patuxent Wildlife Research Center - Field Station at Virginia Tech (152 KB) enhanced version  (579 KB) 2002-34
USGS Patuxent Wildlife Research Center - Environmental Protection Agency Partnerships (31 KB) enhanced version  (764 KB) 2002-33
USGS Patuxent Wildlife Research Center - National Park Service Partnerships (36 KB) enhanced version  (1.06 MB) 2002-32
USGS Patuxent Wildlife Research Center - State Agency and Other Partnerships (54 KB) enhanced version  (973 KB) 2002-31
USGS Patuxent Wildlife Research Center - US Fish and Wildlife Service Partnerships (32 KB) enhanced version  (688 KB) 2002-30
Whooping Crane Restoration Ecology Team (623 KB) enhanced version  (5.97 MB)   2001-29
Integrated Coastal Ecosystem Science in the Northeast (1.6 MB) enhanced version  (9.7 MB)  2001-28
North American Breeding Bird Survey (BBS) (424 KB)  enhanced version  (3.2 MB) 2001-27
Increasing Band Reporting Rates via a 1-800 Telephone Number (936 KB) enhanced version (6.9 MB) 2002-26
Patuxent's Biological Survey Unit - Washington, D.C. (233 KB) enhanced version (4.5 MB) 2002-25
Contaminants with Endocrine Activity: what are the effects on wildlife? (1.5 MB)  enhanced version (5.83 MB)  2000-22
Virginia - Focus of Wildlife Studies by Patuxent Wildlife Research Center (298 KB) enhanced version (4.3 MB)  2002-24
Habitat Protection for Wintering Migrants (1.3 MB)         enhanced version  (6.4 MB)  2000-23
Integrated Science at Patuxent: Working Together in a Changing World (876 KB)  enhanced version (5.1 MB)  2002-21
Patuxent and Smithsonian Partnership: What is Systematics?; What are Taxonomy and Nomenclature? (349 KB) enhanced version (9.9 MB)  2002-20
Patuxent and Smithsonian Partnership: Voucher Specimens: What are They? (407 KB) enhanced version (9.6 MB)  2002-19
Re-Engineering of the North American Bird Banding Program (585 KB) (now replaced by 2004-37)   1999-18
Patuxent Bird Identification InfoCenter (171 KB) enhanced version  (3.2 MB) 2002-17
Partnerships in Natural Resources (825 KB) enhanced version  (7.7 MB) 1999-16
Mercury and Selenium Poisoning: When 1 + 1 ^= 2 (739 KB)   1999-15
North American Amphibian Monitoring Program (NAAMP) (277 KB) enhanced version  (3.95 MB)  2002-13
Mississippi - Home to USGS Lower Mississippi Valley Research Field Station (436 KB) enhanced version  (5.5 MB)    2002-12
Chesapeake Bay Living Resources--Black Duck (568 KB)   1999-11
Maine - Home to Patuxent Wildlife Research Center - Orono (407 KB) enhanced version (8.3 MB) 2002-10
Volunteer Opportunities at Patuxent Wildlife Research Center (337 KB) enhanced version (6.2 MB)  2002-09
Understanding Food Webs in the Chesapeake Bay (678 KB)   1999-08
Georgia - Home to USGS  Patuxent Wildlife Research Center - Athens (479 KB) enhanced version  (4.3 MB)  2002-07
Rhode Island - Home to USGS  Coastal Research Field Station (480 KB) enhanced version  (3.2 MB)  2002-06
Maryland - Home to Patuxent Wildlife Research Center (1.6 MB) enhanced version (8.1 MB)  2007-05
Patuxent Wildlife Research Center (1 MB) enhanced version (7.2 MB)  2007-04
New Frontier in Migratory Bird Conservation (258 KB)   1999-03
Information on Chemicals that Affect Health of Atlantic Coast Wildlife Available on Internet (291 KB)   1999-02
South American Nutria Destroy Marshes (357 KB)   1999-01

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