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The Years In Pictures
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Commerce -
100th Anniversary

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09/29/2008 Update 2008 Conference
05/09/2007 Undersecretary Mario Mancuso Confirmation Hearing
10/20/2006 Asst. Secretary Chris Padilla Swearing In
10/16/2006 2006 Update Conference
10/12/2006 Deemed Export Advisory Committee
09/27/2006 Confirmation Hearing Asst. Secretary Christopher Padilla
01/20/2006 Radio Day
12/15/2005 Swearing In Darryl Jackson
11/22/2005 U.S.- India High Tech Media Roundtable
11/07/2005 Swearing In David McCormick
10/26/2005 US/Malaysia Export Control
11/18/2004 India High Tech Forum
10/04/2004 2004 Update Conference
07/01/2003 U. S. - India Financing Innovation Forum
06/05/2003 Testimony on the Defense Production Act
04/24/2003 Annual Hong Kong Bilateral Meeting
03/24/2003 Azerbaijan Parliamentary Forum
03/19/2003 Reauthorization of the Defense Production Act
02/25/2003 U.S. - Pakistan Export Control Senior Policy Exchange
02/05/2003 Statement of Principles for U.S.- India High Tech Commerce
10/10/2002 Update Conference
04/09/2002 United Arab Emirates Executive Exchange

  US Department of Commerce, 1401 Constitution Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20230
Last Updated: February 4, 2009 3:16 PM

Contact Secretary Gutierrez by e-mail at cgutierrez@doc.gov.
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