NIOSHTIC-2 No. 20032496

Best Practices for Underground Diesel Emissions


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Based on their findings, the task group offered several best practice recommendations that a mine may want to follow to implement a successful ceramic DPM filter program. 1. Mines using diesel equipment under ground should consider having a diesel point person, or champion, for their program. Having one champion eliminates many problems since this point-of-contact person knows all of the details and maintenance particulars of the diesel powered equipment. 2. Mine operators should use the lowest emitting engines available. The use of clean engines will extend the time between filter regeneration or change out. 3. Mine operators should conduct regular emissions testing; these tests should include both smoke spot and CO tests. 4. Mines should regularly monitor engine backpressure; increased backpressure is a good indicator of the need to regenerate or replace the DPM filter. 5. Mine operators should consider using both backpressure warning devices and pressure gauges to monitor engine backpressure. 6. Mines should use engine operating hours as a supplementary metric to determine when the tilters on each machine are due for change out and regeneration. 7. Mine operators using diesel equipment should consider purchasing extra ceramic filters for their equipment; this will help minimize downtime when dirty filters must be regenerated. Many more components make up a diesel program. The best practices identified, however, are believed to be key elements for implementation of a successful effort using ceramic filters.

Author(s):Patts-LD, Brnich-MJ
Reference:Coal Age 2007 Aug; 112(8):20-21

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Page last updated: September 17, 2008
Content Source: National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) Mining Division