For Immediate Release:
November 30, 1999
CONTACT: Ranjit de Silva
(202) 482-7002

New Version of InterNIC Website to be Launched December 1

Washington, DC -- The Commerce Department today announced that a new version of the InterNIC website will be launched on December 1, at The new site will provide the public with information regarding domain name registration and a directory of domain name registrars accredited by the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) that are currently taking registrations in the .com, .net and .org domains.

This site will help further the competitive domain name registration environment by informing the public about domain name registration options. In order to make future site improvements more user-friendly, an electronic mail address for public comments and suggestions will be posted on the InterNIC website within the next two weeks.

Under the terms of the agreements between the Department of Commerce, ICANN, and Network Solutions, Inc. (NSI) signed on November 10, NSI will be operating the InterNIC website on behalf of the Department of Commerce for the next several months. During that time, the InterNIC website will be transferred to the Department of Commerce.

The launch of the website coincides with a technical change related to access of registry data through what is known by the Internet technical community as a "Port 43" query. The new query response is being implemented by NSI under the terms of the November 10 agreements.


The National Telecommunications and Information Administration serves as the principal adviser to the President, Vice President, and Secretary of Commerce on domestic and international communications and information issues and represents the Executive Branch before Congress, other Federal agencies, foreign governments and international organizations. Information regarding NTIA and NTIA activities can be found at