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Acting Assistant Secretary



03/10/2009 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act
05/30/2007 U. S. Conference of Mayors
03/12/2007 Digital-to-Analog Converter Box
09/12/2006 John Kneuer Confirmation Hearing
11/03/2005 Trade Assoc. Roundtable
02/08/2005 Web-Based High Speed Wireless Links
01/24/2005 Spectrum Group Planning Meeting
06/25/2004 President Bush receives demonstrations on various wireless and broadband technologies
02/24/2004 Spectrum Meeting
12/10/2002 Chairman Powell & Asst. Secretary Victory Meet on Spectrum
08/14/2002 Convergence Technologies Roundtable
06/05/2002 D.A.S. Michael Gallagher Testifies
04/19/2002 Meeting of Sector Coordinators and Memorandum of Understanding
04/04/2002 Spectrum Summit
02/08/2002 Nancy Victory Keynotes Alliance for Public Technology

  US Department of Commerce, 1401 Constitution Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20230
Last Updated: March 13, 2009 10:57 AM

Contact Secretary Gutierrez by e-mail at cgutierrez@doc.gov.
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