Internship Opportunities

  Career Guide
General Information
Seasonal Employment
Volunteers in Parks
OPM Job Announcements
  Cultural Resources Diversity Internship Program (CRDIP)

Internships are available, but are administered at the park level or in various NPS centers and offices. Therefore, there is no centralized list of available internships. If you are looking for an internship in a park, we suggest that you select one or more parks that interest you and contact them directly by telephone or mail. If you are interested in an internship dealing with cultural resources, such as history, archeology, curation and museums, or historic architecture, please visit the National Council for Preservation Education at PreserveNet for more information.

Student Conservation Association

The Student Conservation Association (SCA) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit educational organization incorporated in New York. It operates three volunteer programs: the Resource Assistant Program for young adults, the High School Program, and the Conservation Career Development Program. Resource Assistants serve in areas administered by NPS, BLM, and other federal, state, local and private entities. Resource Assistants serve as volunteer seasonal staff, working side by side with other professional staff. They are not paid, but receive funds to cover travel, a subsistence for food and housing, and a uniform allowance. High School Program crews consist of six to ten volunteers and their leaders performing conservation maintenance tasks. Leaders are experienced in all aspects of outdoor living and conservation work. Most groups are co-educational, and have an equal number of young men and women. Some 2,600 high school students and young adults are placed each year. The Conservation Career Development Program fosters conservation career opportunities for minority youth through service, counseling, and educational grants. (For information contact Student Conservation Association, 1800 N. Kent St., Arlington, VA 22209, 703-524-2441)

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Last Updated: Wednesday, 18-Oct-2006 16:18:58 Eastern Daylight Time /personnel/intern.htm